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Jagd X Lurcher ?

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This sort of thing always confuses the hell out of me.   Beddy cross is accepted but any other terrier cross is laughable?   On paper, knowing nothing but what I have read, it sounds like it might

Ya I know this dog here had a shit ton of whippet in him. Man I cant spell for shit in the mornings. Fixed.

I guess what I was sayin up above was go big or dont go at all. As far as greyhounds go I wouldnt piss on a track grey if it were on fire. They are useless for breeding options unless you are gonna

stewie if you think its the same, then ye wanna stop sniffing ye alcopops pal, i seen a lot of dan edwards an co's vids an i never seen them dump fresh dogs after fresh dogs on game, i never seen them drive past dogs an keep running game way the jeep, or throwing dogs oot the window when the game was on the wing practically, you really need to wise up lad, ffs it was only a couple a years ago you an ye pals didnae know how to use a slip lead ffs :laugh::yes:

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Chris- you understand that in some or most of the vids we are spotting the coyote almost a mile away....You dont just take your time rollin up lol especially with 425 hp.In some places we cant put the dogs down as the ground [lava] will lay a dog up for some time in the middle of hunting season.




lurcher1-Not all the folks that run coyotes from a truck do it the same...a coyote can be run as much or as little as the driver decides, and the dogs can be sent from as close or as far as the driver decides. Some depends on the terrain, some depends on the reason the coyote is being hunted, but most depends on the amount of faith the driver has in the dogs!


Take care.

I no mate and I never meant it to sound like I was slagging the method of hunting of, more the hypocrisy of ALOT of British hunters!! If you search on YouTube for "police release helicopter footage of deer poachers" the video I'm on about will come up..... :thumbs:

just w@tched the vid :icon_eek: wtf tought they were gon@ st@y coursing them with the bloody jeep not dogs

Edited by STUNTMAN
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stewie if you think its the same, then ye wanna stop sniffing ye alcopops pal, i seen a lot of dan edwards an co's vids an i never seen them dump fresh dogs after fresh dogs on game, i never seen them drive past dogs an keep running game way the jeep, or throwing dogs oot the window when the game was on the wing practically, you really need to wise up lad, ffs it was only a couple a years ago you an ye pals didnae know how to use a slip lead ffs :laugh::yes:

I meant the method used ie driving after game!! and why be a dick keep going on about a slip lead?? All I'll say is the pair of clowns talking about that on the internet are probably the worst dog men I've ever seen dotty so if you wanna take the word of them,crack on....:thumbs:

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stewie if you think its the same, then ye wanna stop sniffing ye alcopops pal, i seen a lot of dan edwards an co's vids an i never seen them dump fresh dogs after fresh dogs on game, i never seen them drive past dogs an keep running game way the jeep, or throwing dogs oot the window when the game was on the wing practically, you really need to wise up lad, ffs it was only a couple a years ago you an ye pals didnae know how to use a slip lead ffs :laugh::yes:

I meant the method used ie driving after game!! and why be a dick keep going on about a slip lead?? All I'll say is the pair of clowns talking about that on the internet are probably the worst dog men I've ever seen dotty so if you wanna take the word of them,crack on.... :thumbs:



but they aint the same methods used, the same game run, or even on same continent....... no comparisson in my eyes.... all im saying is the guys that are in the youtube vid, even admit themselves thats not teh way to do it right, but no, you gotta compare an try an talk down to folk, when the truth is ye done fook all yaself :icon_eek:

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stewie if you think its the same, then ye wanna stop sniffing ye alcopops pal, i seen a lot of dan edwards an co's vids an i never seen them dump fresh dogs after fresh dogs on game, i never seen them drive past dogs an keep running game way the jeep, or throwing dogs oot the window when the game was on the wing practically, you really need to wise up lad, ffs it was only a couple a years ago you an ye pals didnae know how to use a slip lead ffs :laugh::yes:

I meant the method used ie driving after game!! and why be a dick keep going on about a slip lead?? All I'll say is the pair of clowns talking about that on the internet are probably the worst dog men I've ever seen dotty so if you wanna take the word of them,crack on.... :thumbs:



but they aint the same methods used, the same game run, or even on same continent....... no comparisson in my eyes.... all im saying is the guys that are in the youtube vid, even admit themselves thats not teh way to do it right, but no, you gotta compare an try an talk down to folk, when the truth is ye done fook all yaself :icon_eek:

Lol ok dotty you obviously no everything about me :icon_eek: talk down to folk?? f**k nos how you come to that conclusion!! I was only using that as a comparison as it was on here lol if your not busy one night come down for a shine and ill show you I can use a slip lead :D if not then drop it mate as it's getting old and boring now.....:thumbs:

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you asking an laffing how its okay for folks to rip guys from britain, but say well done to the yanks :blink: you really are a troubled little fella, they wasnae even doing same thing lol. come lamping way ye lol, ye didnae know fook all a couple a years ago, since then ye been to sweden way no lurchers, so im guessing ye still know fook all.....


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you asking an laffing how its okay for folks to rip guys from britain, but say well done to the yanks :blink: you really are a troubled little fella, they wasnae even doing same thing lol. come lamping way ye lol, ye didnae know fook all a couple a years ago, since then ye been to sweden way no lurchers, so im guessing ye still know fook all.....


Exactly your guessing lol thing is dotty I've never made out I'm something I'm not, I'm just someone who enjoys doing my own thing with my own dogs!! the offers there....:thumbs:

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