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Want to start ratting

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No wonder hunting is in the state that it is

live trapping rats will serve you and your dog no purpose at all,you want your dog too hunt the rats you expect it to kill.never heard so much shit'e,next people will be telling you to put your dog in

Bear in mind mate that rats fear anything new to them so it will be a week or more before your trap catches...... once the trap is sited dont move it, i find the best bait is a tray of brown bread so

Bear in mind mate that rats fear anything new to them so it will be a week or more before your trap catches...... once the trap is sited dont move it, i find the best bait is a tray of brown bread soaked in linseed oil, they love the stuff and iv had as many as 11 at a time in a multi-catch trap. Enjoy!!

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Its a homemade monarch type, designed like a lobster pot, with the funnel and a counterweighted trap door. I made it a longer trap that you can buy, i found them fine for catching 2's and 3's but a bit on the small side, so stole the design and made one to suit my requirements, i find they a deadly trap!

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Loafer is dead right because using the methods described will get you in a lot of hot water!!


The simple answer is that you have yourself a terrier that already chases rabbits, so chasing rats will be no different to it. Have a think where you know local, that might have a few rats on, you may be surprised, because although we think countryside, in local towns an city's rats abound. (My dad used to nab one most nights on his evening walk past his local McDonald's with my ancient terrier).

I've yet to see any terrier not react to the sight of a fleeting rodent, and if all goes well and it connects, hey presto...! Ratting terrier!!

Like everything else, the more time and effort you put in the better your dog will be. It is your job to locate the better specks or invites, the dog will do the rest...! ;)

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Philmypower it would better if you could get some permission or if you know where their are some rats to take your dog regular so she can catch them her self can't see the point in trying to catch some yourself it's defeating the object she needs to hunt rats independently. never heard so much shite it's obvious the people on this thread haven't done much ratting

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