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Testing the New Defiant HFT Pellets - PCP

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Ok so after the first round of springer testing the new defiants gave some pleasing results


So off I set today with the gaystate to shoot some more groups


Just a little info on my testing methods.. I don't chrono the pellets, I don't weigh them, I don't wash them, I don't sort them in anyway shape or form - I just judge by how well the group forms if they are good or not, now this might not be as scientific as some might like but the way i see it if the fps is all over the place and the weights are all over then that is just going to make a poor grouping and I don't need data to tell me if its bad i have the end result in front of me :thumbs:


I just take them straight out of the bag and shoot them.


I do clean my barrel and lead up with 30 pellets before I start groups of each size so they both have a fair starting point


This is the same method I used with the springer I just forgot to write all this :doh: Also i don't sit doing 5 round groups all night and showing the best I plink for a little while then decide ok next group will be 'the group' and thats the groupings you guys are seeing - I could sit all night trying for a perfect group but that is not really a fair representation (IMO)


I started with the 4.52s as I shoot H&N FTT at that size - I started with 5 round groups single load then moved onto 10 round groups from the magazine - I'm very pleased with how the pellets go into the mag too normally i have to use my little finger to jam the pellet flush in the mag (older gaystate mags) but these just fit perfectly and drop straight in :thumbs:


left is 5 shot right is 10 shot from the mag




Once again not amazing but ok, as you will see from the next pic I managed to get most of the rounds under a 5p




Onto the 4.50s which performed the best out of the two in the springer




Even though I pulled a shot on the single load you can clearly see that the 4.50 group better for my PCP :thumbs: Which is handy as I can now order 4.50s and use them in both my rifles :boogy:



Even with the pulled shot still fits under the 5p :laugh: for me anything under a 5p size is a good size and thats what I aim for with my shooting


For both my rifles Springer and PCP the 4.50 performed better than the brand I was previously using :boogy: for me they seem to be a winner


I would be interested to see how they shoot in other rifles also





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Hmmm Daz and his frequent references to "Gaystate"..... It's a telling sign when a fellow repulses attention to a truth, by the frequent use of a counter-witticism...   Methinks the gentleman doth

I see the maker didnt complain when Roy Williams praised them even though Roy shot his groups without a fixed rest! perhaps hese a better expert than Darrel!   certainly many other shooters didnt li

as if a jumped up prat like that would make me quit...... I'd do it just to annoy him!! :laugh:   Darryl

  On 12/12/2012 at 00:33, Marksman said:

Great and honest review mate.

I do the exact same myself.

Were the groups shot indoors in the hanger??




Yes mate it would be impossible to do them outside I haven't known a still day in all the years I've worked there :thumbs:


I use the old tank hanger where we used to have CVRT tanks, its 30yards if i lie in the open doorway :thumbs::D shooting into a H83 ammo container filled with foam and hessian as a makeshift pellet trap





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  On 12/12/2012 at 08:19, Roy Williamson said:

Glad to see they are performing for others. Lots of peple seemed down on da hft's when i first mentioned them.

Think these are a big improvement over older designs.


Yes most of us tried the Ogives at the Jan meet in nottingham... they did not perform so well





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Reason Pax has made so many different Pellets


So there is a Choice for most shooters ;)


I personally did not appreciate the Ogives

Still Use Exterminator 9.50's for Vermin control


But Factory was ask for a overseas client to make them

Expect they perform Better in FAC Rated Guns -



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Just read this from the manufacturer....


Clubshot wrote:

Really being discussed - Even got Hugh - Manufacture to comment on Pauls Test on BBS ...



Here's the response to save members the trouble...


"As the manufacturer of the Defiant FT pellets I have been asked to comment on the poor results that you have had in your tests using an HW100 magazine fed.


If you examine the magazine you will find that there is a space larger than the length of the Defiant pellet from where the O ring holds the pellets to the breech. This means that the pellets have to jump the gap and do not always enter the breech concentrically. If you examine the prints on the target outside the main group you will find that the pellets have entered at an angle.


A longer pellet will give better results in windless conditions but the Defiant HFT is short as it is designed for HFT shooting and should buck the wind better than a longer pellet.


The reason why it groups better in spring piston /gas ram air rifles is that the pellet is fed directly into the barrel and therefore single shot HW rifles shoot well even though they use the same HW barrel as their counterpart magazine fed PCP.


Kindly redo the results using a single shot tray as we have done when testing the pellets.



Hugh Earl "


Just wondering where it says " Inaccuracy may occur if used with a magazine"??


Anyone got a .177 HW single shot tray I can borrow to try please??



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Cleaned the pellets and re-lubed them last night . Just come back in side after putting 40 pellets down at 35 yard range and found them grouping a lot better.

After cleaning them the amount of lead bits i found at the bottom of the washing up bowl was unbelievable.

So they suit spring guns better why dint they say that right from the beginning . i have been conned

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These are the Same Pellets made for Daystates - but now boxed As Pax Defiant HFT Pellets


They work in countless PCP's - with clean Barrel & Actions - And right Head Sizes


Big issues that many using them do Not use or reply to forum Boards



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