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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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BUT this topic is turning into the topic that every bedlington chat turns into when it comes to discussing the breed so i've put my six pence in and i will shut up now.


Oh no it's not... :boxing: Where ???? this topic is and will be about working Bedlingtons... So come on then get them pics up Lads... I wanted to post on the 1000th post ya fuckers as this is also my 1000th post,... I did plan to do a good write up and add some pics but you lot beat me to it... Never mind :pardon:


As an aside; Terrier Lad, what's your background with Bedlingtons what have you had and worked in the past, have you had many digging/working bedlingtons... any pics of them ???


Coco's got pups out of a good digging bitch bred back to a chocolate fell dog if anyone interested... 2 bitches 6 dogs...


im currently 17 years old so my whole hunting life is limmited, millie my 6 month old bedlington is my 1st but wanted one since i first saw one when i was 14... been bushing and ratting with 2 border terriers since i was 10 now gone onto the bedlington scene where i hope to stay, i'd like to help conserve the working strains.


i may only rat and rabbit but i also follow digging and love looking at pictures from your days out cheers.

Get out now before it's too late :icon_eek:


glad to see a young un interested in them, be prepared to take a lot of shit, f**k the shows even working bedlington shows, get out get it working and when it is working then mosey on down to a show, when all and sundry are giggling and smirking at you because you've got a bedlington say nothing, coz there's no need to say anything!


Get my drift... ???


I was going to have this as my signature:

"the trouble with taking to bedlingtons to shows is you have to talk to other bedlington owners" :hmm:


I was in a show this year with Milly and Tag, a guy and his son with a bedlington came up to me and started talking about bedlingtons, he give his opinion on Milly and how small her head is (compared to his bitch), I said "has your dog done much?" his reply was it chased a fox in a bush last year and caught it.. :feck: I just smiled..



p.s. this is not a dig at anyone, whatever your chosen sport is with your dog.

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BUT this topic is turning into the topic that every bedlington chat turns into when it comes to discussing the breed so i've put my six pence in and i will shut up now.


Oh no it's not... :boxing: Where ???? this topic is and will be about working Bedlingtons... So come on then get them pics up Lads... I wanted to post on the 1000th post ya fuckers as this is also my 1000th post,... I did plan to do a good write up and add some pics but you lot beat me to it... Never mind :pardon:


As an aside; Terrier Lad, what's your background with Bedlingtons what have you had and worked in the past, have you had many digging/working bedlingtons... any pics of them ???


Coco's got pups out of a good digging bitch bred back to a chocolate fell dog if anyone interested... 2 bitches 6 dogs...


im currently 17 years old so my whole hunting life is limmited, millie my 6 month old bedlington is my 1st but wanted one since i first saw one when i was 14... been bushing and ratting with 2 border terriers since i was 10 now gone onto the bedlington scene where i hope to stay, i'd like to help conserve the working strains.


i may only rat and rabbit but i also follow digging and love looking at pictures from your days out cheers.

Get out now before it's too late :icon_eek:


glad to see a young un interested in them, be prepared to take a lot of shit, f**k the shows even working bedlington shows, get out get it working and when it is working then mosey on down to a show, when all and sundry are giggling and smirking at you because you've got a bedlington say nothing, coz there's no need to say anything!


Get my drift... ???


I was going to have this as my signature:

"the trouble with taking to bedlingtons to shows is you have to talk to other bedlington owners" :hmm:


I was in a show this year with Milly and Tag, a guy and his son with a bedlington came up to me and started talking about bedlingtons, he give his opinion on Milly and how small her head is (compared to his bitch), I said "has your dog done much?" his reply was it chased a fox in a bush last year and caught it.. :feck: I just smiled..



p.s. this is not a dig at anyone, whatever your chosen sport is with your dog.


lol yer exactly, my dogs nick named either wolf or rat depending on the mood of my friends and family, but just ignore all that. hopefully with the forums and stuff all the members can get to know how the lines are doing and keep each other posted, the main reason i created it was to get a base point to move forward to get the lines and breed back to its former glory.. i know its an up hill struggle but nothings impossible we just need the right fellas on there and the lads we have on there upto now are great :toast: .


i like the shows nearly as much as i do getting out and doing abit of working but i'm yet to get to a proper bedlington show, so i can't post my views on working beddy shows yet.. i would like to go to one though.

