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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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Thought I would put a few pics up of my (very) non ped bedlington. Were not sure of her breeding 100%, but aparently there is some bull and whippet in her somewhere back. "17 tts.

Coming on well, recall could be slightly better but almost 100% Hopefully she will be a good ferreting dog, not quick enough to consistantly catch bolters but should be handy enough to have around. Would love to try her at rats but not really sure hwo to go about it, dont know anyone who go's. Shes 12-13 months old now so first season ahead.






Not a working bedlington as in earth dog, doubt she would fit lol, just thought I would stick a couple of pics up.

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hi swansea jack.

i just got a bedlington a couple weeks back so im glad to see this thread,


shes only 9 weeks old but can you tell if she looks like she is from working lines? The dude i got her from said she was from

guchcommon? lines. whats your opinion.






Edited by kvnmcwebn
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Looking good NV, get him bushing might lose some of that coat... :thumbs: young bedlingtons aren't the most handsome of creatures they dont fill out and take shape til about 12-16 months, give him a poof cut... :blink: How tall is he now?


KVN it looks like a Gutchcommon, though there aren't many of them left so I'm guessing it might have some GC lines in it back somewhere...

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Guest nitevision

iv had him out with the other terrier a lot mate,just this weekend with the lurchers,i stripped some of his coat today,cant really see the diff,so i may get the clippers on him,that will please him.not sure how tall,its hard to keep the bugger still,will look into it :thumbs:

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Hi swansea jack,

Can you tell me anything about the GC line (gluochester?)-the guy i got it from mentioned that as well.

The pup seems a bit mad sometimes-no fear of anything - a bit stubborn. I dont know-Im just learning as i go.

BTW i was reading the earlier posts sounds like you and your dogs are going through a transitional period-hope that all works out.



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Hi swansea jack,

Can you tell me anything about the GC line (gluochester?)-the guy i got it from mentioned that as well.

The pup seems a bit mad sometimes-no fear of anything - a bit stubborn. I dont know-Im just learning as i go.

BTW i was reading the earlier posts sounds like you and your dogs are going through a transitional period-hope that all works out.




What's a transitional period.. ? :icon_eek:


I couldn't tell you anything about Gutchcommon lines that hasn't bee written already... Woman from Neath, Swansea used to breed the lines Magaret williamson.. I've seen a few of the type, years back but I doubt that the lines have been kept true anywhere, it's just people use the name when selling pups...

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just incase any of you lads were interested..i put up pictures of my bitch an one of her pups on the lurcher page..shes a pure greyhound but the pup is 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bedlington...just incase you bedlington lads are interested..the bedlington side of the breeding is a mixture of gutchcommon X granitor..hope you like them..

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