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F.A.O Mr Pianoman

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Nice looking rifle that daz! I do like the fore end of the stock like that. But lately iv been thinking about swapping the hw97k in for a hw95k in .20 from the sportsman gun centre as a light little grab and go gun.


Atb Lewis


Nice Lewis bud, ;)


Nice gun bud but to light for Me has i wobble all over the place with light guns, That's Why i can't have a Ultra or 95 :no::angry2:


atvb Daz 7.


I enjoyed the ultra I had nice light gun and very accurate just didn't like the cal, the hw97k is nice just abit to heavy for my liking. I wouldn't consider myself as a member of the noddle arm club but it is just a lump. Il keep it till after Xmas and decide what to get as iv still got some saved from the ultra sale



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Nice looking rifle that daz! I do like the fore end of the stock like that. But lately iv been thinking about swapping the hw97k in for a hw95k in .20 from the sportsman gun centre as a light little grab and go gun.


Atb Lewis


Nice Lewis bud, ;)


Nice gun bud but to light for Me has i wobble all over the place with light guns, That's Why i can't have a Ultra or 95 :no::angry2:


atvb Daz 7.


I enjoyed the ultra I had nice light gun and very accurate just didn't like the cal, the hw97k is nice just abit to heavy for my liking. I wouldn't consider myself as a member of the noddle arm club but it is just a lump. Il keep it till after Xmas and decide what to get as iv still got some saved from the ultra sale




I've always shot heavy guns since i was a Kid :icon_redface: I've tried and tried to shoot light guns and really like alot of the new guns but i'd be useless free hand

as i'd be over compensating for lack of weight in the aim :icon_redface::sorry::no:


atvb Daz 7.

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Nice looking rifle that daz! I do like the fore end of the stock like that. But lately iv been thinking about swapping the hw97k in for a hw95k in .20 from the sportsman gun centre as a light little grab and go gun.


Atb Lewis


Nice Lewis bud, ;)


Nice gun bud but to light for Me has i wobble all over the place with light guns, That's Why i can't have a Ultra or 95 :no::angry2:


atvb Daz 7.


I enjoyed the ultra I had nice light gun and very accurate just didn't like the cal, the hw97k is nice just abit to heavy for my liking. I wouldn't consider myself as a member of the noddle arm club but it is just a lump. Il keep it till after Xmas and decide what to get as iv still got some saved from the ultra sale




I've always shot heavy guns since i was a Kid :icon_redface: I've tried and tried to shoot light guns and really like alot of the new guns but i'd be useless free hand

as i'd be over compensating for lack of weight in the aim :icon_redface::sorry::no:


atvb Daz 7.


I rarely shoot over 30yards free hand so I doesn't really bother me that much but it's just the look I really like. It's a lot better looking than the hw97

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Nice looking rifle that daz! I do like the fore end of the stock like that. But lately iv been thinking about swapping the hw97k in for a hw95k in .20 from the sportsman gun centre as a light little grab and go gun.


Atb Lewis


Nice Lewis bud, ;)


Nice gun bud but to light for Me has i wobble all over the place with light guns, That's Why i can't have a Ultra or 95 :no::angry2:


atvb Daz 7.


I enjoyed the ultra I had nice light gun and very accurate just didn't like the cal, the hw97k is nice just abit to heavy for my liking. I wouldn't consider myself as a member of the noddle arm club but it is just a lump. Il keep it till after Xmas and decide what to get as iv still got some saved from the ultra sale





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Seems spring is the way to go at the minute...

Apart from the Panther I keep picking up the Prosport....

Oh, and I've added another .22 97k into the mix now....




Darryl Your Just Plain Greedy and i'm Jealous bud :icon_redface:

Thats why i only have the 2 Rapids one Day one nightime set up so i can play with the Springer as well :laugh:


atvb Daz 7.

Edited by Daz 7
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Nice looking rifle that daz! I do like the fore end of the stock like that. But lately iv been thinking about swapping the hw97k in for a hw95k in .20 from the sportsman gun centre as a light little grab and go gun.


Atb Lewis


Nice Lewis bud, ;)


Nice gun bud but to light for Me has i wobble all over the place with light guns, That's Why i can't have a Ultra or 95 :no::angry2:


atvb Daz 7.


I enjoyed the ultra I had nice light gun and very accurate just didn't like the cal, the hw97k is nice just abit to heavy for my liking. I wouldn't consider myself as a member of the noddle arm club but it is just a lump. Il keep it till after Xmas and decide what to get as iv still got some saved from the ultra sale






I'm sorry Davy but what was one of the first you said when we met in October? Was it along the lines of "are you sure your only 17, you look older than that"

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now then pianoman mate i have just watched the video of you lot at the hft.


if your looking for an as new hw95k .177 then i might be willing to sell, mine..

give me a pm if your interested mate. its got a panorama ev ao ir 4-12x 40 with the half mildot ret.


its just sat there in the corner doing very little along with my 97's lol.

cracking little gun but i dont really need 3 lol

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Hi Si.

No I stayed with Helen an extra day and returned to Yorkshire early Tuesday morning. I'll be making arrangements with Tony in due course and of course, I'll only be too happy to let you know how the 97 will shoot.


Cheers mate.



Ahh Skott. Where have you been lately?


We'll think on it mate but, Christmas is fast approaching and our cash is getting rapidly spoken for on other things right now! :thumbs:



Cheers again mate.


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Si pianoman.. no rush mate aye have a think. take as much time as you need. Shes a beauty ;)


si pittabread.. ;) .. Its not that im not getting on with it, far from it, its a beauty.. but i dont give it enough use and im sure pianoman or his lady would use it more.. it would be going to a betfer home so to speak lol.

Im thinking of getting rid of the ,22 97k aswell and just concentrating on having 1 rifle.. the .177 97kt , and possibly sending it to tony . ;)


it was a toss up between the 97kt and the 95k i love them both to bits but the 97kt i prefer the feel.. the 95 is a bit light for me and i love the thumbhole stock on't 97 so that made my mind up of which 1 rifle i should keep.


Cheers guys all the best.SKoT

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