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Jagd X Lurcher ?

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some jagds are very tall and they use them over here for tracking wounded animals digging, and boars and deers as allround dogs i think they chuld be a good mix with a lurcher my freinds have kept them and say ther very noisy in kennle and hyper active ive dug one and it was more or less silent held the badger held it for a good few hours but you cant judge a single jagd terrier coz there bred in diffrent parts of europe forr all diffrent kinds of work and they vary depending on what country you go to and what they used for

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This sort of thing always confuses the hell out of me.   Beddy cross is accepted but any other terrier cross is laughable?   On paper, knowing nothing but what I have read, it sounds like it might

Ya I know this dog here had a shit ton of whippet in him. Man I cant spell for shit in the mornings. Fixed.

I guess what I was sayin up above was go big or dont go at all. As far as greyhounds go I wouldnt piss on a track grey if it were on fire. They are useless for breeding options unless you are gonna

  On 14/12/2012 at 00:37, bluecollar said:

the one with stag is a tracking winding freak


His littermate is f****n awesome at it bluecollar. You should let somebody with a really good jag gyp breed to that f****r you got. Talk bout a cool kickass breeding in my opinion.

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stuntcunt, nothing you say is relevant. Go eat some f****n yogurt would ya, ya fat c**t.


On a serious note I agree about the greyhound deal but if I had my choice to breed to a greyhound or breed to one of my male coyote dogs it'd be a no brainer for me personally. Was actually just bullshittin with the old man about some things today and he brought up some good points. He was talkin back when they first started breeding field trial dogs and said that some of the half greys were every bit as fast if not faster than some of the 3/4 greys which I obviously knew but I forget shit sometimes cuz I read too much interwebz BS.

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That would be a discouraging. I don't thin I'd like the cross if the wrestling talents of the jagd didn't get passed on but I would think there would be at least one accepatable pup that might come out of that (with some size). The jagd in that picture looks just like my old Raven female...awsome dog. I should have known you might be the guy who had at least made the attempt.


In other news, the breeding I did on that stag female didn't take. I don't think it had anything to do with the method, that all went really well, I think I just waited to long. She should have ad her pups about three days from now and definately is not going to have any. I'll make another attempt this spring.


Right now I'm just waiting for the jagd female to come in.

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Dan E. I dont care for jagds but have thought about breeding Reds sister to a patterdale I gave a guy in Idaho.. But before I got Red I did have a similar breeding set up, breeding Cookie to a jagd from Jimmy Gibbs, looking back I should have.. It always sounded like a good idea..

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  On 09/12/2012 at 18:19, morton said:

The only terrier that will produce the goods on a regular basis,is the Beddy hybrids,im not a fan of terrier infused lurchers as i believe there are far better options about that will do a better job,most of the fads that are undertaken,usually for a romantic rather than practical purpose,are just that,romantic forays into producing another,basically useless,litter of jukels that will suit the needs of the less discerning hunter and chancer.If nothing but a terrier is available to further a lurcher hybrid,its time to reflect anew and choose a different path.

I'd say the bull terrier is another one "producing the goods"

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If this was being talked about by a brit all the talk would be off "filling the dogs home with shit" "put the pups in a bucket" etc but no as it's a yank its ok to give it ago lol same as them videos of running coyotes...Fred the frog did the same with deer and gets slated to f**k, stuntman posts a video doing it with coyotes and it's "great to see" or "I would love ago at that"!! What's the difference?? Neither bother me by the way, just an observation lol

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