nothernlite 18,089 Posted December 13, 2012 Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 tbh if the country keeps spiralling into financial ruin,we might ll be looking for a field to live in lol tell me about it im smoking roll ups ffs id be aswell smoking roll ups,i have snapped the filters of fags for years lol they dont taste as good with backky infact there minging lol Link to post Share on other sites
vixen 528 Posted December 13, 2012 Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 Whats the next step ? Are you more inclined to try to buy a bit of land next ? Well not sure yet. There's been a bit of an outcry by dog walkers and locals as our presence deterred fly tippers and 'funny stuff'. Some are also unhappy the trees will be clear felled, scrub cleared, fenced, rented out and horses put on for grazing, but I suppose it'll be better than it being neglected. I've been offered three different bits of land but as the damage to the door has rendered the caravan insecure and uninhabitable (bit drafty) we're rather stuck. Old site needs a final clear, the chairs and a bulk of the other stuff were fly tipped and re-purposed by me, so I've arranged a friend with a van to take em to the tip. My truck needs some love or flogging on. Perhaps caravan will have to be sold/scrapped. Lots of positives underneath and amongst it all, so we're going to make it up as we go along and do the best we can for us and the nippers. Is this thread for real??????????...........................You stated that yourself and your wife work? if that was the case wouldn't you have provided a better caravan for your children to live in? 2 wages coming in would surely home your children better, and if ANYONE kept any of my grandchildren in that caravan in pics then i would take them off them myself and care for them, i cant understand family standing by and letting you and your wife keep your children in that way!!! TWO WAGES no council tax or rent and you were keeping your children in that??? Link to post Share on other sites
bigdaz 688 Posted December 13, 2012 Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 This earth child, this custodian of the land that has survived (so he says) from the game that has fallen prey to his many air rifles (bought how) is so in tune and sympathetic with nature that someone has went to the trouble of getting an eviction order, you might want to ask yourself why?. Could it be that the area he resides in resembles a shanty town?. All you romantics that read his attention seeking blog and buy it fine, I see a pretender myself. I'm presuming those are rhetorical questions posed to strengthen your opinion and view point. If you would genuinely like to enquire how we chaps exchange money and air rifles, how my money was accumulated and saved through employment and fulfilling local contracts etc, by all means raise your hand. I only say this as it seemed like you got a bit upset and felt ignored earlier if i remember correctly. Apologies if mistaken... This earth child, this custodian of the land that has survived (so he says) from the game that has fallen prey to his many air rifles (bought how) is so in tune and sympathetic with nature that someone has went to the trouble of getting an eviction order, you might want to ask yourself why?. Could it be that the area he resides in resembles a shanty town?. All you romantics that read his attention seeking blog and buy it fine, I see a pretender myself. I'm presuming those are rhetorical questions posed to strengthen your opinion and view point. If you would genuinely like to enquire how we chaps exchange money and air rifles, how my money was accumulated and saved through employment and fulfilling local contracts etc, by all means raise your hand. I only say this as it seemed like you got a bit upset and felt ignored earlier if i remember correctly. Apologies if mistaken... Save it for someone who cares mate, so predictable and the time lapse between posts was nearly spot on as well. The apologies etc at the closure of each post are wearing a bit thin now. Might want to change your style. you've been sussed. if you don't care, why keep posting on the thread? The comment regarding not caring was directed at the offer of raising my hand and enquiring how he and his chums acquired their air rifles.. Link to post Share on other sites
milegajo 595 Posted December 13, 2012 Author Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 Righty oh. Just sat down. Was up at dawn with screwdriver and screws assembling chicken run. Site now bagged, tagged and ready for clearing Saturday...where were we; Milegajo - was there a Court hearing that gave rise to the Court Order for Possession (that was then enforced by the Bailiffs)? Did you attend? I only ask as the person / people who evicted you would have had to demonstrate entitlement to possession and satisfy a Judge that they were entitled to the land and possession. Having done that, you might understand the reluctance on the other side of having to entertain your requests especially given that you confess that you don't recognise property ownership. I would also hazard a guess that the bailiffs only let you have your caravan and truck back (and didn't have both auctioned and the proceeds set off against any costs / damages incurred in the eviction process) because they clocked that (1) the caravan and truck would fetch f-all in an auction and (2) not all of your oars are in the water and (3) unlike the majority of the world who have work and responsibilities to attend to, you have a laptop and all the time and energy in the world to create the most bizarre and spurious arguments / complaints / legal actions that they would then be obliged to administrate and deal with (at further cost to them). If you had bailed the day before the eviction you would have been up one caravan door and lock. On what basis you thought you could resist a High Court Order and a Bailiff attendance....? Mad as a box of frogs. On the mobile with lots to do atm. I think this warrants a proper response