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easy to make slip leads

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do you lads run dogs with or without collars? cheers


i do with my older dog, but can work him of the slip ,so suppose dont need the collar on all the while, not had a collar on my pup yet , so prob work with out one when he is older , just use a rope lead with him for now,but most times he is loose . :yes:


i use a collar and stick rope under it for easy slip when out with my mate. if im out alone i tend to just walk wi her off slip no collar as i get sick of being pulled about and she will walk pretty much by me. the amount of times i hear get 'back here' when my mates dog shrugs outa the slip thats just looped round the neck!!! id prefer her not to wear the collar for the inherent dangers that can occur, but i cant be on with getting annoyed at something that is always going to happen when just looping round the neck, it does nothing for hers or my morale. also last time out his dog got outa slip and joined mine in a chase :nono: .


anyone use the toggle slips iv seen on ebay? they seem to make a collar size loop with a longer running line through a ring?? are they any good? cheers :thumbs:

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I use a leather slip lead now I use to useblue rope but my dogs pull and the rope tends to burn my hand all ways have a collar on my dogs as I lamp with other people a lad use to come with me with a dog what he said worked of the lead did it fek I got fed up of his dog interfering in my run he said it was fine I didn't so I don'tgo with that lad any more he all ways wontad to run doubled up for some reason? Its slip for slip well that's how I do it

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