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Range estimating

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Here is a little tip I picked up off an American hunting site about range finding.

All you need is two eyes :icon_eek: , and a finger :feck: !


Put your finger (or thumb) upright at arms length.

Shut one eye and put the finger you are holding up onto your target.

Then without moving, open the other eye and shut the one that was open :thumbs:

Now, judge the distance that your finger has moved from the target (the distance taken is at the target),

and times it by ten.

For example, if the finger appeared to have moved 9 feet away from the target, times this by 10 = 90 feet which equals 30yds.

Simple, but it does work as it is easier to judge a distance across your field of view than it is to judge distance out.

To save a math headace :wallbash: I made a pointer with the measurments marked on it (rounded to the nearest yard),

so all I do is hold the pointer at arms length, point it at the target, do the winking eye thing :icon_eek:, judge the distance,

read off the yardage :thumbs:

Works for me. Try it its free!" :D

Here is a piccy of my pointer.


Good luck! :drink:

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i learned my distances by when walking i would look ahead and fix on a point and guess how far it was away, then as i was walking nearer i would count how many strides away it was and before i knew it i could guess distances. but now i have a small hand held rangefinder. :thumbs:

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  richie said:
interesting..... but by the time you do this the quarry would be on its toes.




It sounds a long winded thing but it takes a lot longer to explain than do!

It actualy only takes two winks :whistling::whistling:



P.s I felt a bit of a plonker practicing this method while I was out shopping, mind you, everybody seemed to give me a wide berth :icon_redface:


Regards Andy :drink:

Edited by ironman andy
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