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, the main reason i created it was to get a base point to move forward to get the lines and breed back to its former glory.. i know its an up hill struggle but nothings impossible

:whistling: Im glad you're young, as you have that as excuse.... :clapper:


truth is, it's a pipe dream lad, it's never going to happen, were all the stories told in the past exagerated tales of super beddies... who knows ??


There are good bedlingtons out there, there are lads that dig there dogs I know, there are those who wouldn't dare post on internet sites but have good digging bedlingtons... the real addendum is, in general most bedlingtons are shit and a lot of terriermen wouldn't give them space in an empty kennel...

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yes i have to agree im young and havnt had extensive history in bedlingtons and i know the damage has been done but like you have said there are still good bedlingtons out there and any bedlington owner wouldnt want to see the working strains dead and forgotten? surely thats what the show folk want so they can call their fluffums the real bedlingtons.. when they know full well theyre not. All im saying is it would be great to have a place full of proper lads who use theyre bedlingtons for what they are bred for and thats to Dig and work.. and its there if anyone wishes to use it but i don't have a gun to anyones head.. :gunsmilie:



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, the main reason i created it was to get a base point to move forward to get the lines and breed back to its former glory.. i know its an up hill struggle but nothings impossible

:whistling: Im glad you're young, as you have that as excuse.... :clapper:


truth is, it's a pipe dream lad, it's never going to happen, were all the stories told in the past exagerated tales of super beddies... who knows ??


There are good bedlingtons out there, there are lads that dig there dogs I know, there are those who wouldn't dare post on internet sites but have good digging bedlingtons... the real addendum is, in general most bedlingtons are shit and a lot of terriermen wouldn't give them space in an empty kennel...

You are spot on SJ ! There will not be a rush on beddys , there is a few that work them well but the lines are being diluted ! Like the type Coco has bred , Terrier lads pup is out of murphy (Tango -Piper ) Any luck on a dog for milly ? Been in contact with a few few people that work them and in my opinion some are getting a bit slight .Seen a stunning bitch down somerset way out of murphy (your line) strong but still 14" digs to her . He has thrown some nice pups .We will never be looked on as propper terrier men , but do i give a fcuk ! Mine gives me sport and suits my style perfect , each to their own !

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S J, I am sure you are right about the shows. A strange phenomena going on there, the odd bona fide working Beddy, but plenty of "working types" which after having a conversation with their owners, it was obvious that they were no more than pets. Moor green show was a huge dissapointment to me, I expected to see quite a few real workers, but sadly not the case.

The so called "UK champion Working Bedlington" was won by a bloke who shows kc reg fluffy Bedlingtons, with a bitch which looked the part, but not a worker.

The case in point here is, that I have been looking for a full Bedlington bitch pup out of digging parents for some time now, and I still haven't found one. Looks like I will have to get myself a hybrid Beddy/Lakie (which in truth are better in my view).

I have a well bred young Bedlington dog at the moment (14 months) keen as mustard, and the right stuff, but to be honest, a shade too big for a serious earth dog . He has already seen a bit of action and will see plenty more hopefully, but some foxes he just aint gonna get to.

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why don t y bring pup from continent? Czech republic is rabbies free so there should be no problem of getting one.

BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T GOT ANY FFS.......................


Failed KC show dogs that dont make the grade will inevitably end up in Working Shows, owners palming them of as workers because they chased a squirrel and these are the type that have and do spoil the workers... I won a Working Bedlington class with Tango at the Welsh Game fair many moons ago, in my mind she wasn't the best bedlington type their,, but and a big plus for her that she was obvioulsy worked.... Staley judged the show...


I went to another show for Bedlingtons in Wales somewhere, took my dogs, George N was there and he said to me that my bitch Glas was of exceptional standard and as long as the the judge had any real knowledge of Bedlingtons she would win it hands down, that was good enough for me, so I didn't enter her in any of the classes :D I knew she worked and killed foxes, I knew she prolly wouldn't have walked around the ring poncing about with her tail up, so I let the rossette hunters have their day.


