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Not a single solitary dirty f*****g penny!!!!! Because if I'd dug to it regular enough to know it was a seasoned and true digging dog that could be worked regular it would belong to a true friend who

money and working terriers should never mix if you feel the need to spend lots of dosh go buy a KC bulldog

a good digging dog can be worth its weight in gold

FD, i know where your coming from, i refuse to sell dogs on the basis of "just becuase youve got a few quid doesn't automatically give you the right to own a dog from my yard". That being said i know a good dog when i see one and if i was unlucky enough to find myself short of a genuin digging terrier there isn't a hill high enough or a price high enough to stop me buying it.

I'm lucky enough to have a good yard of terriers and friends whom i "think" would help me out if the need arises.

Mind you with all the shit that goes on these days i think i'de try "yet again" to call it a day and knock the whole thing on the head.

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FD, i know where your coming from, i refuse to sell dogs on the basis of "just becuase youve got a few quid doesn't automatically give you the right to own a dog from my yard". That being said i know a good dog when i see one and if i was unlucky enough to find myself short of a genuin digging terrier there isn't a hill high enough or a price high enough to stop me buying it.

I'm lucky enough to have a good yard of terriers and friends whom i "think" would help me out if the need arises.

Mind you with all the shit that goes on these days i think i'de try "yet again" to call it a day and knock the whole thing on the head.

had a nice russell bitch won a few shows just started grafting some of the top russell club lads where after it i was offered various sums over the summer all turned down --one december morning me and the mrs where woken at 7 in morning a sunday one fella had driven 300 mile i invited him in he chucked 600 notes on my kitchen table thats to buy the bitch he said ,,this was 1982 :blink: i was out of work cash was tight before i could say a word the mrs chipped in i`ll make you a cup of tea then you can feck off :D :D ...in 2005 i turned down 1,200 for a russell pup that had won a few shows Edited by the_stig
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im short of digging dogs at the mo-met a girl,started a family-got shot of all my young uns-kept a dog and a bitch to keep me going-but they are now reaching retirement age -i have the use of a young dog bred from my dog and bitch,showing promise but a tad on the hard side and is in the sick bay quite often-so for the first time ever i have just bought a dog in-a 4yr old honest little bitch off a good lad-know the breeding and its all there she does whats on the tin so i paid the man 300 notes and would have paid double that for what i wanted-you cant put a price on a good reliable digging dog/lurcher in my eyes.atb bobby :thumbs:

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i paid as much as i couldnt afford when i was starting out. got some decent terriers. changed breeds bought in a good bitch. she produced everything i and a good few other lads needed :thumbs: bought a couple of plummers. will never need to buy another. so i would pay well for a decent terrier after that all going well i would breed and rear my own :thumbs:


if you are carefull getting your first terrier then with a little luck you wont need to pay again. ballpark figure for a good working terrier. 500

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