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Hello all,


Does anyone have trouble with their mag? It is a .177 and the RWS Superdomes don’t quite fit, I have had to use a cocktail stick to push them in properly before it will cycle to allow loading. As this is my first AA not sure if this is normal or not, as when cycling the rifle the action feels a bit 'snatching' or as if its scrapping slightly. I as I shot a 10 shot group three times and couldn't get a pellet on pellet at 20 yards a 5p size group was about it (just covering) as good as it was getting; shooting from a seated position resting on a shooting cushion. :thumbs:





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Don't stress over it. All pellets are slightly different , and every mag loaded pcp will have similar issues. If you think its the mag causing bad groupings ( by the sound of it you do ) load them by hand one at a time . IF there's a difference , then look again at the mag / mag housing . If there is a problem then I'm only down the road like I've said before .

Edited by Buster321c
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Could be the previous owner has fitted a too tight 0 ring, on the mag I would check that first, maybe the notchy indexing is caused by the pawl lifting being out slightly, As Buster has said hese pretty close to you and offered to sort it. Cheers.

Edited by Tron
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