Get your dogs out WORKING,,, let them get their own medals


Alun, that Murphy dog is coming down on loan... let's see what he's made of.. :big_boss:

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why don t y bring pup from continent? Czech republic is rabbies free so there should be no problem of getting one.

BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T GOT ANY FFS.......................


Failed KC show dogs that dont make the grade will inevitably end up in Working Shows, owners palming them of as workers because they chased a squirrel and these are the type that have and do spoil the workers... I won a Working Bedlington class with Tango at the Welsh Game fair many moons ago, in my mind she wasn't the best bedlington type their,, but and a big plus for her that she was obvioulsy worked.... Staley judged the show...


I went to another show for Bedlingtons in Wales somewhere, took my dogs, George N was there and he said to me that my bitch Glas was of exceptional standard and as long as the the judge had any real knowledge of Bedlingtons she would win it hands down, that was good enough for me, so I didn't enter her in any of the classes :D I knew she worked and killed foxes, I knew she prolly wouldn't have walked around the ring poncing about with her tail up, so I let the rossette hunters have their day.


Get your dogs out WORKING,,, let them get their own medals


Alun, that Murphy dog is coming down on loan... let's see what he's made of.. :big_boss:


i agree SJ let the workers win their own medals and also good luck with murphy :drink:

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I'm dismayed to hear that even someone as well connected as you cannot find a good bitch pup. Here I was thinking you'd be a bloke to go to for a future dog.

As to working Bedlington shows, while they sound a good idea, they have their dangers. If they are just judged on looks, they'll go the same was as KC shows, and so will the dogs, if many didn't come from that side in the first place.

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All my dogs made the grade, not on rats and squirrels like 99percent of y working strains, i do not know anybody on this forum except y to work B dogs on foxes. i m glad we can still work our dogs to a big game, I do not know how many times y were on continent on badger or fox hunt but i d say y never been here so how can y judge our dogs? i try to help if somebody is looking for a pup.

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All my dogs made the grade, not on rats and squirrels like 99percent of y working strains, i do not know anybody on this forum except y to work B dogs on foxes. i m glad we can still work our dogs to a big game, I do not know how many times y were on continent on badger or fox hunt but i d say y never been here so how can y judge our dogs? i try to help if somebody is looking for a pup.


Tell us about them then, your dog for example how long has he stayed at his game, is he the type that goes to ground and you have to dig him or is he hit and miss, what has he done ?? numbers wise, how long is the longest he's stayed for, does he kill his foxes, deepest you've dug etc etc etc.. I am all ears... TELL US!!!

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Tell us about them then, your dog for example how long has he stayed at his game, is he the type that goes to ground and you have to dig him or is he hit and miss, what has he done ?? numbers wise, how long is the longest he's stayed for, does he kill his foxes, deepest you've dug etc etc etc.. I am all ears... TELL US!!!



are y joking? i post here several photos, like















he is type that never left the game, he killed several foxes, i dig him always when the fox decided to stay in earth.


longest time he spent down in earth 4 1/2 h to a badger, the pics were taken from his first real dig, he worked the fox for several hours, we dug him out change dogs, then put him back. to test if he d work after punnishement.


But all this discussion we had 1 and half year ago when i post it here.


So why y ask.


ps did y ever test yours to big game, i mean accidently i know it banned in UK

Edited by matulkoh
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he is type that never left the game, he killed several foxes, i dig him always when the fox decided to stay in earth.


longest time he spent down in earth 4 1/2 h to a badger, the pics were taken from his first real dig, he worked the fox for several hours, we dug him out change dogs, then put him back. to test if he d work after punnishement.


But all this discussion we had 1 and half year ago when i post it here.


So why y ask.


ps did y ever test yours to big game, i mean accidently i know it banned in UK

that was once,, several hours, tried another dog then put him back in.... ON A FOX......




why you dig so many holes on that fox dig ???


oh! and no, it's illegal here has been for years..

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