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what defines a working terrier?

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ive kept quite long enough, a terrier is a terrier whether you use it on rat, rabbit, mink, bushing whatever, the name WORKER has to be earned in the way of earth work, pre ban, the dog had to work badger, find stay until dug to on a regular bases, a seasoned 3 year old terrier would respectfully have earned its title and rightly so. A WORKING TERRIER. unforunatley it is now illegal to dig badgers in GB. now the term working terrier is used for a seasoned fox dog. Whether you hunt rat, rabbit, mink, cover. etc. it is not a true working terrier. end of. regardless of what some very nieve people mite think. yis ALLI

maybe so in the uk not here in france.
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vixen the kerry blue was never ever classed as working over here were it originated from they where well known for being gasy cowardly bastids that would bite you when your back was turned as for the

Id like your opinions on what the title 'working terrier' means..... i know im going to take a bit of stick from those that dont agree with me, but im going to be controversial and stick my neck out

If everyone's terriers do what is expected then they are doing their job, don't let anyone on an internet hunting site let you think any less of your terriers for not doing exactly what they say or do

ive kept quite long enough, a terrier is a terrier whether you use it on rat, rabbit, mink, bushing whatever, the name WORKER has to be earned in the way of earth work, pre ban, the dog had to work badger, find stay until dug to on a regular bases, a seasoned 3 year old terrier would respectfully have earned its title and rightly so. A WORKING TERRIER. unforunatley it is now illegal to dig badgers in GB. now the term working terrier is used for a seasoned fox dog. Whether you hunt rat, rabbit, mink, cover. etc. it is not a true working terrier. end of. regardless of what some very nieve people mite think. yis ALLI


With all due respect that may be true in the GB, but it isn't everywhere. A good fox dog may not be worth spit on coon. And while I'd be happy to call that dog a worker on fox, he wouldn't be much of one for a man that hunted coon now would he, or does he catch a break due to lack of available game?

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wm as per usual your posts are spot on,your a very knowledgeable man,but where not all in the same position as yourself ,i have myself worked terriers for 34 years,and up until the ban,all my terriers done earth work,not to the level of yourself or some other folk on here,but they went to ground all the same and done the job,they also excelled at ratting.But as it stands now fox hunting is illegal [well for me any ways]unless like yourself,you have permission to do so,which i don't.but i still work my my terriers on a regular basis for rat and rabbit,i would never compare earth work to ratting or bushing,but i certainly would not have any less respect for the terriers ive worked to rats or rabbits than i would for my terriers ive done earth work with.the fact is i love hunting rats with my dogs ,and bushing with them,unfortunately were i live there are far to many do gooders so earth work is out of the question,so for me the only way forward is to change with change and hunt the legal stuff .and like my self i'm sure there are a lot of folk who would like to work there dogs to fox but can't due to the ban.i agree totally with yourself about finding stud dogs to go over bitches ,should if possible do earth work,and keep worker to worker,i myself own a bitch from good lines and when i breed here next season want to find a stud that dose earth work as well as work above,is my terrier a working terrier in my mind yes,earth dog no,not that she ain't capable ,have to hunt with in the law,we all have our opinions of what a working terrier should be,but all the same happy hunting to you all.kj.

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With all due respect that may be true in the GB, but it isn't everywhere. A good fox dog may not be worth spit on coon. And while I'd be happy to call that dog a worker on fox, he wouldn't be much of one for a man that hunted coon now would he, or does he catch a break due to lack of available game?


Jawn, have you seen dogs that were faultless on foxes fail on coon?

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ive kept quite long enough, a terrier is a terrier whether you use it on rat, rabbit, mink, bushing whatever, the name WORKER has to be earned in the way of earth work, pre ban, the dog had to work badger, find stay until dug to on a regular bases, a seasoned 3 year old terrier would respectfully have earned its title and rightly so. A WORKING TERRIER. unforunatley it is now illegal to dig badgers in GB. now the term working terrier is used for a seasoned fox dog. Whether you hunt rat, rabbit, mink, cover. etc. it is not a true working terrier. end of. regardless of what some very nieve people mite think. yis ALLI


With all due respect that may be true in the GB, but it isn't everywhere. A good fox dog may not be worth spit on coon. And while I'd be happy to call that dog a worker on fox, he wouldn't be much of one for a man that hunted coon now would he, or does he catch a break due to lack of available game?

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With all due respect that may be true in the GB, but it isn't everywhere. A good fox dog may not be worth spit on coon. And while I'd be happy to call that dog a worker on fox, he wouldn't be much of one for a man that hunted coon now would he, or does he catch a break due to lack of available game?


Jawn, have you seen dogs that were faultless on foxes fail on coon?


Faultless may be a stretch. I've seen terriers that would try and draw fox want little to do with coon.

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how many digs on 1st second and third season alli till hes earnd the title worker from your self i no the number will will differ on its working style but what numbers do you look at? cheers

not so much a number thing, but buy the 3rd season you should no if the terrier has made the grade or failed, its not rocket science. to no your confident in the dog your digging to.
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ive kept quite long enough, a terrier is a terrier whether you use it on rat, rabbit, mink, bushing whatever, the name WORKER has to be earned in the way of earth work, pre ban, the dog had to work badger, find stay until dug to on a regular bases, a seasoned 3 year old terrier would respectfully have earned its title and rightly so. A WORKING TERRIER. unforunatley it is now illegal to dig badgers in GB. now the term working terrier is used for a seasoned fox dog. Whether you hunt rat, rabbit, mink, cover. etc. it is not a true working terrier. end of. regardless of what some very nieve people mite think. yis ALLI


With all due respect that may be true in the GB, but it isn't everywhere. A good fox dog may not be worth spit on coon. And while I'd be happy to call that dog a worker on fox, he wouldn't be much of one for a man that hunted coon now would he, or does he catch a break due to lack of available game?



I think your misunderstanding what I'm trying to say. I'm not saying that these dogs aren't workers or at the top of their game THERE. I'm sure that good ones can be worked most places where the terrian and the game are similar. I'm talking about expectations here.

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With all due respect that may be true in the GB, but it isn't everywhere. A good fox dog may not be worth spit on coon. And while I'd be happy to call that dog a worker on fox, he wouldn't be much of one for a man that hunted coon now would he, or does he catch a break due to lack of available game?


Jawn, have you seen dogs that were faultless on foxes fail on coon?


Faultless may be a stretch. I've seen terriers that would try and draw fox want little to do with coon.

fox dont use the paws like hands though do they bud
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a working terrier is one that will go to ground and do what is asked of it whether it be a bolt a dig or a kill,these ones what dont,dont deserve the name terrier,and theres no room in my kennels for them,its down to breeding,terrier to terrier not ratter to ratter or bushing dog to bushing dog, if you want a bushing dog use a spaniel

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a working terrier is one that will go to ground and do what is asked of it whether it be a bolt a dig or a kill,these ones what dont,dont deserve the name terrier,and theres no room in my kennels for them,its down to breeding,terrier to terrier not ratter to ratter or bushing dog to bushing dog, if you want a bushing dog use a spaniel

seen spanial x bullxrussels stay all day but thats another story
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