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Young hearts run free......

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Guest WILF

White Nikey tennis shoes.......Girls with "Human League" hair cuts and those flat pump shoes........dropping milk bottles off the overpass onto buses.........tonic trousers and monkey boots.......pushing the milkfloat onto its side and then sitting back to watch the clean up operation........The NF........climbing over the wall of the lido in the evening and then getting chased by the SPG........glue sniffers.......ahhh, halcylon days :)

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Standing outside the local Offy, saying Mr Mr can you get us some cans(Kestrel super strength) Downing your cans in the park. 30 mins later brining them back up. Going to the school disco, then off down to the chippy :boxing: :boxing: not looking for trouble but it always seemed to find me :whistling: :whistling:

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I remember going hedge jumping :angel:, pissing in milk bottle's and balanceing them on door nobs! knocking on the door and running away. and of course the usual things like scrumping apples from the local Orchards! it got a bit more seriouse as I got older and we reverted to Poaching Pheasants round the local keepers pens :whistling:....

lol hedge jumping was the best and if you felt real dareing youd get your arse out and stick it against some ones window the longer it was there before they realised the better...also we would build 2 camps and take turns trying to smash them up....with us inside lol...with bricks fire anything but we was ok because ide be wearing an old a.r.p helmet :icon_eek: and how could i forget we used to get into the local drinks ware house and get the retun/out of date beer kegs.youd lean them over get a well chosen stick ram the fecker in the end and hey presto you got a beer fountain mmmmm

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lol hedge jumping was the best and if you felt real dareing youd get your arse out and stick it against some ones window the longer it was there before they realised the better...also we would build 2 camps and take turns trying to smash them up....with us inside lol...with bricks fire anything but we was ok because ide be wearing an old a.r.p helmet :icon_eek: and how could i forget we used to get into the local drinks ware house and get the retun/out of date beer kegs.youd lean them over get a well chosen stick ram the fecker in the end and hey presto you got a beer fountain mmmmm


Those were the days hey mate :clapper:, I read some of these posts and think back as if it was yesterday! to be Honest I'm still a real kid at heart and wish I could do it all over again and sit and laugh afterwards just like we did as kids :yes:.


I remember we would also all meet up in a local wood and do pretty much as you mentioned and build two seperate dens in this big Blue bell wood and try our hardest to trash each others aswell as bombing each other with fir cones and acorns :thumbs:.


I also remember half of us would go in the woods while the other half counted to 60, the object was to get back to this big Oak tree which was classed as "Home", deep in the woods I climbed a tree which was easy like a ladder and one the lads doing the catching spotted me and started to climb to touch me to say I was caught! I waited for him to get halfway up and will never forget seeing him grinning all over his face :D, its was time for some drastic action so got my todger out and pissed all over him :whistling:, its killing me writing this as I can still see it like yesterday as I soaked the b*****d watching him climb back down the tree saying "I'm not playing anymore its against the rules" :big_boss:...





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Guest Macnas

I can't recall very much television from the 70's, probably because there wasn't much of it in Ireland at any rate.

But that wasn't an issue really, as we could do pretty much as we pleased and go wherever we liked. It wouldnt be unusual to get on the high nelly bike, with the rods tied under the crossbar and head off fishing and not return until half twelve at night.


Likewise you could go lamping anywhere you had permission or thought you could get away with, and none of us older than 15. If I wanted to go to a mates house I got on the bike and headed away, 3 or 4 miles into the middle of nowhere.

Not a mobile phone in sight neither. Indeed, some houses didn't have a telephone, full stop.


In comparison, I think children today are prisoners, they don't have a chance to really get out and about, they don't mature naturally and get so fed up with being cooped up and bored that they break out at some stage and start getting into trouble.

Anyone here that gets the kids involved in our sports and just getting out of the house and into the country is doing them a big favour and helping them develop into better adults. If that's you, well done.


If you are busy breeding car burning hoodie louts or pale faced house plants that squint at the sight of the sun, then 10 points from gryffindor.

And give yourself a kick in the arse as well.

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I can't recall very much television from the 70's, probably because there wasn't much of it in Ireland at any rate.

But that wasn't an issue really, as we could do pretty much as we pleased and go wherever we liked. It wouldnt be unusual to get on the high nelly bike, with the rods tied under the crossbar and head off fishing and not return until half twelve at night.


Likewise you could go lamping anywhere you had permission or thought you could get away with, and none of us older than 15. If I wanted to go to a mates house I got on the bike and headed away, 3 or 4 miles into the middle of nowhere.

Not a mobile phone in sight neither. Indeed, some houses didn't have a telephone, full stop.


In comparison, I think children today are prisoners, they don't have a chance to really get out and about, they don't mature naturally and get so fed up with being cooped up and bored that they break out at some stage and start getting into trouble.

Anyone here that gets the kids involved in our sports and just getting out of the house and into the country is doing them a big favour and helping them develop into better adults. If that's you, well done.


:clapping:If you are busy breeding car burning hoodie louts or pale faced house plants that squint at the sight of the sun, then 10 points from gryffindor.

And give yourself a kick in the arse as well.

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: well said Edited by montague
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