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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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my beddie pup got his first rat the other day, made up with him didnt think he was ready for it as hes still really puppish, he also grabbed a hare a couple of weeks ago but couldnt keep hold of it, thinking about it he must of shat himself the hare was as big as him, hoping to start him underground this season if he matures enough, hes 9 months so i guess he is still got lots of time.

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my beddie pup got his first rat the other day, made up with him didnt think he was ready for it as hes still really puppish, he also grabbed a hare a couple of weeks ago but couldnt keep hold of it, thinking about it he must of shat himself the hare was as big as him, hoping to start him underground this season if he matures enough, hes 9 months so i guess he is still got lots of time.


any pictures mate? :cheers:

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It doesn't seem like 5 minutes ago since I came on here last year telling you all about my Beddy pup.

A lot has happened since then, and he's proved himself a decent wee dog on the rats, rabbits squirrels etc.

I've been trying to get a fox with him for a while now and this frosty morning it all came together.

First earth I tried this morning (a one holer) dog in , keen to go, 20 foot in and only two feet down I broke through just behind him and a very nice vixen.

Not a lot of baying going on, the young dog had the fox by the neck, the fox had the dog through the foot but was fading fast.

Quick dispatch job done.

To be truthful young Spike will probably never see the amount of foxes as some dogs on here, or even my previous dogs, due to time constraints, the fvcking ban and his size, but he'll see some action this winter thats for sure.

A few pics taken on my phone.









Edited by david2363
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It doesn't seem like 5 minutes ago since I came on here last year telling you all about my Beddy pup.

A lot has happened since then, and he's proved himself a decent wee dog on the rats, rabbits squirrels etc.

I've been trying to get a fox with him for a while now and this frosty morning it all came together.

First earth I tried this morning (a one holer) dog in , keen to go, 20 foot in and only two feet down I broke through just behind him and a very nice vixen.

Not a lot of baying going on, the young dog had the fox by the neck, the fox had the dog through the foot but was fading fast.

Quick dispatch job done.

To be truthful young Spike will probably never see the amount of foxes as some dogs on here, or even my previous dogs, due to time constraints, the fvcking ban and his size, but he'll see some action this winter thats for sure.

A few pics taken on my phone.









Like youe bedlington looks a real goodon :thumbs:

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hi, i've got a beddy bitch who's 10months old and she's had a few rabbits ferreting but nothing that bites back yet. At the mo she has no interest to go to ground even when other terriers push past to go to ground, i know she's young and don't want her to enter to fox till she's older but has anyone else had a beddy reluctant when young but that now does earthwork?


thanks griffo

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