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Dog trouble

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Well here goes had gun dogs my self for years lurchers and terriers and pure greys that I would say I have been able too train too my own good points that I like in my dogs all being able too sit retrieve very well and hunt up all day long well I've started seing a new girlfriend who is taking too shooting and hunting with a passion and alrdy has dogs of her own here is the problem she had a spaniel pup when I first met her and a 4 year old spaniel that was from working home before she got him well the pup is coming on a treat even working for me is a handy thing for me but her older dog that can hunt all day long and listhen too alot of commands she can give the dog will not retrieve though it will try too eat a pheasant whole during a retrieve and iam not joking feathers and all tried lots of things alrdy took it back too basic even with dummy's getting everything spot on till we move too dead birds and same again iam at my wits end and ive never had a dog like this before that I can't train and would be a Shame too leave it at home while we are out cos he hunts up so well and even great fit in to my own pack any advice would be greatly appreciated


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Have you tried a long line - throwing the bird out a few inchs - retrieve and reel the dog in before it gets a chance to chomp on the bird,

swap bird for a piece of cooked liver or heart or what ever food gets the dog going and praise to high heaven.


You could do it this way bit by bit, building it up slowly, so the dog understands that it gets something much better if it brings the bird back

will also give you more control over the dog, so it cant get a chance to eat the bird.

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Yes mate even tried freezing pheasants so he could not rip them apart before I get too them off him the bad part is that he is half way fetching them in but tries too rip them apart and will not even let go of the bird when u get close enuf too grab off it just begings a tug of war with it And nothing else will get he's attention off the bird even scruffing the dog and pinning the dog does nothing

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