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Why DO some ferrets prefer "pelleted food"?


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I give mine a mix of pelleted food (Chudley's), rabbit and squirrel as well as any fresh road kill (watch out pigeons). I also give them the occasional egg and SMA baby milk when my daughter leaves some in the bottle. :blush:


Wild polecats eat a big variety of differnt foods as well as small mammals, aggs and wild birds. They also eat slugs and snails (yuck) but I don't let my ferrets eat them because I read somewhere that they carry heart worms.


A mate who only feeds dried food borrowed my hob to mate with his jills. He made sure the hob got some fresh rabbit, but the jills wouldn't touch the stuff ...don't know what they're missing.


I am skinning everything I give them at the moment because there're a lot of fleas on anything I'm shooting at this time of year. :gunsmilie: I think that's a bit of a shame because apparently fur is good for the gut. :snack:

Why dont you just freeze what is covered in fleas :yes: Then defrost when they are ready to be fed - minus the fleas :D

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Only got a small upright fridge freezer.


I'm keeping an eye open for a chest freezer for just that purpose.

Ive just got a second hand bench top freezer and its coming today. Its ideal for the purpose but £70!! was what I paid :(


I have a huge freezer thats never full of human food so i sectioned it in half with a piece of card board & one side is for rabbits & the other side is for our food :)

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