and attention I can't expend right now (irrespective of, and overlooking the insinuations it contains that others could find insulting lol, I believe we're all insane in varying degrees, just some are better at hiding it than others). So hold that thought, will get back to you when I can. Cheers. It was a simple enough question about Court proceedings. Did you attend? If you were on good ground (pardon the pun) did you Appeal? Why not just accept you were wrong, it's not your land, that you shouldn't have been there (according to the laws of the land that the rest of us have to get on with) and then move on - caravan door in tact etc.? Mungler, if i may be allowed to make a judgement on you (as plenty have on me, including yourself) and observation based on the posts you've made, the words you've said and the way I've interpreted them; You seem to share alot of my alleged failings! Namely "arrogant" and "self serving" amongst others. That's not a dig, it's my perception. My conclusion may be that you are not the sort of person I would choose to associate with (a mutual feeling most likely) nor converse with, but I cannot deny that the questions you've posed are relevant, pertinent and I feel the answering of them will be to the benefit of readers. Questions I may not have answered immediately or directly from other contributors probably did not fit the above criteria and/or I didn't believe the poster was asking from a place of genuine enquiry/ the member resorted to personal insults which I disdain (and, though the urge may be strong, make a point of not doing myself). I try to treat all members and their posts with respect. I feel I may not have lived up to this recently and I ask for those people's forgiveness and understanding. I am also careful to refrain from passing judgement on others, purely because I respect and trust that generally humans behave in keeping with what they believe to be right and good and in accordance with their values and personal codes. At the same time, I accept that others will invariably judge and take pleasure in making that conclusion known to all. I respect we all have opinions, and if you are going to post on a public forum, you are inviting them. I find the very broad range of them fascinating, in fact it is those that differ from mine that are of course the most stimulating. The very best are well thought out, worded and presented and, above all, civil and polite. So; A notice of a court hearing set to take place on the 14th of September was thrown through my caravan door in my absence onto my partners seat. I returned it to the sender via recorded delivery, unnoticed and unaccepted, as communication and negotiations between parties was still open, the need for arbitration did not exist. I was also not willing since it would entail costs I was not willing to pay as well as the inconvenience. Transport, other than taxi, was a challenge as no buses serve the area and I did not fancy walking and catching a train because another man, as I saw it, was throwing his money around. In retrospect, my presence could possibly have had changed things, perhaps brought to light that no deeds in fact existed thus winning the right to remain. I was as doubtful of that at the time as I am now. I trusted the courts would see my side from mine and his communications where I repeatedly agreed to move on if I could be satisfied he was in fact the owner. Evidently that trust was either breached or entirely misplaced. On what basis did I think I could resist a high court order and bailiffs? None what so ever. I knew that if they did in fact turn up, it was game over. If he had managed to buy a writ, then we'd have to go. Why didn't we "bail"? Running away is not something I make a habit of. Add a bit of fatal feline curiosity too. I did not want to move, but would accept the outcome as I have done, if I was physically moved. As I explained to the bailiffs, I was not about to make things easy, but nor was I going to cow to them or conversely, get aggressive and violent. Appeal? No, I didn't even consider it. I don't beg. But again, I did not believe he would succeed with any 'order'. There was never a possibility of my property being seized and auctioned for costs. My father (he doesn't share my views but accepts them without prejudice) who was present agreed that the extra lengths the Bailiffs and recovery chaps went to from which I benefited was most likely down to my being "gracious in defeat", not rude and obnoxious as well as seeing a "rich arsehole" doing what they do best. It has taken me a good two hours, due to interruptions, tiredness, careful wording (I really don't wish to repeat myself to members who I feel have been obtuse and derogatory) to formulate and type up this response. I'd rather be resting but I made a promise. Thank you to every decent fellow who has taken the time to read what I and others have written. I will answer enquiries that match the criteria mentioned above. I feel I owe it to all that I be my 'normal' self when replying. So please excuse me this evening, early night for me tonight (provided insomnia does haunt me again). Peace out chaps. Link to post Share on other sites
vixen 528 Posted December 13, 2012 Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 Milegajo...........Why did you keep your children in that caravan when you had TWO WAGES coming in with no council tax or rent to pay? Link to post Share on other sites
Paid 935 Posted December 13, 2012 Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 They didn't have 2 wages coming in, when he said they both worked hard, he meant they worked hard at swanning around the woods collected mushrooms and berries. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
lapin2008 1,587 Posted December 13, 2012 Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 Milegajo, you dont half talk some drivel. Why use one word to say something when fifty will do eh! For all your eloquence and daft flowery language you sound like a parasite trying to exploit peoples good natures and small weaknesses in the law in order to blag a free piece of land All this 'the rich landowner' making my family homeless crap does my head in as well, he didnt put you on his land in the first place, you did! 2 Link to post Share on other sites
