Tron 173 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 and now look at us the jeremy kyle show you see today! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ATB Adam Dont depress us anymore young sir Yes those of us seek even more depression to lengthen out our ever shortening days on earth have indeed seen the new generation some of us have spawned on the show you speak of! the ugly faces, the tattoos, the hagard, drug and booze addled mustached foul mouthed creatures who are on every day plus of course their boyfriends who reproduce with such women to make even more of the dregs that are dragging down Britain to further depths! Liemores brave new Britain? I dont think so. 2 Quote Link to post
AR177 588 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 and now look at us the jeremy kyle show you see today! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ATB Adam Dont depress us anymore young sir Yes those of us seek even more depression to lengthen out our ever shortening days on earth have indeed seen the new generation some of us have spawned on the show you speak of! the ugly faces, the tattoos, the hagard, drug and booze addled mustached foul mouthed creatures who are on every day plus of course their boyfriends who reproduce with such women to make even more of the dregs that are dragging down Britain to further depths! Liemores brave new Britain? I dont think so. You missed out the fact they have 'Summer Teeth' Summer brown Summer black Summer missing :laugh: :laugh: ATB Adam 2 Quote Link to post
Webby1 34 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 Very well put Adam buddy The ole duffers winging and moaning all the time and with quotes like "when I was a boy " and " those damned wipper-snappers" whilst shaking their walking sticks and Zimmer frames :laugh: . Don't get me wrong I'd be the first to give a helping hand to the said OAPs but listening to to them mumbling under their breaths " I'm all right, I can do it myself " when clearly they are struggling to get from peg to peg ( HFT) really takes the biscuit :laugh: :laugh: What you trying to say Quote Link to post
AR177 588 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 We are waiting for the Stenna stairlift sponsored course to be made.... I hear its going to have orthopedic beds for the prone shots so you can get up and down, the stairlifts will take you to the next peg! ATB Adam 3 Quote Link to post
Tron 173 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 FFSake. Enough of your depressing images of my once proud country, no longer able to protest the building of mosques when the building of Christian churches is forbidden in most Islamic countries? or why are known terrorists given £500.000 pound houses to live in and multi millions to fight their deportation to countries where they are wanted? why do those people winge about their human rights, when they think nothing about the human rights of Westeners when they spout hatred and say they want to kill the hand that feeds them? This country, OUR COUNTRY should say enough! is enough and go back to your flyblown sandpits and deserts and try to work to pay your families bills for existing. Britain pays more benifits than any other european country to immigrants Illegal or legal fact. Thats why they are desparate to come here Knowing they or there families wont ever have to work again! There are hospital wards closing, Care homes closing, cancer patients being refused life saving drugs if they live in England but get it in Wales and Scotland? this goverment has sworn to still give billions to poor countries? Erh like India and Pakistan who have space and nuclear programs while here theres no jobs for people who want to work! VOTE UKIP. FFS, Beam me up Scotty!. 3 Quote Link to post
PIL 7 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 VOTE UKIP. FFS The most sensible thing you've said all day :D :D 1 Quote Link to post
PIL 7 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 Very well put Adam buddy The ole duffers winging and moaning all the time and with quotes like "when I was a boy " and " those damned wipper-snappers" whilst shaking their walking sticks and Zimmer frames :laugh: . Don't get me wrong I'd be the first to give a helping hand to the said OAPs but listening to to them mumbling under their breaths " I'm all right, I can do it myself " when clearly they are struggling to get from peg to peg ( HFT) really takes the biscuit :laugh: :laugh: What you trying to say We are waiting for the Stenna stairlift sponsored course to be made.... I hear its going to have orthopedic beds for the prone shots so you can get up and down, the stairlifts will take you to the next peg! ATB Adam There you go Webby in black and white with some yellow smilies afoot . :D Quote Link to post
PIL 7 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 Pil give into it give into the call of the old, because as much as you fight it and try to stay young and "with it" you in realliaty you are closer to us oldies than the whipersnappers. Roger , I was once told " you are only as old as the girl you've got your arms around " which pleases me because that means I am slowly ebbing away from you cranky lot :laugh: Quote Link to post
Tron 173 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 Pil give into it give into the call of the old, because as much as you fight it and try to stay young and "with it" you in realliaty you are closer to us oldies than the whipersnappers. Roger , I was once told " you are only as old as the girl you've got your arms around " which pleases me because that means I am slowly ebbing away from you cranky lot :laugh: Stop showing off!. If you must know my wife is much younger than me, She'se only 65!. So Nah Nah to you! 1 Quote Link to post
AR177 588 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 VOTE UKIP. FFS The most sensible thing you've said all day :D :D It wont matter, no party will serve enough time to right the wrongs of past ones - you only have to watch 1 episode of the house of commons to see the bitching and backstabbing - MP1 "oh he is going to reduce welfare to save money" MP2 "You cant do that it will effect thousands of familys" MP1 "ok idea scrapped" Yes the effect is they will actually have to go to work!!!!!! MP2 "we can solve this problem lets spend X million on it" MP1 "good idea where can we get the money from... cant take it from welfare they dont have any money.... cant take it from rich then they wont give donations to us...i know the working man! he has £5 spare at the end of a month lets take his last fiver off him!" MP2 "Idea approved" and while im at it... Labour represents the working man.... when did the working man ever go to Eaton?.. apart from to unblock the toilets look at the Lib Dems - David Cameron (who I think is about as good as you can get for a politician) has come up with great ideas on cutting benifits and trying to get people back into work Great I hear you say! .... except he insists on giving pakistan MILLIONS!!! in aide...yes Pakistan the place where all these terrorist nut jobs with no hands hail from and the former safe haven of Osama (the terrorist not US president)..the same place that has a larger army than us.. and is considered a power nation. You cant trust the millibads as far as you can throw them, they plan to right all the wrongs by....... yes spending more money that we dont have! ... what a great plan And Clegg... well where im from thats a piece of that hangs onto your arse hairs - I dont see any difference between that and the MP. Lying Rats all of them Ill be voting for whoever gets us out of the EU and back to being a nation! and not a dumping ground for other countrys scum.. we have enough of our own! ATB Adam 2 Quote Link to post
