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Rescue Bull Grey

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Out of my two rescues one's not much cop as far as hunting goes and the other is absolutely spot on and does everything whole heartedly, so it might work out. Hope so. Dogs end up on the loose for other reasons than being no good.

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hi i have rescued dogs lurcher's and Grey's all fine with my cats and ferrets but will hunt anything else including other peoples cats if they get the chance

make sure that from day one it sees the ferts out of the cage don't know your set up but i reckon your best bet is to get one of those silly lead things and let the dog with th dog on lead to and fert roam the garden with out getting to close once they are used to each other you should be OK if i think the reason my cats and ferts are OK is that they don't run so there is nothing to chase and because they were here first the dogs see them as part of the pack good luck and once again well done for giving the dog a chance :thumbs::victory:

Edited by ferret15
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looks a lovely dog mate.................hope you are able to do something with it......It alot case dogs in rescue usually have a fundamental flaw................but this is not always the case.....


Could be a tall order for a first timer, ...................but you'll both need to learn........clearly you'll not be lamping with him the day you bring him home......but with time and patients you should make it work..the instinct should be there..its just a case of harbouring it and making good any issues the dog may have.....(if possible)


Good luck with him bud..and I hope in time you both get what you want from each other...........the lad certainly deserves good home after beibng kenneled for a year.

Edited by Paul in North Lincs
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Guest WILF





My old bitch from rescue........no world beater but has given me untold hours of good service

I am no expert, but my advice would be:

Work it to the max

Dont expect miricles from the word go

Learn from the dog, learn its moods

Approach the dog with a very open mind

Be prepeared to be in for the long haul.......at least a full season of 4 nights a week work

You may just find the dogs gives you back more than you can ever give it........good on you :thumbs:


I would look on the fact that its 2 years old and not seen anything as a positive........its mature enough and has not been fecked up too early :yes:

Edited by WILF
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