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Young hearts run free......

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when i was 12 i stole one of my friends dads welding gloves :) , so i could stick my arm down a hole in a tree and remove a female tawny owl,to get one of her chicks.

Against all odds i reared the chick[which i named benjamine] and kept him in an aviary which my dad built at the top of the garden.


most of my mates at this time had Ataris or commadore 64s.....i had Benjamine :thumbs: .



Lamps :blink:

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I was a very good child never did anything really bad :D i do remember hitting my brother with bullrushes :laugh: he was a bratt and needed bringing down a peg or two, i remember buying my first single ''roll away the stone mott the hoople'' :o


Apparently i was very distructive & drew on everything including myself , i remember poking holes in the polystyrene celing tiles in the kitchen with a pea stick:cry: and running a knife down all the wallpaper joins on the corners where my mother had not cut the paper & started a new peice.


I threw plastic building blocks into the open fire & they melted on the grate i got a smacked arse for the tiles in the kitchen & for the building blocks :laugh:

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Hedge swimming, grand national, short cutting though peoples gardens to get to other roads, smoking, drinking, firework fights and basically owt else that was stupid and illegal and would get us a good legger off the pigs :victory: you name it i done it . Happy days but if I could go back I certainly wouldn't be getting expelled twice again and grafting for a living :no:

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Guest Frank

:D Knocking on doors and running away( we called it, knock down ginger), trying to poach pheasents and bunnys with air rifle and ferrets :doh::laugh: , riding grifter and striker bikes, pretending to be srcamblers :no::D , trying to see girls lalalal :icon_eek: , dirty wee feckers we were, nicking traps ect from gamekeepers, only to get a knock on the door that evening, from the local village bobby :o:icon_redface: , stoning the gritter lory in the winter, then running like feck when he sreached his breaks and ran after us shouting like a syco :icon_eek::cry::D , ect ect, this was all in Northampton, uk, where i grew up. :D



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my friends and i were little shits we terrorized the teachers locking them in supply cupboards(when they went to get something and left the keys in the door) filling all the locks on the doors with foam filler (we all three days of from school for that as it took that long for the lock smith to replace all the locks. we put fish in ceilings ( polystyrene tiles) on the last day of term so that when we came back two weeks later had to fumigate the science block :clapper:

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:D i used to play knock a door run, car hopping, and the wood we used to have at the back of the house we would spend all day making dens, climbimg tress and playing tracking. :D

we called it chap-door-run,loved to blow things up,make fires,oh and drink cider,sniff glue :hmm::no:

and alot more stupid things that id care not to mention.

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cutting holes in the tops of cake lorries with a tin opener,and feasting until we were sick ,shooting feral cats,bunking off school most days and working down the market ,floggin dodgy gear and poling or pocketing the money when the mieser we were workin for wasnt lookin ,all the normal sort of stuff really.ahhh the good old days before cctv :laugh:

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From the time i was five the majority of my time was taken up by forced labour by my mother and step father, we had a farm, as soon as i came home from school, that was if they let me go to school instead of keeping me home to work i would have to pick up literally thousands of eggs, shovel shit etc etc, BUT, they did let me from the age of seven have air rifles and shotguns, they let me wander any spare time i had wherever i wanted, my step father would give me some good kickings for any reason he could find, then he would buy me some more cartridges or pellets or whatever.

Bloody good childhood, different maybe but it set me in good stead for life, wouldnt have had it anyother way, well maybe the use of slaps instead of fists and feet, but now i am just being picky. :boxing::shok::chair::guitar:

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Anyone else used to ride on the back of double-decker buses? Wait till they stopped, hands on the engine vents an a foot on the hood bar at the bottom an off we go.... Got some great looks off the people inside an out :icon_eek: , till they'd moan to the driver, he'd stop, jump off an away, hide till the next came along, travelled all over the city on that game.... feckin NUTS!!!

Bein a city boy, owning a lurcher an gettin out to the fields was deffo a savin grace, time spent the right way, though them Altcar keepers might think different :whistling: !! Waded the river Alt a 'few' times with 'ol Stewart shoutin obsenities !!!

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