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Ferret fighting help!

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I got a hob kit at the weekend, he will be 6 months old and is quite a tiny thing, and i introduced him to my hutch with 3 jills in and they gave him a sniff then ignored him, not a sign of aggression, just curiosity. went out to check them in the morning and he had been fairly battered, the top of his head looked wet with ferret spit where they had been biting. they hadnt broken the skin so i thought it was just a bit of jostling. went out the day after and he was fine, top of his head looked fine, i picked him up to check him and as soon as i put him back down in the hutch and my jill just latched on and shook him and rolled around like a terrier, locking onto his head. the poor fcuker was screaming, so i choked her off, then a few minutes later put him back in and they were fine with him.


i have introduced hobs in before and i have put them in, watched and they were fine, but they were large hobs, maybe that was a factor? this one will be half the size of the jills, one of them especially is pretty large.


it seems to happen a lot when i am there or open the hutch? he isnt bullied 24/7 as his head is fine most of the time. i am loathed to take him out as he will become a stranger to them again and it will start from scratch. what can i do to help without seperating him or is that the only option? will they ever tolerate him? i want whats best for him as he is from good stock (apparently! :tongue2: ) as isay it isnt a constant thing, so he isnt suffering 24/7 but obvs he cant enjoy it!


any ideas???

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Think shes just putting him in his place but as he gets bigger and older things will change , I going to try putting my two hobs together tommorrow and then back in with the jills if it all works out and i wasn't looking for any problems

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try to introduce them on neutral ground mate,theyre probably territorial coz hes going into their space,,,,,i know youre gonna put him into theirs in the end but try it to start,,,,,,,,,i introduced 3 like that and it works,,,they do scuffle for about a week or so,,,my latest one weve had for just over a fortnight now,,hes right laid back and was getting a bit bullied,,,but he stands his ground now,,,and they all sleep together and get on,,ive got 5 and started with 2,,theyre all ok together,,,,,if he sleeps seperate make sure hes got plenty of bedding to keep him warm as hes alone,,,,,mine slept seperate for about 4 or 5 days,,now theyre all in together and when i feed em early [bANNED TEXT] i got to work,,,their beds like toast now ,just persevere,,,,,if theres no broken skin and no screaming or sh==ting when they fight let them be,,its just sorting out the peckin order,,GOOD LUCK MATE,,DAVE,

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No think hes still immature ? and as he matures he wont take that off the jills ?. as said the question is do you want to keep trying him and leave him in with them or rehouse him by himself ?

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