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Pull the trigger and nope.... nothing!

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Hi all, just looking for some advise before i go to my local Gunsmith and charged the earth.


I was out sunday on a clay shoot, walked up to the trap, loaded my shotgun...shouted (Pull) ,squeezed the trigger and Click! I heard the pin hit the cartridge but it did not fire. this happened twice that day.


My question is what would cause this? as the cartridge fired next time round. And it was only on the bottom barrel.


All other traps were fine.


Cheers Guys!

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Thanks for the reply... But wouldn't that effect all my other shots? it only happened twice the whole day... just enough for concern.

thought i'd add, im a competent shooter and know all the safety aspects but internals and working is a bit vague lol.
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I have had it happen before with a gun in good working order..it was down to a bad batch of cartridge's..you could quite clearly see the dent in the primer from the firing pin but the cartridge did not go off..it also happened to a few other lad's on the clay shooting ground with the same cartridge's..

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Give it a really good clean, take the stock off and blow any muck out with a good spray oil, take your time and do it right, how we'll did the fireing pin hit the other primers on the spent shell's, get a cartridge and put a straight edge over the brass to see if the primers are recessed too deep, if a pin is broken it will show on the primers some will be hit harder than others or not at all as the case maybe it could be a bad batch of shells, or just in need of a service, it might not be expensive mate.

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Give it a really good clean, take the stock off and blow any muck out with a good spray oil, take your time and do it right, how we'll did the fireing pin hit the other primers on the spent shell's, get a cartridge and put a straight edge over the brass to see if the primers are recessed too deep, if a pin is broken it will show on the primers some will be hit harder than others or not at all as the case maybe it could be a bad batch of shells, or just in need of a service, it might not be expensive mate.

:thumbs: Seconded

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Again cheers for the replies people :thumbs: Im heading out again on sunday so we'll see what happens, I'll give it a strip down tonight and see what i can find. Hopefully it was some dodgy shells... lol! but i'll take it in just to be sure next week. Cheers Guys!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had to laugh at this.


I'm an old git, but none too stupid.


When we had this as kids about 45 years ago we simply sharpened the firing pin.


Week spring? yeah quite likely, dull pin? equally as likely.



PS I know they aren't supposed to be razor sharp for the pedantic few out thare

Edited by cyclonebri1
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I had to laugh at this.


I'm an old git, but none too stupid.


When we had this as kids about 45 years ago we simply sharpened the firing pin.


Week spring? yeah quite likely, dull pin? equally as likely.



PS I know they aren't supposed to be razor sharp for the pedantic few out thare


they sharpen/reduce pin head size in alot of military weapons to insure ammo to ignite as in a simple thing like this could cause you you life etc etc bollocks etc etc

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