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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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  shepp said:
One of my pup chilling out, she always wants to get up off the ground.

Quite a unique character these bedlingtons, mines bold but sensible, fairly independant but quiet and intellegent for a terrier.

Great little dogs and I think I'm hooked on the breed.


Nice looking pup shepp !!! Good luck with her, keep us updated on her progress take pics every so often and get them up, you'll be amazed at how much they change over the first 12 months...

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  swanseajack said:
  alun1960 said:
Met Mr evans for the first time sunday, no bull just good honest talk ! Hope to get down that way for a day out when coco gets back from his hols . Good pair of beddys that stood out for me !No pics as i was helper monkey to topper who judged the beddy classes . A grand job too . Hope you can judge next year SJ ?
  coco said:
thats one thing with mr evans you won't have crap off him i'm glad you met him he's a mind of information


Coco, why do they call you that :blink: I'll have to give you some more lessons in computers mate...


Tag would look a bit like Freddy, they got the same sire ;)


I might have problems with the pup Coco (named after you) seems like he wants to go to ground even now, had to pull him out... this is him last Sunday when Tag was in the ground on another fox in the same set as I told you ...

and he flies through cover.. after Milly and Tag.. hope he don't bump into a lil red one before his teeth and jaw developes... :D






i don't know why they call me that perhapes its something close to my surname and about lessons yes please
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Spent the morning trawling websites looking for a job, out of work for a bit so on a bit of a downer... :blink:


Missus phoned me up do I fancy some lunch.. ermmmmm yup!! :D


Two pints of guinness, mixed grill medium rare and I was sorted, then I have a phone call, local farmer, been losing some birds and he thinks he knows where the earth is :blink:


Dilemma, stay with the missus or go check the earth in the rain... :bye1:


nah! she's sound is my missus, drove me back to the house to get changed, picked Tag and the pup up and drop me off at the the farm, I wont drive even after having two pints... so had no option really..


Anyway had a chat with the farmer he points in the direction of 'AN OLD ASH TIP' :blink: covered in Sally Rhubarbs and brambles... I sort of knew where there was an earth in the middle of the rhubarbs so headed of, Tag on a lead and pup running loose...


brambles were up high, that time of year aint it.. so I'm making my way around aand I notice the pup with hs nose down heading up some travel, watched him tail wagging and speeding up, next thing he's got his head in a hole... :clapping: Whoaah!! I thought, take some pics quick and get a hold of him...



by his actions and the way he was staring down the hole, I knew deep down there is something in there, I praised him, well done lad, and lifted him, put the collar on Tag and in he popped...



Holding the pup under my arm I could plainly hear Tag giving it what for some way up the bank, checked around got a mark of a foot.. not that I needed a mark as the ground was bouncing....


dropped the pup had a listen and all sounded good... no need to rush as Tag sounded like he was getting the better of the fox.. the pup had found another hole that I had missed,


took a pic, pulled him out and proceeded to dig where the mark was, turned around and the pup was in the original hole..




had to get him out first, got him, no fannying this time... dug straight onto the fox which Tag was dragging through the earth... reached in grabbed the fox by the back legs, but it wasnt budging, didn't want to leave it go as Tag would have dissapeared into the earth, camera around my neck, gun just out of reach, photo first... gun, quick dispatch, cleared some room and pulled them both out...



Pups is still not sure what the game is about, no interest in ragging the carcass but he is still very young, got a good nose on him that's one thing I know.. :clapping: :clapping: time will tell...


by this time it was pissing down, my camera and myself were soaking so it was a quick and easy backfill, quick blurry pic and back to the farm, well chuffed..


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well done S J we were out wednesday had 3 fellas and shooting last night so it duck for tea tonight i managed a couple of pic whilst out diggin got soaked to the skin the camera should have dryed out now so when the kids get back ill see if they can download them . e mail me your cv ill see what we can do i take it you want 40k no more than 20 hours per week and lots of time off

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  TOPPER said:
well done S J we were out wednesday had 3 fellas and shooting last night so it duck for tea tonight i managed a couple of pic whilst out diggin got soaked to the skin the camera should have dryed out now so when the kids get back ill see if they can download them . e mail me your cv ill see what we can do i take it you want 40k no more than 20 hours per week and lots of time off

:tongue2: 21 hours max mate.. I'll settle for 40K and a Warrior as a company car...



This one was in the rhubarbs, couple more of them there be back up in a couple of days...




Tag and the pup on the way back...



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  ADAM R said:
swanseajack have you ever thought about using the pictures and accounts on this thread to create a year book perhpas Darcy could advise you how to go about it. considering the number of contributors you could direct the profits towards reserch into health issues affecting the bedlington such as the copper toxicis i read about. just an idea i like these terriers they are rarely seen here in the part of Ireland I am from only seen three all summer at the shows.

No mate, thanks for the vote of confidence but I am a messer, ask anyone... !!!!


There's plenty of people with more knowledge of the bedlington that I'll ever have, I just own some that work, I listen and learn, it's all a learning curve to me.. !!!

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