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I'm interested in hearing how others have over come the problem of flies. During the winter it isn't so bad but during the summer months it can be a problem. I only ever feed the ferrets enough to last them the whole day, so there's never loads of meat just hanging around and I feed them in a purpose built feeding area to try and keep the flies out but they still manage to get to the meat at times.

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In summer I give them dry through day and feed them their meat at night when its cooler.. Take any out they havnt eaten next morning.

I also use the sticky fly papers around hutch's but you can use net curtains aswell over mesh or proper fly screen, staple it to the frame

of the doors.

Another thing is to make sure their cleaned regular, I clean mine twice a day in the summer and i dont realy have a problem.

Edited by joe14
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Feed meat on a night when its getting dark and have a net curtain that is hung over the mesh doors during the summer. Also clean them out morning and night and full clean the hutch once a week and the court once a fortnight. Still get the flies but not swarms of them.

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Full clean your court once a fortnight ? I clean mine at least twice a week through the winter or summer ... If your only giving a full clean once. Fortnight then no wonder you have flies fella .....

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i have fly bags each side of the hutches and only feed meat late on in the evening in the summer and take the remains out in the morning and take dropping out daily but a odd fly still gets in and lays its eggs on the remain and in a couple of days they hatch out in the black bin i use till i put them bagged in the council bin

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Yeah full clean the court once a fortnight, remove all the bedding, remove all the shavings, hose it down, wash with warm soapy water. Any shit gets removed straight away and litter trays get emptied once a day. Got 2 litter trays in the court and 1 in the small hutch, which normally the ferrets use. Water gets changed daily and twice a day during the winter incase the nozzle has frozen. Meat is put in on a night and then removed on a morning, this is the only time flies are present and soon go when the food is took out. But if you say you dont get any flies then you are very lucky. This works for me, might not for you, but my ferrets are happy, healthy and good at what they do.

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