vixen 528 Posted December 13, 2012 Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 They didn't have 2 wages coming in, when he said they both worked hard, he meant they worked hard at swanning around the woods collected mushrooms and berries. Seriously? ...................poor we children, you seriously need to get a grip Milegajo and face the real world, you and your mrs need a good kick up the arse, poor weans, dear help them, when you have children you need to grow up and be responsible for them and care for them, not live your wee boy dream playing about in a caravan on someone elses land!! i still can't believe family stood back and let you and your mrs keep the children in that caravan................was there something stopping either of you working to provide?? yea i know you wont answer this but hey both seriously need a kick up the arse and into touch with the real world!!!!!! 1 Link to post Share on other sites
NEWKID 27,657 Posted December 13, 2012 Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 If the Deeds are not in the hands of this "bullying land owner", who do you think owns the land? What are the rules on living on common land? Surely all land in this country is owned by someone, and you can not just park up and do as you please.... can you? Link to post Share on other sites
lapin2008 1,587 Posted December 13, 2012 Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 If the Deeds are not in the hands of this "bullying land owner", who do you think owns the land? What are the rules on living on common land? Surely all land in this country is owned by someone, and you can not just park up and do as you please.... can you? There are small loopholes etc where if a person inhabits some land or builds a fence round it or something like that after x amount of years (12 i think) it belongs to the person who has taken it. Milegajo am sure will know the laws more though. I have a house full of stuff i no longer have receipts for but it doesnt mean someone can come and help themselves... Link to post Share on other sites
bigdaz 688 Posted December 13, 2012 Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 (edited) Dear Lord, so we now find that your father was present, no mention of that in your blog or anywhere else for that matter. But then again, One perscuted man and his father ( in case big boys rough him up) against the tyrannical landowner just hasn't got the same clout or appeal. Edited December 13, 2012 by bigdaz Link to post Share on other sites
scothunter 12,609 Posted December 13, 2012 Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 why ask the man to answer your questions,then just ignore what he i dont think he should be keeping kids in that caravan.but there not my kids so its really none of my sure if the kids were unhealthy due to living in that box,social services would have been to see him.through schools,or even the dog walkers who i gather spoke to the family.its not for me living like that,but hey were all different.plenty gypos do it,and some on here defend them to the hilt. Link to post Share on other sites
paulus 26 Posted December 13, 2012 Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 why ask the man to answer your questions,then just ignore what he i dont think he should be keeping kids in that caravan.but there not my kids so its really none of my sure if the kids were unhealthy due to living in that box,social services would have been to see him.through schools,or even the dog walkers who i gather spoke to the family.its not for me living like that,but hey were all different.plenty gypos do it,and some on here defend them to the hilt. ive never seen a gypsy is a van that looks like that Link to post Share on other sites
vixen 528 Posted December 13, 2012 Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 why ask the man to answer your questions,then just ignore what he i dont think he should be keeping kids in that caravan.but there not my kids so its really none of my sure if the kids were unhealthy due to living in that box,social services would have been to see him.through schools,or even the dog walkers who i gather spoke to the family.its not for me living like that,but hey were all different.plenty gypos do it,and some on here defend them to the hilt. ive never seen a gypsy is a van that looks like that Nor me Link to post Share on other sites
NEWKID 27,657 Posted December 13, 2012 Report Share Posted December 13, 2012 If the Deeds are not in the hands of this "bullying land owner", who do you think owns the land? What are the rules on living on common land? Surely all land in this country is owned by someone, and you can not just park up and do as you please.... can you? There are small loopholes etc where if a person inhabits some land or builds a fence round it or something like that after x amount of years (12 i think) it belongs to the person who has taken it. Milegajo am sure will know the laws more though. I have a house full of stuff i no longer have receipts for but it doesnt mean someone can come and help themselves... I just know from looking at BUYING land to build a small place on in the last few years how difficult it is..... I've talked to alot of people on different loopholes in the laws,depending on types of land etc, put a log cabin on for so many years then replace for a permenant dwelling , BUY the land and live in a caravan and eventually you can build, taking on small scale farming ( hens, pigs etc) to overide agricultrual rules........ I own my house and eventually I sale it and get a bit of land of my own........ I just don't understand the concept of pulling up onto somebody elses land and setting up home...... if you can't afford to buy it, surely you can't have it 2 Link to post Share on other sites
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