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D-Day! (Renamed to "The re-education and crushing defeat of the fatally idealistic Mr Miles")

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  On 09/12/2012 at 16:57, northern lad said:

Hope it gets sorted out for you pal,was in the same position 4 years ago,lost the house ......its not the end of the world :thumbs: dust yourself down and carry on,you might be pleasantly suprised at what the future holds.... ATVB Dave


Thanks Dave. Keeping the mind and soul open, to move on would mean new hunting grounds. Staying put saves moving. Win win!

One way or the other things will undoubtedly sort themselves out. I'm keen to see how the chips fall though.

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Are you deliberately a c**t or does it come naturally?? Yes he was on someone elses land, yes he's a bit of a nut, but he's also just lost a years 'work' and his home. In my eyes he's got an excellent

wont comment on your prediciment mate,as i know very little about land laws.but i do hope you can sort something out,as it will be lot of hassle if you get thrown off at this time of the year.i didnt

Guy and girls,   Please don't use emotive language and prejudice against Milegajo, although it will be water of a ducks back for him.   I have had the pleasure of getting to know him and his lov

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A mate of mine owns a couple of plots of land, freehold, all paid for, etc, he has stables and chicken huts and greenhouses etc, on them, no problem. But he is not allowed any wheeled vehicles or caravans or any permanent dwellings on them. I rent a bit land from the council, as an allotment. I'm not allowed any wheeled vehicle, including caravans or trailers on it. I can't even leave my 6' x 4' trailer there, legaly. I wanted to put a caravan on there as a shed... no way, even if I take the wheels off and put it on blocks !! Just makes me wonder how the Gypsies get away with it ?



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  On 09/12/2012 at 17:48, chartpolski said:

A mate of mine owns a couple of plots of land, freehold, all paid for, etc, he has stables and chicken huts and greenhouses etc, on them, no problem. But he is not allowed any wheeled vehicles or caravans or any permanent dwellings on them. I rent a bit land from the council, as an allotment. I'm not allowed any wheeled vehicle, including caravans or trailers on it. I can't even leave my 6' x 4' trailer there, legaly. I wanted to put a caravan on there as a shed... no way, even if I take the wheels off and put it on blocks !! Just makes me wonder how the Gypsies get away with it ?



they use "racism" to getaway with it

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  On 09/12/2012 at 17:48, chartpolski said:

A mate of mine owns a couple of plots of land, freehold, all paid for, etc, he has stables and chicken huts and greenhouses etc, on them, no problem. But he is not allowed any wheeled vehicles or caravans or any permanent dwellings on them. I rent a bit land from the council, as an allotment. I'm not allowed any wheeled vehicle, including caravans or trailers on it. I can't even leave my 6' x 4' trailer there, legaly. I wanted to put a caravan on there as a shed... no way, even if I take the wheels off and put it on blocks !! Just makes me wonder how the Gypsies get away with it ?



i watched some programe about a bloke building a strucure in some woods he owned. it was like a big shed but it had to be on wheels even though it was dug into the ground so couldnt be moved. he could only live in it for so long throughout the year,
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  On 09/12/2012 at 17:48, chartpolski said:
Just makes me wonder how the Gypsies get away with it ?


By not giving a flying f**k about the law in the first place, and having 300 family members turn up at the drop of a hat doesn't hurt either.

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Either get your own land or stop fecking moaning!


If it was my land you decided to pitch up on I'd want you to f**k off too. What gives you the right to live on land for free that someone else has to get up and work everyday to own?

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So lets have this right, this dude don't even own the land never mind putting a trailer on there?


So your crying because you wanted to nick it, but ain't got away with it.......is that it?


Move on to some other place and try again.......

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my take on this is, you have been living on land owned by someone else without their consent, you have been found out and have now been told to sling your hook, whats the problem with that, and if the land is common land as you claim, WTF are you doing shooting on it, time for you to grow up and join the rest of us and accept that you cannot do as you please, only way to do that is develop an accent no-one understands, buy a transit van and chrome plate your caravan

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Thanks for the varying opinions chaps.


Now you ready for the can of worms? POP!


Firstly I do not recognise the concept of land 'ownership'.

I understand territory i.e space where one exists.

I will never claim to own any land. Ever. I do not intend to ever bribe a man to relinquish his claim using money. It is unnecessary when I already have the right to exist on this earth as evidenced by my corporeal body.

I am a steward of the earth upon which I roam and choose to dwell. Nothing more.


Squatting? If you mean a human using that which another has abandoned. Who is occupying shelter evidently surplus to the previous occupiers requirements... I see no wrong. Are people aware that many years ago the concept of squatting was allegedly encoded and enshrined in legislation as a method of ensuring land was continuously utilized and never allowed to fall into disuse? It was the view that as a relatively small land mass, we could not afford such wasteful practice.

