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Thoughs and feelings about this video ?

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Sorry but I totally disagree with these comments!   If you watch all his vids you will see his shooting technique is good, think this is his first misplaced shot and he still had the balls to show i

Everybody todays seems to record their shoots, then edit them. Well with the technology as it is now you have the chance to remove all of the missed shots and to make a nice frilly video, but he has l

hi yeah i see that! 30ft/lbs air rifle and he dont take it cleanly not good! if you see how he holds the rifle,he has bone on bone (elbow on knee) not a stable kneeling shot in my opinion,forearm

he dealt with it..


main thing i noticed is 30 fp in .22, usualy they tune them to 40 for .22 and 30 for .177... i'd change my pelletts though, i rib um at 40-45 in legal .177 with np's.


end of the day the odds of that are better than driving..

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sometimes you just have to take what you see at face value. He could have just edited out the first couple of shots and pretended he got a clean kill first shot.

I watch a few youtube vids, mostly verminthuntersTV. I have never thought any of those had been edited and yet I cant remember seeing a missed shot. But there must have been at least 1 in all that time. ( I do regard Si and Dave very highly, great vids and lots of great info)

Its going to be impossible for a target not to move at the very last second and make you miss, but I must admit the missed second shot looked like a sitter. Probably just rushed due to the fact he thought the first shot was bang on target and wanted to make a humane kill asap.

Anyways goodnight all and sleep well :)

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Sorry but I totally disagree with these comments!


If you watch all his vids you will see his shooting technique is good, think this is his first misplaced shot and he still had the balls to show it! That deserves respect. Most people vote in favour of heart and lung shots but as mentioned in other posts I feel squizers can be double hard!


No it's not perfect but who does manage a perfect shot every time? Or at least leave it in the footage for educational purposes.


Like he says, nobody wants to see their game suffer and he even says it left him not very happy with himself! I've had a few shots that left me feeling the same way!


He's one of the best youtubers for our sport and I shall continue to support and watch his vids.


We don't live in a perfect world, what's done is done!


Opinions are like arseholes though, everyone has one, this is mine and not popping at anyone.






Agree with Mawders here 100% :thumbs:


I like watching this guys videos, they're very well put together

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He's a decent, experienced shooter who uses a 30ft/lb PCP at sensible ranges. He caused a bad wound to the squirrel and missed a shot because, he basically worried a bit and naturally, rushed his shot to put the animal out of pain as fast as possible. That raised his pulse...that raised his shot...Ergo. MISS! He calmed himself down, re-aimed and a clean kill finished the job. So what has he done that niether I, nor anyone else here hasn't done before, if we are being honest here?



Everybody who hunts with an air rifle WILL wound with a less than satisfactory shot at some point. Quarry moves and fidgits unpredictably all the time. It is in the nature of this and shooting at a moving tiny kill-zone, sometimes with a less than perfect pellet, that misses and fatal woundings will happen, no matter how careful or respectful, or how skilfull a shot we are. Nobody of any sense or self-respect wishes that to happen but it does; and it happens to all of us at some stage down the line. At least this lad knows it and has the honesty to show it.


Not that his concern for the squirrel will persuade the anti hunting lobby that we actually care about what we are doing for the animal's welfare in how cleanly we despatch it. You can be sure he'll have been inundated with death threats and Christ knows what for showing this.


I'm not going to criticise the lad other than to say that, from observing his technique, he possibly wouldn't have such successes with a spring rifle, shooting it from a bone-on-bone posture this way. And certainly not by rushing to finish off the squirrel. But a PCP cures many a bad habbit, and fosters a few besides! I'm not sure PCP rifles respect techniques little other than hold on aim and press the trigger. No PCP I've tried, responds quite so sensitively to input of finessful hold techniques the way spring rifles do.


So long as you keep it steady on the aim and impart a sensitive ease on releasing the trigger, a PCP will do a lot of the work for you.


In my view, he's alright! He's just another fellow like all of us, who is trying to shoot well with the utmost respect for his quarry and he deserves respect for it.


Just my opinion. Nothing more.




Edited to add.

Looking at the comments antis make on these sorts of hunting films, there are far worse people out there and more of them, mercifully without access to anything more lethal than a computer keyboard; thank Christ!

Edited by pianoman
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I am not having a go ust a clip I saw, and have said he is pretty good all round, just analysing the clip and debating what is on offer no more no less.... My thoughs are he is using a gun well capable of shooting at 60+ yards with ease at FAC. However, respect for him shooting at ranges he feels comfortable at and for leaveing the missed shot in, but coul it not be offered that antis would not offer balanced view so why should the hunting community and leave it's self open?. Hope this light hearted thread is not being taken for more than what its intended purpose; a gathering of balance views about a clip from youtube.


ATB and happy hunting...



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I actually speak to this lad quite a lot on YouTube.


I like him and his style of presentation.


Everyone misses the kill zone from time to time and needs to take a second or third shot.


People who try to make out they dont are BS- tters.


Fair play to him in my opinion.



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I watch all his Vids and they are very good.


The squizzer doesn't get more than a foot from the first pellet strike to the last, its not as if its run off into the woods and left to die, its dispatched within seconds.


Full credit to him for showing the footage, you cant criticize him for that minor mistake.


As for the whole 30ft lb rifle and its potential, why take shots at longer ranges if you can get in closer and lower the risk of missing? further the range the more exact the calculations need to be, the greater the chance of missing or worse injuring. Just because your rifle can shoot long distance doesn't mean you need to take the shot.


In my opinion he is doing the smart thing by not taking unnecessary long range shots.





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Ah right, iv seen it. I just think that it was just unlucky. Everything else in his vids iv seen him cleanly take out, and even though he has 30ft lb airgun, he still knows his limits and gets in to sub 12 hunting distances. So I think he's quite responsible.I thought it was going to be some idiot on YouTube

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No I have no intention of saying bad things and its just what people think...


I actually speak to this lad quite a lot on YouTube.


I like him and his style of presentation.


Everyone misses the kill zone from time to time and needs to take a second or third shot.


People who try to make out they dont are BS- tters.


Fair play to him in my opinion.




Hiya Si, i see what your saying and everyone else is saying, though someone might know this lad :yes:. his other vodeos are pretty good like i have said and he is honest, something many people fail to be on YouTube! ...


AR177, My point is missed on the 30FT LB is that he has good, well excellent stalking abilities so would it not be as effective to us a sub 12. surly the extra power is to be able to take longer shots?... :huh:. in no way do I wish to run him down as a person or wouldi attempt that, just analysis of the video! :laugh:






Gaz :thumbs:

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Well the extra power changes the curve of the pellet trajectory so although yes you can make longer shots with it, I think that the 'sub 12 ranges' become flatter trajectories

(I might be wrong, Si is the expert on these things) so the FAC 22 shoots more like a 177 :hmm:


I see what your saying Gaz


My views on it are if you could have an FAC rapid with the extra power or a normal rapid which would you choose?

Id always go for the FAC even if I didn't take the long range shots, just nice to know i could if i wanted too :laugh:


Like having a fast car, why have one if the limit in town is 30? just nice to know you could do 100+ if you wanted too :laugh:


Not trying to upset anyone I can never tell the tone of my writing





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hmm i did do one 11 month stint without missing a prey shot lol...ahhh i was young n fresh lol.


end of the day you have to follow up..i dont that squirrel would have seen past a couple minutes had he left it..more like 40 second though.


i have to agree about bandying to the anti's, its like dealing with atension seeking disorders, give them one the need another 5 and another 10 and another...and so on.



psycotic is psycotic, no matter what you ponse it up with.

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