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Scope enhancer HELP

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Hi, I am considering buying an enhancer to go onto my Air Arms s410 with a Hawke Panorama on top and there are a lot to choose from, so i am looking for help.


Firstly, Are they a good idea!


Secondly, Can you recommend one!


Thanks in advance



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What do you mean by 'enhancer' Rog?


Are you talking about stuff like the AccuCovers? i have one on my Ranger and i think its great! although you could get the same effect with 4 bits of tipex on your scope!!


The idea behind them is that the dots are blurred in your vision but you can see them enough to notice if your cross hairs are out of alignment with them - when they are out of alignment it means your eye is not central to the reticle and will give you errors- when the dots line up with the cross hairs you know your all square :thumbs:


If I was to do it again id just use a normal flip up cover and add some dots to it - Much cheaper






Oh and the Accucover also doubles as a flip up cover which will fold flat to the rifle :thumbs: you can also fit a bit of paper with reticle data in it

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Adam i had an AccuCover on my last scope and i also found it a good idea. But what i was thinking about was an eye-cup (rubber tube that goes over scope, to cut out distractions). Just wanted peoples thoughts before spending more money, but might just go the idea of yours about tipex.

Thank you for the help Adam my friend.

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Tried a bisley maximiser on my scope because I liked the idea and design. They cut out all the surounding distractions and light from your periferal vision. only thing was it didnt fit well on my perticular scope. It might work better on your hawke. think it cost about £15.

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