Tron 173 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 Well said, charity starts at home or in the last Liemour goverments stance starts in other countries homes. I remember when Red Robbo the marxist shop steward at British Leyland called a meeting with his union members after he had bought the company to its knees saying-- Brovers I have really increased your working conditions because due to all the wildcat strikes we have been doing the company can hardly pay to make more than a few new cars to sell.-- from next week we will only have to work Wednesdays!----From the back of the meeting came a complaining voice WHAT! EVERY BLEEDING WEDNESDAY? and so British Leyland passed into history and about 8000 BL workers ended up on the dole.another victory for the unions who wrecked many companies in those days. 2 Quote Link to post
Lewis Ste 245 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 Now if it was us, to which i think they mean us oldies. So if it was us that are being blamed for everything wrong with the world. The computer will lead to a paperless society, so why are we cutting down more trees than ever, would it be for the nice soft slightly scented toilet paper. When we were your age we used greased proof paper because we were hard. Is it us that is digging up the worlds coal reserves to run the 5 cars that each family has to have, when we were your age we either walked, cycled or asked father to run us somewhere in the families only car. Is it us that are using the worlds coal to heat every room in the home to a swelteringly high temperature, that no clothes are needed in any room not even the toilet. We made do with one room heated by a coal fire which had to have the old ashes raked out before the new fire was constructed in readyness for either parent to give the order to light it. This was given only when all the family were ready to sit down in the evening, after all there was no point heating empty rooms. As for the bathroom, we had an outside toilet and an iron bath which was put infront of the fire. We had one holiday a year which was in this country, no five holidays a year to far flung places by plane. If you wanted to visit the places all around the world, you joined one of Her Majesties armed forces. The time spent in the armed forces taught us manner, yes sir or yes madam. To stand whenever a lady entered a room. We had home cooked meals by a "stay at home" mum, no ready cooked meals from a box in the freezer. We had meals at the dinner table not from our laps while watching television, even the television only had at best 4 channels not the hundreds like today. We had to go outside and play, using up energy that the evening meal would replenish, no fatties in our days because we were active not sat in front of the bloody tv. We had a wife which we married for life, we didn't walk away from our marriage at the first disagreement. To then find another girl that you get pregnant at the drop of a hat and "i love her" for it to start over again. So in closing we made the world that you all live in, it is you that is king it up for your ****** children to live in after we have gone. (So sorry if i offended anybody with my words as Tron rightly says my words on here are meant in jest and by are no means meant to offend) I'm sorry Rodger but I have to disagree. Speaking as the youngest regular on the forum being 17. When I spoke to you at the meet this year and was polite and respectful when I spoke to you. I live in my girlfriends farmhouse with her parents and pay board every week. I been with her for 2 1/2 (still not pregnant) I go to college 5 days a week learning a trade (welding) which I intend to do for the rest of my working life unless I can better myself in a way I see fit. I don't drive at the moment as I refuse to rely on other people for things but yes my dad will buy me my first car and I will get help with my insurance but will be paying some myself through my apprentership. My step mam and dad own a children's soft at centre which does well for its self. I could of walked into this business if I wanted to but no my dad being a working man a joiner by trade told me to first get my trade then do what I want. So what I'm saying is don't cover us with the same cloak, I work, dont do drugs, don't hang around on street corners, have 10 GCSEs and a B tec in sport and now doing a apprentership in welding so no i don't get dole money. Still call us all scrounging dole teenagers? Probably, because old people show no respect to youngersters because their to stubborn. How do I know this? Because my girlfriends grandad lives next door. Lewis aka doley scrounger 'apparently' 5 Quote Link to post
porkycrook 466 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 Pil give into it give into the call of the old, because as much as you fight it and try to stay young and "with it" you in realliaty you are closer to us oldies than the whipersnappers. Roger , I was once told " you are only as old as the girl you've got your arms around " which pleases me because that means I am slowly ebbing away from you cranky lot :laugh: Pil mate this is what got me in trouble with the police in the first instance lol MY REPLY IS ONLY MY ATTEMPT AT HUMOUR 1 Quote Link to post
PIL 7 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 Pil give into it give into the call of the old, because as much as you fight it and try to stay young and "with it" you in realliaty you are closer to us oldies than the whipersnappers. Roger , I was once told " you are only as old as the girl you've got your arms around " which pleases me because that means I am slowly ebbing away from you cranky lot :laugh: Pil mate this is what got me in trouble with the police in the first instance lol MY REPLY IS ONLY MY ATTEMPT AT HUMOUR I was referring to my wife who is my junior, I'm not too sure to what your referring to :laugh:Also said in jest lol Quote Link to post
AR177 588 Posted December 30, 2012 Report Share Posted December 30, 2012 being 17. Bugger off, more like 27! .. must of put miricle grow in your baby food mate ! biggest 17yr old ive ever seen :laugh: :laugh: Good on you Lewis youve got your head screwed on right ATB Adam Quote Link to post
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