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what defines a working terrier?

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vixen the kerry blue was never ever classed as working over here were it originated from they where well known for being gasy cowardly bastids that would bite you when your back was turned as for the

Id like your opinions on what the title 'working terrier' means..... i know im going to take a bit of stick from those that dont agree with me, but im going to be controversial and stick my neck out

If everyone's terriers do what is expected then they are doing their job, don't let anyone on an internet hunting site let you think any less of your terriers for not doing exactly what they say or do

Doesnt have to be an earth dog be a working terrier. A working terrier is one that does what ever you need out of it. If that is going to ground on foxes, marking rabbits or fetching shot pigeons as long as your happy with it thats the main thing.

A good ferreting dog is not to be under estimated. A good ferreting dog should flush rabbits toground even if it means tracking across 4 fields like a little hound. It should then mark silently with out digging and going to ground or yapping. When the ferret is down it should stay to the side of a hole not stand in front of it. I liked mine to pin a netted rabbit not crunch it to bits.

My old JR used to also cover the furthest holes from me he was like a second person. Also when he marked if he was out of site and I called his name is actually gave a muffled woof so I could find him it was his equivlent of a whisper because he new to be quiet.

Not every terrier could do what he did and in my eyes he was worker.

He was also a great fox dog but that was just a bonus

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So keith are you telling me a poodle wont kill rats, you really are clueless

for fk sake digger man,put a thread on about ratting poodles,and you'l get some input.stop downgrading folk and there dogs because they kill rats or bush rabbits,there all working terrier's,i'm sure you have real m'coy earth dogs,nobody is slating your dogs so do us all a favour and fking do one,i'm really tierd of all you insults and unconstructive bull shit.
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Just got back home from a day's rough shooting/brushing with my18 month old lakeland x jackrussel, bich on her 2nd season. She put up pheasant and rabbits all day along side my mates quality labradors Went to ground and bolted a fox on the way bk to the truck. Not shore how to class her but she was definitely working!

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Poor keith... i must have hit a nerve- your biteing like a pack of pissed off plummers! I never asked you to comment i asked for opinions, which we all entitled to. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder, and yeah my dogs arnt bad at all because i demand that they upto their true purpose in life- earthwork, and if they dont make the grade i dont have kennell space for them, it costs as much to feed a bad un as it does a good un.

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i sort of agree way the 1st few posts, there is a serious diffrence bettwen a digging dog an a terrier used for bushing/rats or whatever else ye can think of doing with a terrier lol i keep a terrier here an she would not have made the grade as a digging dog, she walked whilst on, then refused to go, she was kept for bushing an other jobs just cos she was a joy to have around, and done the other jobs well. she ended up entering again an bolted her 1st 20 foxes, so i couldnt even get a dig to her lol, i have had digs to her now tho, but she still aint a digging dog in my eyes, the guys that think there is no diffrence between a digging dog an a ratter or a busher, go an try ye ratter or ye busher for a dig, an 9 times out of 10 the dog wont do the job, yet a digging dog will bush or rat allday if given the chance, im sure that says it all.... :thumbs:

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Digger you really don't need to start abusing folk like you do. You where right in the initial post I will give you that. You did say would be in for some stick ,you could call that premeditation. I think you know exactly how it's going to end up, in a slagging match. You need to take on board other people's opinions otherwise what is the point of having a debate. like Keith said: no one slagged your dogs or yourself for that matter. We all get criticism but I think you take it too far Ching chong

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I have a 3X APBT . If he snapped your dogs neck, would he be a terrier or bulldog? If he's a terrier, should I put him down for not going to ground? Then again, IF your black stuff has bulldog blood, are they really terriers?


I have a JR bitch and patt/jack dog pup. Hard as nails and will do anything I ask. Still haven't dug to them, but in my mind their working terriers.




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