webster 90 Posted December 14, 2012 Report Share Posted December 14, 2012 another thing , will we still be subject too the 12lb rule if we have to licence first ,ireland dont have a power restriction so why should we Quote Link to post
webster 90 Posted December 14, 2012 Report Share Posted December 14, 2012 came out in the court case but somehow got swept under the carpet Quote Link to post
AirgunGuy 362 Posted December 14, 2012 Report Share Posted December 14, 2012 another thing , will we still be subject too the 12lb rule if we have to licence first ,ireland dont have a power restriction so why should we I agree mate that the 12FPE rule will still apply but the new legislation may make it easier for licensed airgunners to attain FAC air as you would have to be a responsible airgunner in the 1st place in order to get a license for sub 12FPE Quote Link to post
malcy 2 Posted December 15, 2012 Report Share Posted December 15, 2012 Nice point on the 12 lbs rule airgunguy ,yes it would make it easyer for a fac air riffle.Could do with a few extra ft lbs for the crows good news for us.But the msp have no sense as they try to make it harder to own a sub 12lbs but also easy to get a high power fac air riffle.As most of us are happy with 12 lbs riffles if we all have to get permeted i think a lot might just go for an increase in power as is the same paper work.But on the other hand so if a wee ned or smack head screws some ones gun cabinet or rfd shop they will be running about with a high power air rifle instead of sub 12 i wonder if the msp"s thought of that one Quote Link to post
pianoman 3,587 Posted December 15, 2012 Report Share Posted December 15, 2012 (edited) It would be nice if FAC options might be a little easier to obtain as a result of a general airgun licence. But I somehow doubt that making it harder to obtain a sub-12 ft/lb rifle will make it easier to obtain a 21 ft/lb one! There will be a clause on that one, you'll see. The only people who are penalized by the law these days, are the law-abiding. Criminals don't give a toss what our Politicians say or do and even less for the Police. The current shooting attrocity of little schoolchildren in Connecticut, America will not go unconsidered and mentioned in the proposal of licencing, even though they have nothing whatsover to do with this horrific event. But only fuel the flames even more. There are estimated to be over one million airguns in circulation in this country. God knows how they will licence and control the movement of this amount of hardware? One thing for certain. This being Britain, it will be a bloody great cock up and mess from top to bottom when/if they try to implement this measure. Once word of restriction gets out, the sales of air guns will soar before it becomes law; by many who might never have thought of getting one. It will only serve to record the air rifles and pistols owned by us, the law abiding and responsible owners of these guns. It will not do a bloody thing to prevent smack-heads and chav scum on estates miles from so much as a blade of grass and an inability to even spell permission, getting hold of unlicenced air rifles and doing whatever vandalism/crime with them and raise the profile of air rifles in an even poorer light; and we will get the bill for that too. And it won't resurrect the dead! But hey, it'll be a pile more shit to deal with for the rest of us. You just wait and see! Pianoman Edited December 15, 2012 by pianoman 1 Quote Link to post
barrywhite 282 Posted December 15, 2012 Report Share Posted December 15, 2012 MacCaskill was on the Scottish news today talking about it and it does look as though it will go through the Scottish Parliament in the next couple of years. I don't think us guys that do pest control or are members of clubs have too much to worry about. We will need a license and will have to prove that we have active permissions/references/club membership etc but other than that i think most of us will be ok.....unless maybe you have a poor criminal record. It's the guys that have air rifles in their possession and have no reason to have them that will bear the brunt of this legislation. the good thing about air guns is the casual way they can be used .If you need to shout a problem rat rabbit pigeon squirrel ect .the problem may come one year not the next so one or two shots a year may be all that is needed for some people. also already millions of air gun users shoot a home no problems so why is shooting at a club now necessary .as for criminal checks x criminals have access to air guns now that is not causing problems .....so I think most of us will not be ok . Quote Link to post
barrywhite 282 Posted December 15, 2012 Report Share Posted December 15, 2012 The problem I see with this legislation coming in is .Scotland could be come a wash with cheap illegal and abandoned air guns ,some falling in to the hands of children who just want a laugh for a day.The problem they want to stop.Then the usual bad press it only needs one big issue then the c..p will drift down to England . Quote Link to post
