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Daft idea?

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Hello lads, I have a 4 1/2 month old cocker and was wondering if it's a daft idea to take him beating with me this weekend, not to beat as such he can stay in the truck during the drives. I was just thinking in between drives to get him used to scents and sounds of the shooting field and game in general? Also to socialise with some of the other dogs? Maybe walk one or two of the smaller drives on the lead to see other dogs wrking? He doing really well at walking to heel got the recall spot on and he's got the stop whistle figured out just don't want to ruin a promising dog! He's my first "gun dog" and usually get walked on the canal with the terrier but inevitably she gets the odd rat which is great but don't want him getting in the same habits lol

Thanks ant

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There is a real chance that you would ruin the pup even if you leave him in the van. The noise - beaters shouting, gunfire and if it's the usual beating line, other beaters dogs running wild etc. Your pup is still a baby and needs gradual introduction to all these excitements. But these gradual introductions need to made under your control, not at a shoot, where you have no control! It also depends on what standard of dog you are happy with - a steady,confident and obedient working dog or a wild, uncontrollable dog, you end up embarrassed owning.


A lot of owners are, understandably, eager to get on with their pups training and this can be a mistake. The vast majority of professional trainers would not even look at a pup under the age of 6 months, because alongside training runs the subject of discipline. There are no shades of grey when training dogs, it either obeys or disobeys. If formal training is commenced at a very early stage and the pup keeps disobeying, how do you correct or ensure your commands are obeyed? Would you chastise a baby, because that is what a puppy effectively is?!!


My advise for what it is worth, is let you pup grow up, play with it to form that important bond, let it see you as his best friend. You will soon know when he needs to start his formal training.

Edited by wyeman
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agree with above mate loud noises have ruined many a gundog i fire the air rifle every other day for 1st 6 months throwing the dummy so the dog gets used to things falling from sky and associating gun with a bit fun retrieve /praise/treat! just take a step backwards mate and dont run before learning to walk so to speak atb -billy

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Thanks for that lads and well put ;) I do think I'm perhaps trying to run before I can walk I'll leave him at home. I owe it to the dog to try make the best of him. everything so far has just been encouraging his natural behaviour I've not had to train him as such it's all just been through play ;) I think I'm maybe just that proud I want to show him of to everyone at the shoot lol

Cheers chaps

Atb ant

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I've seen many a dog brought out to early and ruined! Let him be a pup and install biddable ness and next season will come round before you know it! Good thought with getting socialised with other dogs though while he's young.


All the best with the pup



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Some good advice above that I can only repeat.


Folk introduce game too early and concentrate too much on retrieves leading to running in.


Is that the pup in your photo ant?

Looks a cracker. Where did you get him from mate? looking for something similar next year myself.


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Yeah mate that's him, hes from a lad in Kendal wrks near me. over 40 ftch in pedigree 42 I think because yes I am sad enough to count lol got loads of pics but can't figure out how to put them up just in my avatar? Will play around a bit tonight and try to just show him of on here ;)

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