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its official the white population of leicester is an ethnic minority

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That's what I'm dreading when my bairn goes to school mate don't stand for it just tell him they can't be friends lol

ive 3 kiddys mate and im really struggling to tell them in a "nice" way why they shouldnt mix without going off on one and completly baffling there little heads. the fooking teachers dont help either by getting the "special kids" to preach in class about there different beliefs and whay its a good religion to follow and allowing them quiet time in a corner of the class to do there prayers or whatever they do on all fours!


theres no nice way to do it,thats why we are in the state were in.glossing over the true facts of immigration.if it was me,id tell them to stay well away from those kids and stick to your own kind,and never engage with them about religion,just walk away.

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Also bbc news saying today that 17% of people in this country at present were born elsewhere... And that 45% of baby's born here are by that 17%.. And they wonder why were f*****g skint and have one

If communities stuck together then this type of thing wouldn't happen, how many feckin corner shops do they need anyway.   The Manic Street Preachers said it "If you tolerate this then your children

I genuinely do think some time in the very near future there will be race wars in Britain, better be soon or we'll be outnumbered. The biggest monumental betrayal of the people of this country is wit

"build it and they will come"


Goverments here and in Britain well know how it goes,if you start moving certain people into the same areas the rest will follow,


there are estastes in Dublin Now that are 90% foreigners in them,Most of the school places are being taken up by foreigners and local kids are being refused ,and if they cause trouble in the schools they get away with it ,because if anything is said to them the pull the race card for everything.

but it's the goverment that place all these in the same areas and give it a few years Dublin will have it's gettos like in America and parts of England.

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one of my lads came home from school a few days ago and toddled about as they do and while sat at the table eating dinner says "dad can i stay at a friends house after school tomorow?" wich friend and why i asked.....he answered " he's called metti and he wants me to go to mosque with him!" i hit the fooking roof. the poor lad nearly shat himself and couldnt understand my reaction. i tried after a while to explain to him why i wouldnt allow it. but how the hell do you tell a 6 year old kid not to entertain these other kids without poisoning there heads and possibly getting him in serious shite at school for it?


why dont you want him too?

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you's are something else you's are whinging about the ethnic minority, what about what you's done to them in there own countries, i could write several books about what YOU'S done... you reap what you sow fkn whinging c##t's


'WE' didn't do jack shit ya illiterate fool! Our ancestors did that and the debate on the rights and wrongs of the British Empire has sweet F.A. to do with current immigration into the UK.


'I' will not be held responsible for the actions of my ancestors hundreds of years ago! Just like I don't hold you responsible for the actions of your ancestors.

Horn Bunter nobody is holding u personally responsible for what your ancestors done over the last 200 years, all you's do is bitch an moan about the paki's indians an all the rest of the ethenic groups living on your soil, your ancestors invaded there soil now its time for them to congregate on your street corners although, i probably ran my mouth a little too much, hit a soft spot did i horn bunter


'Horn Bunter'............. :laugh:


There's something about a person resorting to patheticaly derrogatory name calling in a debate usually being a result of desperation.............. but I'm just a simple horn bunter so wouldn't know such things.


On that note I'll leave ya to it. :thumbs:

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you's are something else you's are whinging about the ethnic minority, what about what you's done to them in there own countries, i could write several books about what YOU'S done... you reap what you sow fkn whinging c##t's


What introduced such things as sanitation, clean drinking water, irrigation, successful farming methods, health care, transport, road, rail and air infrastructure, that sort of thing? Having an empire was not a one way trade for the British, indeed, since the countries have left the empire, most (the notable exceptions being Australia, Canada and New Zealand), most have gone straight down the pan!


Also remember when we were in their countries we also were in the minority and steadfastly remained as a minority!

you forget raped tortured murdered as well as the above infrastructure more like destruction, but i forgot you's aren't taught that in history in school are you's

whats up is the bog too frosty to trot?

