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sexual maturity

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  darren m said:
what age do jills and hobs reach there sexual maturity.


At what age would you start to seperate the 2 sexes to be on the safe side .




As a general rule its spring after birth, but as we read on here litters were being born in jan so i would make sure there seperated by november this yr, baring in mind the jill has to be fully swollen so use the jills as a rough guide


Personally i have never had ferrets get pregnant before dec but you will just need to be extra carefull if some of the jills start to swell :D

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This years kits will be fine together until about January or February. The hob usually matures slightly earlier than the jill and will try it on with her before shes ready and can end up marking her neck pretty badly unless you seperate them.


But hobs all mature at slightly different times (depending on age etc) so as soon as you think his balls are dropping you should seperate them.


Hope this helps. :thumbs:

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If you don't know that how on earth have you managed to breed a litter? They aren't fecking mice or hamsters. The females and males don't come into season until the spring/summer after they are born unless their natural photoperiod is tampered with by artificial lighting.

I have kept quite a few different animals in my time and one thing you should always do is read up on the basics prior to getting it, I always have, always got told to and it was always bloody obvious to.


I bought a spitting cobra 3 weeks ago but it keeps squirting me, is a hamster cage not the best thing for him and which type of cheese is best for him as he won't eat this double gloucester???

Edited by gnipper
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  gnipper said:
If you don't know that how on earth have you managed to breed a litter? They aren't fecking mice or hamsters. The females and males don't come into season until the spring/summer after they are born unless their natural photoperiod is tampered with by artificial lighting.

I have kept quite a few different animals in my time and one thing you should always do is read up on the basics prior to getting it, I always have, always got told to and it was always bloody obvious to.


I bought a spitting cobra 3 weeks ago but it keeps squirting me, is a hamster cage not the best thing for him and which type of cheese is best for him as he won't eat this double gloucester???


Darren found the jill, she was already pregnant when he took her in :feck: maybe reading up on the origonal poster of this thread would have been the logical thing to do, rather than spitting venum :laugh::laugh:

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nice one :feck::feck:


gnipper , there is a difference between sexual maturity and in season :doh: i do know that.

but for all i knew it could have been 3 months , 6 months , 12 months etc


when you milk 300 cows / calved heifers a day , i should,nt need to ask , course i know the basics of nature , but every specis is different

bovine , porquine , equine , rodents , canine , mustalids etc etc

hope you understand.


good luck with that spitting cobra :bye:

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  darren m said:
nice one :feck::feck:


gnipper , there is a difference between sexual maturity and in season :doh: i do know that.

but for all i knew it could have been 3 months , 6 months , 12 months etc


when you milk 300 cows / calved heifers a day , i should,nt need to ask , course i know the basics of nature , but every specis is different

bovine , porquine , equine , rodents , canine , mustalids etc etc

hope you understand.


good luck with that spitting cobra :bye:


Nicely put :whistling::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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  Madcowz said:




Whoops what? I'm not gonna read up every thread by someone before I reply to something. Good on Darren for looking after a jill and kits if he found her but what i'm getting at is people should read up on these basic things if your gonna keep an animal. If you go through the old threads on all the forums there are the same questions again and again like what should I feed ferrets? How old to leave home? How long they pregnant for? etc etc and rather than reading through them or getting a book they start another thread on the same question.

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  gnipper said:
  Madcowz said:




Whoops what? I'm not gonna read up every thread by someone before I reply to something. Good on Darren for looking after a jill and kits if he found her but what i'm getting at is people should read up on these basic things if your gonna keep an animal. If you go through the old threads on all the forums there are the same questions again and again like what should I feed ferrets? How old to leave home? How long they pregnant for? etc etc and rather than reading through them or getting a book they start another thread on the same question.


So whats the point of a forum like this then, if you were to only post never asked before questions no f****r would ever post would they, why are you bothering being a member on here if thats the case :D


Maybe thats why people pm each other because of people like you, we all have to start somewhere & dont forget a book is only offering the authers opinion & they may be talking totall bollox, if people post asking a question how ever trivial it may be to a seasoned ferret keeper they should not comment if all they can offer is the sort of negative shite like you have offered.


Apart from anything else you drive people from this site & they find pink fluffy sites & get told all sorts of crap like ferrets need hairball stuff when there moulting & they need vitamins & all the other american shite :whistling: maybe the site should be for info only & no posting facility, showing a little tollerance wouldnt go a miss .

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  ferretlove said:
So whats the point of a forum like this then, if you were to only post never asked before questions no f****r would ever post would they, why are you bothering being a member on here if thats the case :D


Maybe thats why people pm each other because of people like you, we all have to start somewhere & dont forget a book is only offering the authers opinion & they may be talking totall bollox, if people post asking a question how ever trivial it may be to a seasoned ferret keeper they should not comment if all they can offer is the sort of negative shite like you have offered.


Apart from anything else you drive people from this site & they find pink fluffy sites & get told all sorts of crap like ferrets need hairball stuff when there moulting & they need vitamins & all the other american shite :whistling: maybe the site should be for info only & no posting facility, showing a little tollerance wouldnt go a miss .



What she said!





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I have to agree with gnippers second post in a way.


I have just gave away 2 kits to a guy on sunday (no-one from this forum by the way) who said he had kept ferrets years ago so I thought they would be going to a good home. But anyway when he came round to pick them up he was asking basic questions like "will they need to be seperated in the summer" and "what should I feed them" :blink: Anyway I have gave the guy as much information as I could so hopefully the kits will be fine. And he knows how to get in touch if there are any problems so fingers crossed.


But gnipper is right there are just too many people these days who get animals without knowing about them. But the real ones you need to be concerned about are the people who know nothing and have no desire to learn. :censored:


Thankfully this forum is here for the people who do wish to learn, to ask the basic questions and get responses based on real life experiences.

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  gibby said:
Thankfully this forum is here for the people who do wish to learn, to ask the basic questions and get responses based on real life experiences.


And surely that doesn't deserve such a harsh reply?


I read loads of books before even joining here and have had the books (and I have quite a few) contradicted many many times. In fact, most of the books I have contradict each other.


Would like to feel that I can ask basic questions here.




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  Madcowz said:
  gibby said:
Thankfully this forum is here for the people who do wish to learn, to ask the basic questions and get responses based on real life experiences.


And surely that doesn't deserve such a harsh reply?


I read loads of books before even joining here and have had the books (and I have quite a few) contradicted many many times. In fact, most of the books I have contradict each other.


Would like to feel that I can ask basic questions here.





Madcowz it would seem you are agreeing with me.


I was not advocating gnippers harsh reply merely commenting that there was some truth in his second post regarding the fact that many people dont learn about animals before keeping them.


Like I said people are able to use this forum to ask basic questions and they will get answers based on real life experiences from a number of ferret keepers. Which is exactly your point about having books contradicted etc.


So we are in agreement with almost everything yet you started your post as if you were disagreeing.

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If people think asking basic questions is in some way wrong regardless of how long a person keeps that species then simply dont answer, it puts others off posting & asking simple questions when there told by someone to read back throught the old threads.


There is nowt wrong in wanting to get a variety of opinions on a specific question, you dont get that from reading a book, you simply get the given authers opinion which of course is right :whistling:


so unless you have every ferret book ever written you are limited , everyones standards are different as to how they feel ferrets should be kept, fed, housed, the point is on a forum like this you get a good variety of opinions gathered from experience, we can all quote from books & copy & paste its having had personal experience that counts, new owners can gather thoughts & do what they think is best for there ferrets, if what there told dont work or they dont like a specific idea they try something else



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