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remi 1100 or hatson escort

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1100 all the way, seen two fall to pieces one when claying the other while out geese shooting.

Personall I'd look for a second hand beretta- no matter how rough it looks it will perform!

Al391 preferably I bought one on here for £360 took it to pieces in minutes, literally full of gunk! Cleaned it never misses a beat! And will shoot any loads.

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I don't think it is any great secret that I am not a fan of the Hatsan after the barrel blew up on mine several years ago now. The fact is the Hatsan has gone through design improvements and better QA since then, but it still has a long way to go to get anywhere near the Remington.

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I've just given my FAC hatsan to a dealer to sell on, no one would take it as part ex so it was my only option, then I had my SGC 870 converted back to section 1. I always found the hatsan slow to load but the modern versions seem a little better, if you get a good one it will be worth it but why take the risk, buy the 1100, I 've also heard good things about the new winchester but have no experience of using one.

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