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1st x/ half x whirrier experience and pics wanted

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Would anybody be willing to share some first x/ half x whirrier or whippet spaniel cross pictures?


Where this is coming from:


Since I live in continental Europe where all true long dogs/sight hound hunting is prohibited a true lurcher/sight hound is not for me.


I've asked some insight before in which ferreting dog to get, several mentioned to get a small lurcher.


I've been using my 17" tts Brittany dog this season, he's coming along very well. Particularly well since he's 7 and I got him from a shelter when he was 6. Outside he's very game (imho), quite fast, has good feet and nose, and his endurance/stamina is rediculous. He's very patient when laying down the purse nets and very quit when he should be.

Very good bushing dog, marking is not his thing yet atm. Inside he's gentle with children and calm. Great dog.


With some luck he can get a bunny on the run when bushing. However he does miss the speed to do this all the time, which is also unwanted because if he'd do this all the time I'd get into trouble.


On a few of the permissions where I ferret a dog with just some extra speed would be very nice to have. That's why I'm thinking of a whirrier/ whippet spaniel cross which will be just a bit faster than the Brittany is but does not look like a lurcher or sight hound.



Some thread I came across during my search (spaniel-whippet or whirrier related) with some dogs in there that do not look very lurcherlike:





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Is she 1/2 brittany 1/4 whippet 1/4 greyhound? Pretty dog!

Does her coat stay like it is in the picture?



Maybe I chose the title wrong, maybe it should have been something along the lines of: under cover lurcher or spaniel whippet cross.


Would any of the mods be willing to chance this?

Edited by Bossie
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how much can you disguise the sighthound in them though how strict are they with it maybe something with a long coat might work.


If it looks like the average beddy whippet it would be a no go. If it would look like a leggy terrier, spaniel it would probably be ok. But you are right, a longer coat could be better, less lurcher like.

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