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While watching tv the other day i was bored and so contemplated life as you do and thaught about where i started. I used to fish the canal as a boy and allways dreamed about big pike and carp and dreamed about owning my own shotgun and rifle and years afterwards it happened. I caught the big carp and pike and shot the rabbits, phesants ect. and now was stuck for a goal. My tackle was sold a couple of years ago so i can concentrate on shooting after acomplasing my missions.


Well i got some basic tacke and went to my childhood haunts on the cold canal and mannaged 2 tiny roach and a perch.


I had a great time more so than shooting phesants and it reminded me where i ame from and will make me appriciate what i have now!


Some times its good to go back to the old days and makes you realise how lucky you are now, but mostly how much fun you can have going back. The bites still made my heart skip a beat in exitement what it could be and never once was i dissapointed


I would reccomend trying it, it was great!


Atb tom.

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Yeh and it's the fish/birds etc that you have to work for that give the excitement in the first place which is why it was so fun when you were a kid. Just getting to the canal or lake was a major deal!


I started out course fishing but do mostly fly fishing these days. The problem is that there everywhere we go is stocked with big fish so even catching a 4 or 5 pound rainbow is nothing. I remember my first wild brownie when I was 13 and will never forget it. We were fishing up near Lockerbie and I caught it on a dry fly, it was only around 3/4 of a pound but my heart was nearly coming out of my mouth. I killed it and had it for my tea, the whole cycle; catch it, kill it and cook it was completed :) Now we catch rainbows and just say "nice fish" before chucking it back in.


I felt a bit the same way on my first drive pheasant day and if it wasn't for the beaters and pickers up I got talking to it wouldn't have been that much fun. Some of the other guns were a bit weird, just turn up kill stuff and go home...they didn't seem to appreciate it and I was disappointed to see none of them took birds...I guess that is what money breeds. The game keepers wife had cooked dinner for us and some of them just made their excuses and f****d off home and I was ashamed for them. Just because you pay your money doesn't mean you shouldn't show your gratitude and manners.


If I could chose I would only rough shoot and fish for wild river trout the rest is too artificial for me.

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I still get as much of a buzz as I did when I was a kid when I go out ferreting. Ferret down the burry, laying on the heather on a crisp, sunny, frosty morning soaking in the view in total silence apart from the wilderness...... canny beat it.

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I still get as much of a buzz as I did when I was a kid when I go out ferreting. Ferret down the burry, laying on the heather on a crisp, sunny, frosty morning soaking in the view in total silence apart from the wilderness...... canny beat it.

your back :laugh: :laugh:
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Pmsl ill have a deck, not the same when your not running a dog yourself though especially when the challenges start getting thrown lol. In saying that, you don't need a dog to accept their challenges lol

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