Regarding buildings, are people also aware of the numerous thousands that stand empty in the hands of the banks after the illegal and unlawful ejection of their inhabitants? Whilst at the same time we hear of the 'need' for thousands more homes to be built?!


I will not pay to exist. I have that right already.

I believe my rights end where yours begin. I do not condone invasion of anothers space, causing harm injury or loss, there is no need for that.

I would not seek to deprive a man of his livelihood.

In this instance we have abandoned land that is neglected. Pride and ego is what seemingly drives the other party. The other maladies are apparently evident in members of this forum. The idea that something must not be had for nothing.

Of course it is all micro and macro. We see the same afflictions on a global scale. We need look only at the persecution and suffering inflicted upon the Native American, the 'Aborigines' in fact all indigenous tribes and cultures that have had the misfortune of ever coming into contact with the ruthless and insane 'civilised' man.


I believe in live and let live. This earth is more than big enough.


The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying This is mine, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this imposter; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody.


J.J. Rousseau



That said, The above is only my perspective. My truth. My reality. I do not seek nor wish to make it yours. I'm sure that as my individual life story evolves those views, beliefs and perceptions will evolve and morph.


Thanks again folks. I have my date with destiny tomorrow, will keep you posted. :thumbs:

Edited by milegajo
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  On 09/12/2012 at 17:57, paulus said:
  On 09/12/2012 at 17:48, chartpolski said:

A mate of mine owns a couple of plots of land, freehold, all paid for, etc, he has stables and chicken huts and greenhouses etc, on them, no problem. But he is not allowed any wheeled vehicles or caravans or any permanent dwellings on them. I rent a bit land from the council, as an allotment. I'm not allowed any wheeled vehicle, including caravans or trailers on it. I can't even leave my 6' x 4' trailer there, legaly. I wanted to put a caravan on there as a shed... no way, even if I take the wheels off and put it on blocks !! Just makes me wonder how the Gypsies get away with it ?



i watched some programe about a bloke building a strucure in some woods he owned. it was like a big shed but it had to be on wheels even though it was dug into the ground so couldnt be moved. he could only live in it for so long throughout the year,


I believe that conforms with the 28 day continuous occupation planning restriction.

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It would have been a lot simpler if you had just 'bent' your version of reality slightly and bought a plot of land.............. Then you could have lived out whatever moral life you wished in relative peace.


Right to ownership of anything is not morally wrong or evil by nature, wars were being fought long before the concept of modern civilisation and land ownership.

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  On 10/12/2012 at 09:35, milegajo said:

Thanks for the varying opinions chaps.


Now you ready for the can of worms? POP!


Firstly I do not recognise the concept of land 'ownership'.

I understand territory i.e space where one exists.

I will never claim to own any land. Ever. I do not intend to ever bribe a man to relinquish his claim using money. It is unnecessary when I already have the right to exist on this earth as evidenced by my corporeal body.

I am a steward of the earth upon which I roam and choose to dwell. Nothing more.


Squatting? If you mean a human using that which another has abandoned. Who is occupying shelter evidently surplus to the previous occupiers requirements... I see no wrong. Are people aware that many years ago the concept of squatting was allegedly encoded and enshrined in legislation as a method of ensuring land was continuously utilized and never allowed to fall into disuse? It was the view that as a relatively small land mass, we could not afford such wasteful practice.

Regarding buildings, are people also aware of the numerous thousands that stand empty in the hands of the banks after the illegal and unlawful ejection of their inhabitants? Whilst at the same time we hear of the 'need' for thousands more homes to be built?!


I will not pay to exist. I have that right already.

I believe my rights end where yours begin. I do not condone invasion of anothers space, causing harm injury or loss, there is no need for that.

I would not seek to deprive a man of his livelihood.

In this instance we have abandoned land that is neglected. Pride and ego is what seemingly drives the other party. The other maladies are apparently evident in members of this forum. The idea that something must not be had for nothing.

Of course it is all micro and macro. We see the same afflictions on a global scale. We need look only at the persecution and suffering inflicted upon the Native American, the 'Aborigines' in fact all indigenous tribes and cultures that have had the misfortune of ever coming into contact with the ruthless and insane 'civilised' man.


I believe in live and let live. This earth is more than big enough.


The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying This is mine, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this imposter; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody.


J.J. Rousseau



That said, The above is only my perspective. My truth. My reality. I do not seek nor wish to make it yours. I'm sure that as my individual life story evolves those views, beliefs and perceptions will evolve and morph.


Thanks again folks. I have my date with destiny tomorrow, will keep you posted. :thumbs:

belive this or not i was thinking earlier how in reality can someone own land, yes you can buy it but given the land was there before man then theres no way any man can own it :hmm: the best we can be is custodians of who or whatever created it :thumbs: im off for a lay down as that hurt :laugh:
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