barrywhite 282 Posted December 15, 2012 Report Share Posted December 15, 2012 Just saw on the same page as that article in the 'related stories links' .. Gun crime falls by 50% in 5 years in scotland... I read years back if Labours crime reduction laws years back could prove to be working and gun crime dropped then no new laws ect were necessary .Even at that time the police said there is no big problem with airguns .So being responsible owners has not worked .MacAskills new chant is what the 21 century needs .Ironic they want to legalize drugs for the 21 century it seems .So convicted drug dealers like Sharon McMillan will be able to sell drugs to people like murdering drug addict Mark Bonini with out fear of braking the law .I read somewhere MacAskill was nicked for being drunk in Wembley does any one know if this is true. Quote Link to post
Marksman 934 Posted December 15, 2012 Report Share Posted December 15, 2012 This topic was on the news not so long ago,they want to bring it in because there were about 200 counts of air rifles being used in crimes in scotland last year (so the tv says) But thats out of how many people who own an air rifle and use it correctly? must be 100s of thousands compared to the number that cause a problem with them. Eventually it will all be like Ireland where you need a licence for all air rifles, which dosnt bother me as im sure if you have a genuine reason you will be allowed to continue using them Just because a druggie shot someone with an air rifle .. its obviously the air rifles fault and not because he was smacked off his t!ts on drugs! ATB Adam Good to see that we are on the same wave length here Adam . add me into that category too..... 2 Quote Link to post
Elmer_Fudd 28 Posted December 16, 2012 Report Share Posted December 16, 2012 There are two points really, if you have nothing to hide or worry about you will get a licence much the same as a SC OR FAC. The other as a group we get victimized as a mass for the actions of the few (the camp im in) and now have to spend money ECT on more hoops to jump through. :-( As for Paulus, i think maybe national statistics or local crime surveys may help. But its a hard one to judge as the figures for illegal to legal are hard to compare with all the variables. My view would be to argue that as a group we are victims of the actions of the few, and suffer as a majority. Perhaps as a compromise raid the legal aga of owning a rifle to reflect crime rates and age correlation (just a suggestion) see if that helps. ATB GAZ Quote Link to post
j j m 6,565 Posted December 16, 2012 Report Share Posted December 16, 2012 It's going t0 happen sooner or later I'm afraide Quote Link to post
john25 1 Posted December 16, 2012 Report Share Posted December 16, 2012 (edited) Hi This petition is doing the rounds sign up if you see fit ............. https://www.change.o....ns-in-scotland Must get a pair oh specs I see it is on the forum elsewhere Edited December 16, 2012 by john25 Quote Link to post
treecreeper 1,136 Posted December 16, 2012 Report Share Posted December 16, 2012 quite probably, But when are they going to realize that making things illeagal doesnt make a difference to people who have no regard for the law in the first place. it just costs everyone more money. Im also of the opinion that there will be alot more people having fac power, because if you shoot under 12 fps atm and you have to fart about with safes and certificates you might as well go full power. Quote Link to post
barrywhite 282 Posted December 17, 2012 Report Share Posted December 17, 2012 a the ONE BIG THING no one mentions is why a license at all ..Air guns as a piece of equipment or a product available to the public without a license . cause a lot less harm and damage then a lot of other equipment and products available to the public with out a license .Air gun shooting as a sport has to be the safest sport to do .if you dont count tiddly winks . Quote Link to post
pianoman 3,587 Posted December 17, 2012 Report Share Posted December 17, 2012 (edited) This is Britain Barry. It's a new Tax they've found to screw cash from us for. It's got nothing to do with safety, or crime prevention. Criminals will just carry on being criminals regardless. It is another example of how this country is now full of nasty little jobsworths that loves nothing more than petty officialdom and overburdening bureaucratic bullshit to bog themselves down with while extracting yet more cash from the British citizen.. It will get people off the dole and into clerical jobs administering it and then, giving them more work to do when they have to untangle the bloody hugely expensive administrative mess it will invariably and inevitably fall into. How British is that! Guns and pellets and pest control and harmless fun and character-building enjoyment for youngsters, sport for disabled people and a healthy outdoor pastime for all doesn't begin to come into it. It's Britain! It's another Tax! Simon Edited December 17, 2012 by pianoman 1 Quote Link to post
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