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Choosing a working pup

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When viewing a litter and picking a pup for earth work Is there anything you look for in the pups appearance wise, head size etc and what about temperament. Do you pick the dominant pup or the most playful. I know it's what's inside that counts but just wondered if any of you's have a preference and how did they turn out?

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Avoid anything that looks sick, weak or lacking zest.... unfortunatly there no gauruntees. Some just dont have it in them. I always pick a cocky, self assure, bold pup, i dont want something that is too sensative. Key is in socialising, give your pup as much life experience as possible. I always tease my pup with a brush, well before starting it on rat

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Some will turn out better than others. The key to having a good working dog is too start it young not too young, the more you take it hunting the better they become, but never force the dog and give it plenty of praise but as far as picking a pup I think it is personel preference.

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When viewing a litter and picking a pup for earth work Is there anything you look for in the pups appearance wise, head size etc and what about temperament. Do you pick the dominant pup or the most playful. I know it's what's inside that counts but just wondered if any of you's have a preference and how did they turn out?

All depends on what breed? Lakies and pats are different from Borders, my line of Borders are very submissive and they have a split personality when working so picking a border pup is harder. I have a 8 year old bitch that will lay on her back when other dogs come around but at work she is very hard. Pups out of her and this line are the same so working back ground is very important
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  • 1 month later...

Breeding is everything in a digging dog. To get the best bred stock you need to move in the right circles. If you have to ask what the sire and dam have done then you are not in the right circles. The best bred digging stock will,almost certainly, be well reared so you could pick anything out of the litter and hopefully do well with it. The guys at the top of the game value thier stock massivley so look after,breed ,and rear their animals accordingly. They can be a hard to find creature.

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just pick out the most aggressive little b*****d and hope for the best unless you can see into the future that is


I personaly wouldn't take any pup that showed aggression, dogs are much the same as people, blow hard gobshite bullies are generaly cowards when it comes down to it, given a choice i would lean towards the quiet pup that neither craves attention or shys away from it.

The work should of been done before they were born, the rest is mostly down to personal preferance.

Edited by GOBSHITE
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