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Census Figures

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And it took a census for them to realise what the population of foreigners had exploded to!!   Surely they must have had some kind of idea when they opened the floodgates.   A woman on the news

f**k me, what am I doing still living in Ireland if I can move to the UK and get everything for free   Must get Googling...........  

Sounds like a plan, so I don't actually have to move at all

f**k me, what am I doing still living in Ireland if I can move to the UK and get everything for free :hmm:


Must get Googling...........




Yes but your only limited to 32k as a non worker.


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f**k me, what am I doing still living in Ireland if I can move to the UK and get everything for free :hmm:


Must get Googling...........




Yes but your only limited to 32k as a non worker.


Ah Christ, that'd hardly ever keep me in the fashion I'm accustomed to at all.

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I'm sure there is a loophole somewhere. Free clothing and furnishings. Feck, they may even give you an ikea loyalty card or 20 percent off at brighthouse!!You will be raking it in.


Bring your family. The more the merrier.

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Naa. I'm only joking. You will have to stow away in the fuel tank of a wagon. Then seek asylum when your here.


You will be handed a big fat cheque at the immigration department when arrested. Given a big fat handshake and sent on your way to be never seen again.


Along with the other 2.4 million unaccounted for.

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Sounds like a plan, so I don't actually have to move at all :thumbs:


Lol no!! Why bother with the hassle.


Just register in the uk as a resident then build your leprechaun castle with the winnings.



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