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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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Greetings swanseajack, iv just stumbled upon this thread when i searched for "Middleton Lakeland", after a short while i realized that this thread has 88 pages so i thought it must be something abit special and gave it a browse, THEN i realized that it was started back in 2005 and I was gobsmacked.

Im new to this site and to computers/internet in general so i dont have a great deal of experience with threads or forums, but i certainly didn't think they lasted for years, I haven't been able to read it all off course but iv done the first 6 or so pages then the odd page randomly throughout and of course the end.

And i Felt obliged to congratulate you on such an interesting marathon thread, I bet when you posted it back in 05 you didnt bank on it being probably the largest and longest disscussion on working Beddlingtons ever in the history of mankind did you?

Either way Its good to see that there is still a sufficient number of true working beddlington enthusiasts out there to keep the breed well away from working extinction.

Lets face it, if you working beddlington boys can produce and preserve a strain of working beddy like you can produce and preserve a thread all about them,

then they've got a good few years as a true working terrier ahead of them yet!!!!


All the best, good luck for the seaon,good luck for the future and most of all good luck to the working beddlington!



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Greetings swanseajack, iv just stumbled upon this thread when i searched for "Middleton Lakeland", after a short while i realized that this thread has 88 pages so i thought it must be something abit special and gave it a browse, THEN i realized that it was started back in 2005 and I was gobsmacked.

Im new to this site and to computers/internet in general so i dont have a great deal of experience with threads or forums, but i certainly didn't think they lasted for years, I haven't been able to read it all off course but iv done the first 6 or so pages then the odd page randomly throughout and of course the end.

And i Felt obliged to congratulate you on such an interesting marathon thread, I bet when you posted it back in 05 you didnt bank on it being probably the largest and longest disscussion on working Beddlingtons ever in the history of mankind did you?

Either way Its good to see that there is still a sufficient number of true working beddlington enthusiasts out there to keep the breed well away from working extinction.

Lets face it, if you working beddlington boys can produce and preserve a strain of working beddy like you can produce and preserve a thread all about them,

then they've got a good few years as a true working terrier ahead of them yet!!!!


All the best, good luck for the seaon,good luck for the future and most of all good luck to the working beddlington!



:icon_redface: Gee thanks :icon_redface:


All I hope is we get more bedlington enthusiasts on here, and get some more pics of 'working bedlingtons' up for us all to view...


Just had a look on Farlaps website and saw a few pics of the bedlington winners, some nice types on there.. It was a mate of mine that won The dog class and the pair class, first time he has ever been in a show ring, I've been ribbing him about it :clapper::clapper: told him he was a rossette hunter and he'd have to get some sharp clippers to tidy the dogs up for crufts... both of them, dog and bitch work to ground!!! Bonus....

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Met Mr evans for the first time sunday, no bull just good honest talk ! Hope to get down that way for a day out when coco gets back from his hols . Good pair of beddys that stood out for me !No pics as i was helper monkey to topper who judged the beddy classes . A grand job too . Hope you can judge next year SJ ?

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Met Mr evans for the first time sunday, no bull just good honest talk ! Hope to get down that way for a day out when coco gets back from his hols . Good pair of beddys that stood out for me !No pics as i was helper monkey to topper who judged the beddy classes . A grand job too . Hope you can judge next year SJ ?

:D straight as a die is Mr Evans, he's the one that helped me start off on the rocky road, handy pair he has there.. I was amused that he went in, as he's the first one to take the piss should anyone go in a ring, and there he was as proud as punch in the pics :clapper:

I wouldn't know the good end from the bad end of a beddy mate, Printer might be a better option or ask Mr Evans :blink:

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bored again this afternoon, took the camera, Tag and the pup out for a stroll... started to fecking rain as usual...


Anyway not far from where I kennel the dogs is a large, very large bramble bush covering an old tip... As I was walking passed Tag and the pup pick up a line into the bush, more like the pup picked a line on Tag and followed him in..

Tag don't make any noise in cover which is a bit annoying at times, he tries to catch em.. 30 seconds into the bush I can hear him crashing through the cover, knowing that this cover usually holds I positioned myself on the end only to see the ass end of the fox dissapearing over the brow and away, Tag's still in cover motoring a bit, heading in the other direction, I get myself around to the other side and up on a bank so I can see all around, I see another fox jumping a breeze block wall and scarpering off down a nearby drive, even stopped for a piss and to pose for a pic...




Cheeky fecker..




Then another one ran straight up the path through the bramble bush to me, couldn't get a proper shot on it as it soon realised the errors of it's ways..

Missed them all, :clapper: but had a good bit of sport... don't know what the pup seen in the bush, but he might have learned something.. all experience for him..


Some pics...








He's healed up well from his last encounter..



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Met Mr evans for the first time sunday, no bull just good honest talk ! Hope to get down that way for a day out when coco gets back from his hols . Good pair of beddys that stood out for me !No pics as i was helper monkey to topper who judged the beddy classes . A grand job too . Hope you can judge next year SJ ?

:D straight as a die is Mr Evans, he's the one that helped me start off on the rocky road, handy pair he has there.. I was amused that he went in, as he's the first one to take the piss should anyone go in a ring, and there he was as proud as punch in the pics :clapper:

I wouldn't know the good end from the bad end of a beddy mate, Printer might be a better option or ask Mr Evans :blink:


i cant imagine mr evans in the showring. i would have loved to have seen that. i would love to see him judging a bedlington show. coco

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One of my pup chilling out, she always wants to get up off the ground.

Quite a unique character these bedlingtons, mines bold but sensible, fairly independant but quiet and intellegent for a terrier.

Great little dogs and I think I'm hooked on the breed.



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Met Mr evans for the first time sunday, no bull just good honest talk ! Hope to get down that way for a day out when coco gets back from his hols . Good pair of beddys that stood out for me !No pics as i was helper monkey to topper who judged the beddy classes . A grand job too . Hope you can judge next year SJ ?thats one thing with mr evans you won't have crap off him i'm glad you met him he's a mind of information
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Met Mr evans for the first time sunday, no bull just good honest talk ! Hope to get down that way for a day out when coco gets back from his hols . Good pair of beddys that stood out for me !No pics as i was helper monkey to topper who judged the beddy classes . A grand job too . Hope you can judge next year SJ ?
thats one thing with mr evans you won't have crap off him i'm glad you met him he's a mind of information


Coco, why do they call you that :blink: I'll have to give you some more lessons in computers mate...


Tag would look a bit like Freddy, they got the same sire ;)


I might have problems with the pup Coco (named after you) seems like he wants to go to ground even now, had to pull him out... this is him last Sunday when Tag was in the ground on another fox in the same set as I told you ...

and he flies through cover.. after Milly and Tag.. hope he don't bump into a lil red one before his teeth and jaw developes... :D






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