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I have a number of friends and my brother who are gay, my brother is what you would call a "light on his toes shirt lifting fairy" :laugh: and I have no issues with whatever they do behind closed doors. But I do have real issues with adoption/fostering and religious union.


Why can they not be happy that people are far more tolerant these days???


Because like any group of people give an inch an they'll take a mile! :thumbs:

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couldnt give a flyng f**k to be honest, but then again i do live in the real world, where there are more important things to worry about

well i think its (wrong) , i got married in church and even alot of young (men+ women) dont seem to bother today, i did enjoy the day, and my wife really wanted it a old fashion day (30 years ago

Muthafucka yes lol   :laugh:   That's my fairygodbrother   Edited to say - On a serious note what a great and caring uncle to my two girls, shame he's a fanny

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i dont know what all the fuss is about ,..........just a little concerned at all the people reading a thread headed gays..........lol

i cant say i havent got a problem with gays otherwise i would be lying............

i hate to see grown men talking like girls and acting like them.................now there not all like that i know.....

but it is far from normal for me and i struggle to see how they can be attracted to the same sex..........maybe im old fashioned

i also think that it is unacceptable for them to adopt babies/children, for one its not fair on a child and secondly its not natural ...........

if they like something which isnt normal instinct then what would stop them being attracted to animals or kids .......?

im homophobic and not in the slightest bothered what others think about that,...............its just me and the way i see it..............

its the same scenario as people who say there not racist and when i ask them if they had a choice to spend the night in cells full of black or white inmates they usually reply ,....im not bothered- b****cks.........

would you let two gay men baby sit your son for the night - me no chance

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well i hate all this puffy stuff on the tv, two men necking on at at any time is wrong but at 7pm.. kids are still awake and could be watching it!


but i don't mind gay people, just don't neck on round me...ok

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  On 09/12/2012 at 12:49, scothunter said:

there a question now,would you let a gay watch your kid.hmmm no sure on that one.prob not,but then i wouldnt let any c**t watch my kids if i had them.


I don't think a gay person would be any more of a threat to kids than a straight person. After all Jimmy savile was supposedly straight. You need a TRUSTED person for babysitting, regardless of sexual orientation. The list of babysitters I used in the past were all on a shortlist of 3 or 4.

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  On 09/12/2012 at 12:14, Malt said:
  On 09/12/2012 at 11:55, bird said:

well i think its (wrong) :yes: , i got married in church and even alot of young (men+ women) dont seem to bother today, i did enjoy the day, and my wife really wanted it a old fashion day (30 years ago) . Gays dont bother me , but some things should stay for men+ women only :yes:

Spot on Ray.. The act of marriage in a Christian church is a religious union between a man and a woman and should be respected as such.. They're be an outcry if the state decided that mosques had to carry out gay Muslim weddings by law, they'd never allow it. Why should the Churches be forced to carry them out despite the very religion they are there for clearly stating that the act of marriage is between a man and a woman? Nothing against gay people either, they can currently 'marry' and get the same legal status as a married man and woman as it is..


i dont think they are being forced as david cameron said


"he did not want gay people to be "excluded from a great institution", but would not force any groups to hold ceremonies in their places of worship."


so on that note i think the church can still tell them to :feck: :feck: ya wee dirt box dancers

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  On 09/12/2012 at 12:24, mushroom said:

I have a number of friends and my brother who are gay, my brother is what you would call a "light on his toes shirt lifting fairy" :laugh: and I have no issues with whatever they do behind closed doors. But I do have real issues with adoption/fostering and religious union.


Why can they not be happy that people are far more tolerant these days???


Because like any group of people give an inch an they'll take a mile! :thumbs:

Funny that cause he says he's got a brother thats a wee poof tae!!.... :toast:
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