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My daughter suffers with it its evil . started when she was about 13 had to check doors windows every night , we put it down to being an impressionable teen and a worrier , but it got worse and out o

My niece has signs of it, the bed straightening thing is one of hers it has to be perfectly straight before she gets in, she has others but probably not too serious ............. I most definitely don

i too have a lesser know strain of OCD i have what they call Oversized Cock Disorder.its a terrible burden to carry ........

I've got the opposite of it, whatever that is! :laugh: Think my mother in law has a touch of it, always got about half a dozen lists on the go because she worries like hell that if she forgets to write something down, she'll forget it.

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i think alot of people have it, things such as checking the doors locked, sockets turned off etc, i know a guy that only wears red trainers, and carrys his own knife and fork around with him where ever he goes,

switches have to be facing the same way either both on or both off on double sockets is 1 off mine , Oh and your friend could use his knife and fork eating out off my wheelie bin it's spotless i clean it that much in fact I don't like putting things in it , I know some will find these things crazy but its something you can't help . . . I think lol .
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My niece has signs of it, the bed straightening thing is one of hers it has to be perfectly straight before she gets in, she has others but probably not too serious ............. I most definitely don't suffer from it... I'm the king of the half finished job lol..

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