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anyone from kent

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Guest Magwitch
I am in the gorgeous medway towns at the moment and spend my time between the sights of the africans in casino rooms pawing over everything with shoulder length hair, Turks in The delightful Preachers @ gillingham and Jogging in maidstone...The place is a veritable DUMP.....


They think they are all gansters or wide boys in Kent........imho


:censored: Kent is actually the garden of England! :gunsmilie:


Being a MAN OF KENT is something to be proud of if you have any understanding as to what it means and the history behind it.


The problem with gardens though is that they get visited by Arseh0les. If it is not the DFL's (Down from London) Chav's and gansters, its the immogrants and p***y's. Each of us could point fingers at each others home towns and talk about its mis-givings. Is there any place in the UK that is perfect, I think not.


You are right to say that the Ports towns of Kent have had it hard and are no longer the attractions they once were, but to say it is a dump is a bit harsh. Everywhere in the UK is struggling at the moment.

well said that man!

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Guest WILF

Seriously........I lived in a village called Ash as a kid.......what a wonderfull place....spent many happy hours in the fields around......still love to go down and stay in Sandwhich.........BUT.........the Medway is a pisshole of mamoth proportions!!

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Guest Rabbiteer
Seriously........I lived in a village called Ash as a kid.......what a wonderfull place....spent many happy hours in the fields around......still love to go down and stay in Sandwhich.........BUT.........the Medway is a pisshole of mamoth proportions!!


Have spent many a night in the Red Cow................ :drink:


and HMP Canterbury and Dover YOI :icon_redface:

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Guest shaheen
I am in the gorgeous medway towns at the moment and spend my time between the sights of the africans in casino rooms pawing over everything with shoulder length hair, Turks in The delightful Preachers @ gillingham and Jogging in maidstone...The place is a veritable DUMP.....


They think they are all gansters or wide boys in Kent........imho


:censored: Kent is actually the garden of England! :gunsmilie:


Being a MAN OF KENT is something to be proud of if you have any understanding as to what it means and the history behind it.


The problem with gardens though is that they get visited by Arseh0les. If it is not the DFL's (Down from London) Chav's and gansters, its the immogrants and p***y's. Each of us could point fingers at each others home towns and talk about its mis-givings. Is there any place in the UK that is perfect, I think not.


You are right to say that the Ports towns of Kent have had it hard and are no longer the attractions they once were, but to say it is a dump is a bit harsh. Everywhere in the UK is struggling at the moment.

well said that man!


Second that!...ever remember The Darling Buds of May?....well places like that still exist in the garden of england. :victory:

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Guest Rabbiteer

I think we need to remember that as people who enjoy country sports are of a differant mind-set to the townies.


I, at the moment live in a house, in a row of houses, in a town of houses and do not care who lives 50m away from me. However when im in the countryside I know all of my land owners and their neighbours who may live two miles away. There is such a sense of community in the small villages that it really does put the towns and cities to disgrace.


Where there is more people there seems to be less and less group spirit.


Luckily, Kent also has many traditional farming areas still busy at work. I remember going Hop picking as a kid during the holidays and Learning about the historic castles or the WW2 defences.


I think that if we all set our eyes and minds on always seeing the bad things in places and people then surely ours will be the worst and most un-happiest of exsistances. Please correct me if you think im wrong.


Yes, im a relitive newby to the country scene and I will not pretend otherwise. I count myself lucky to know a couple of genuine country folk and relish each opportunity to be in there company. And I would like to promise that everything that is told to me is being passed on to my 7yr old boy, in the hope that the sense of community, respect for others and the countryside may grow up in him as he turns in to a man.


In truth I have started to pity those that rush home to watch Eastenders in their block of flats and only getting to see the sunrise on TV or hearing the morning chorus as they drive to work :no:

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Kent is ok lads....I used to love it when I lived on the farm over East Malling. Step out my back door and straight on to my permission. It all went wrong when I moved to Maidstone though....everywhere is over-run with kids and they are either chavs from Tovil, Mangravet of Shepway or else they are the posh folks sons and daughters dressed up like Marilyn Manson....some half decent boozers though and plenty of tackle if you know where to go.


Having said that, the Medway towns are something else..... :blink::icon_eek:

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Kent is ok lads....I used to love it when I lived on the farm over East Malling. Step out my back door and straight on to my permission. It all went wrong when I moved to Maidstone though....everywhere is over-run with kids and they are either chavs from Tovil, Mangravet of Shepway or else they are the posh folks sons and daughters dressed up like Marilyn Manson....some half decent boozers though and plenty of tackle if you know where to go.


Having said that, the Medway towns are something else..... :blink::icon_eek:



pmsl you and your fairy tales :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: couldnt really care less what its like outside my own little world :tongue2: its not just kent thats got plenty of game theres places everywhere people are just to lazy to look right under there noses.

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