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why you want something that goes into cover when you have all those bushing dogs already? might miss more rabbits being in cover and not waiting for the bolt. just how i see it. atb

he doesnt want a dog that will go in cover ... re-read it :thumbs:

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wippXgr or wipp/gr X bull/gr thats what id get if lost the the dog i carnt even remember the amout of times reble as mist death by a foot or 2 mostly on the lamp its shit to lose a dog you had from a pup but not having a dog about after is just as shit so am allways on look out for a new pup il tx you info on sum pups iv looked at 50 or so litters out of them i like 3 litters but off good stuf but if l lost the bitch and i wunted 2 replace her id be on the look out for a half bull / gr SHDog or bitch x with a 1/4 sal 3/4 gr not found a good llitter of that X yet but on look out

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