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does a silencer make much difference

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only real way tell what silences best is go try a few, unfortunate, but there yu go.


if your wandering if a silencer is at all worth it, especialy on a pcp (not so much on a few springers lol), then..


lets take rats.

day one unsileced yu nail a load

by day five or 6 you get a few..lesening.

give it two week of 3-6 days a week..one shot the lot are gone

and you say ooo cleared them.(same thing on lamps..white bright to dwindly colours and all in between).


silenced, (like whispa silenced)

day one same, nailed loads.

day 14 still nailing loads off and on, but by less numbers. basicaly yes the numbers are reduced but, theyre getting used to noise.


rabbits..25 yards 3 shots missed 4'th hit..

pigions, 30 yards several shots or untill you hit something that makes a noise, theyre even ducking heads at 40 yards but unbothered...(bar the heavily hunted areas).

jays..oh missed? have another shot lol..you get the jist.


the point being, opertunaties, say you have 3 opertunaties in one evening, BANGING away.. thats 5 you wont even see. if you miss one silenced, chances are you can hit second time..or third, eather way nobody goes back to the warren knowing that sound! (the pellet still 'whistles' mind)


(at distance, especialy with multi shots, you can literally take a shot some where near and watch the pellet against your ret, next shot hits it..its called bracketting).


so..wos think? i like um.

Edited by ghillies
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The sound moderator doesmore than muffle the muzzle blast. It also acts as an air stripper from the tail of the pellet - or at least it should do! It adds weight to the muzzle, so acts as a muzzle weight too.

The benefit when hunting is that the sound is not linear and the quarry cannot pinpoint the direction of the noise. There is still noise that they can hear, and very often they won't like a pellet striking close to them, but if you miss through the air beside them, all they hear is a hornet wizzing past and often stay put. I have a Twink 2 on my Huntsman and it is perfectly good for accuracy. On the Rapid I have a custom made one tuned to the barrel and it is half as loud as the Huntsman with double the power - but that is because it was made for that barrel and that set up. Like a 2-stroke exhaust needs to be tuned to the motor for best efficiency and to get the most power out of the engine. A silencer tuned to the exact frequencies of the pellet, barrel and set up will work the best - it takes an aweful lot of trial and error! ;) A manufactured silencer will be good, but it is beinng made to suit all set ups the same, and they are not all the same, so the results will vary, just like pellets in different rifles.

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acuspell is that one of those AWT silencers on the rapid? semi shrouded.


NO. Far better than an AWT. Carbon tube with baffles set at varying distances to suit the actual barrel, calibre and the air volume released. Fairly large volume to first baffle, very tight tolerance to calibre (20 cal and hole in baffle ring is .21) important to ensure the pellet holes are concentric too. Muzzle tube is 12" long, but being carbon is very light.

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hmm sounds intresting, have you got a link at all?


Link to what? A friend in a shed? :laugh: This was a one off built for my rifle and my rifle alone. He has built himself a shroud for his 30ft-lb .20 cal, it is quieter than my friends Air Wolf with shroud and mk5 reflex for the Airwolf at just 12 ft-lbs. the shroud on his 30ft-lber is so efficient you can hold your hand 6" in front of the muzzle and the air blast is no more than if you blew on it....it all comes back down the shroud and exhausts at the back end, through a series of holes drilled in the end cap at the breech end.


When designing a moderator you need to have some knowledge of acoustics. The first baffle changes the frequencies, volume and velocity of the air, so the second baffle has to be placed according to the altered characteristics of the air blast. Resonation is another aspect that has to be attended to - the Twink is actually very good at managing resonating sound, being made of aluminium.


If you really want to get into the internals of moderators and how to manage the air blast, in this case for very high power (and the resulting pressure) have a look at Hushmouth silencers. An American guy who is making 50ft-lb rifles quieter than 12ft-lbers this side with full shrouds. Not cheap, but engineering excellence seldom is. here is a link to some on it...if I have done wrong by posting a link to another forum (USA one) then I am sorry - just trying to help.


Edited by Acuspell
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