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one of my lads came home from school a few days ago and toddled about as they do and while sat at the table eating dinner says "dad can i stay at a friends house after school tomorow?" wich friend and why i asked.....he answered " he's called metti and he wants me to go to mosque with him!" i hit the fooking roof. the poor lad nearly shat himself and couldnt understand my reaction. i tried after a while to explain to him why i wouldnt allow it. but how the hell do you tell a 6 year old kid not to entertain these other kids without poisoning there heads and possibly getting him in serious shite at school for it?


why dont you want him too?

want him to what? go to mosque? would you go? would you let your son go alone knowing where he is and what he is surrounded by?
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what country is left where a white western european can live in that is run for them it seems only europe western europe at that and some other prosperous countries where western white immigrants made a country to be proud of are being flooded and being taken apart from within. its ok for arabs to have wholly arab countries ok for japan to be hugely ethnically japanese yet they had an empire and treated its people like scum even though it was only a short time and s on. And look at countries where western europeans settled and how young they are compared to other countries and how prosperous they became ie New Zeland Australia Canada USA even look at south africa when it weas run by whites even though shunned by mst of the world they made a good country especially when you look at the rest of africa. Iwatched a documentary and barrack obamas brother was being interviewed (still lives in kenya) and even he was saying before the british left there economy and country were even better than most east asian countries and that it went downhill after independance. Anyway only one way this country will be got back by its indigenous people now

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So now the British are to be denied even having an identity, what a particularly vicious piece of marxist propaganda that little gem is, shame on those who fall for it.

Define being German ? French, any country in Europe, lets go further afield define being Botswanan, Rwandan, Zimbabwean, or best of all Israeli, see how it works ? all countries have been invaded/occupied if you go back far enough.

The Globalists have no use for national identity or soveriegn nations, or are you deluded enough to still think it has all happened by accident.

Edited by foxfan
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one of my lads came home from school a few days ago and toddled about as they do and while sat at the table eating dinner says "dad can i stay at a friends house after school tomorow?" wich friend and why i asked.....he answered " he's called metti and he wants me to go to mosque with him!" i hit the fooking roof. the poor lad nearly shat himself and couldnt understand my reaction. i tried after a while to explain to him why i wouldnt allow it. but how the hell do you tell a 6 year old kid not to entertain these other kids without poisoning there heads and possibly getting him in serious shite at school for it?


You've just got to push them in the right direction rather than tell them what not to do. Find something better for him to do on that friday i.e. take him out with you...there's always a way to do it nicely without turning them in to a racist.


But in the end if you live somewhere where you are in the minority I'd just move somewhere else mate. No amount of money or a shorter travel time to work is worth bringing your kids up in a multicultural cesspit.

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The Manic Street Preachers said it "If you tolerate this then your children will be next!"


The Manics were talking about government, not immigration.

Same thing - the EU government is in charge of immigration.. :thumbs:
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The Manic Street Preachers said it "If you tolerate this then your children will be next!"


The Manics were talking about government, not immigration.

Same thing - the EU government is in charge of immigration.. :thumbs:

No it isn't. When talking about the message in a song, the context is quite clear. The Manics were not preaching intolerance of other peoples, they were conveying that the government would have us all enslaved.


Thus, it is a song about over-governing not over-population by foreign races.

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The Manic Street Preachers said it "If you tolerate this then your children will be next!"


The Manics were talking about government, not immigration.

Same thing - the EU government is in charge of immigration.. :thumbs:

No it isn't. When talking about the message in a song, the context is quite clear. The Manics were not preaching intolerance of other peoples, they were conveying that the government would have us all enslaved.


Thus, it is a song about over-governing not over-population by foreign races.

No one over governs like the EU... :laugh:
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The Manic Street Preachers said it "If you tolerate this then your children will be next!"


The Manics were talking about government, not immigration.

Same thing - the EU government is in charge of immigration.. :thumbs:

No it isn't. When talking about the message in a song, the context is quite clear. The Manics were not preaching intolerance of other peoples, they were conveying that the government would have us all enslaved.


Thus, it is a song about over-governing not over-population by foreign races.

No one over governs like the EU... :laugh:

You got me there!

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