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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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Mate, you have my condolences, not just for the poor pup, and not just for your personal trauma, but also for the compromise of your feelings for Tag. I hope that changes with time. I've wondered how I'd react to such an event, but it wouldn't be good. There's no knowing about dogs or what motivates them. After all, he'd be praised for killing a fox and thought the world of. Killing a pup is vastly different in our view, but how different is it in the dog's view?

I remember someone telling me of a Beddie show kennel he'd visited in New Zealand. They had 5 or 7 Beddies when they went out, and one badly knocked about one still alive when they came home. Terriers, ah!

Would Tag be safer if desexed? What do people think? I ask because I'm considering getting my pup desexed when he's a bit older, say 10 - 12 months. I don't want him to kill my poodle one day in a fit of whatever it is.

Jack, I don't have your experience or knowledge of dogs, but if I may offer advice I'd say don't do anything for a while, and treat Tag just as ever. In fact, go out of your way to be extra nice to him, for both your sakes. It'll all become clear before long.

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One of mates beddy types ?

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I have seen some de-sexed dogs who are still very agressive (the only thing the operation did was kill their libido ).

My own dog is roughly the same age as Tag - maybe a month or two younger) and on the whole he is trustworthy - apart from when tormented :laugh:

A couple of weeks ago however, my sister in law visited for the first time with her 3 month old baby boy.

The baby was in his car seat on the kitchen table and I was keen to introduce Spike to him but at the same time not make too much of a fuss.

Guess what? - it didnt work, the way the dog was looking at the baby sent a bloody shiver up my spine - he was

just staring at it . Obviously we wouldnt have left him alone with the kid for any time. I dont even want to think about the consequences.


S.J. , You didnt say what Tags overall temperament is like - is he agressive with other dogs in generall?

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Thanks for all your comments, he just pissed me off big time, I know I'll get on with it.... He better make the grade this season, Milly's still out of action so I'm partially relying on him.... he's done alright so far....


On his temperament question, he's a fecking weird one.... had him loose with hounds and other terriers since he was young so gets on well with them, then when he's on a lead he's like if he's spooked... needs to be walked through a busy shopping centre to get used to hustle and bustle... anyway enough of the tagcunt...


Had to borrow some beddies when Milly was laid off, dint have much time to take pics or write on here, found some pics on my mates computer....


Freddy and Buddy...




Look a hound, feck me where did that come from........





Freddy, now this one is a weirdo..... works though... :D




Where did this one come from ??





Think Buddy might have had summit to do with it.... ;)





just might have



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Any relation to 'Bron'?



As it happens, looking at that pic again it's not Freddy it's Buddy... :icon_redface:


In reference to your question they both are related to Bron down the lines, Freddy is out of Yogi and a bitch from Nicky. Buddy is out of a bitch that is out of Yogi... I have some pics on my puter (not this one) that shows Freddy after a dig and even I have to look twice because he is the spit of Bron.







Buddy is on the left Freddy on the right.


if anyone is wondering here is a pic of bron


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Lovely pics mate, this topics full of familiar faces now :laugh:


just read back a few pages, sorry to hear about your loss SJ, im gunna have to be carefull when i get my new pup because one of my borders is a fiesty one, just because shes top dog around here... still gunna have to be carefull though i dont want the same thing happening to me.

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Having my coffee this morning in me garden when I overhear one of the locals telling another that he lost 20 chickens yesterday to a fox :D .....


Knowing where the earth is I tooled up and took Paddy and Tag over for a look with him....


Nothing at home, no signs, feck all, checked the covers around where his chickens were lots of bit of chicken no foxes...


Walking back with Paddy and Tag of leads, they fly into cover and start a rumble through the trash... Tag showed after 5 mins, so I put the lead on him no sign of Paddy.....I push in the cover, Knotweed type.... I knew there used to be a cubbing earth around here but couldn't quite remember where.... til I could here Paddy baying :D ..... located the earth..... Paddy was steady baying.... then a fox showed at on of the holes away from Paddy... f**k it I thought, no lurcher for a bolt.... just slipped Tag in and Wallop............ Game over in a couple of mins, Tag drawing the fox with Paddy on his arse.. had to give him a hand.. one three quarter grown cub accounted for :clapper: Got the dogs back on leads checked the earth again but no more at home.... had a look around and there were plenty of half eaten carcases about.... there's more cubs there but only one unlucky enough to be in the ground.... will check the area again in a couple of days....

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My pup got his first real taste of charlie action today. :drink:

Totally unplanned, went for a walk through the park and onto to some rough meadow ground full of nettles and long grass.

Spike was on a scent - thought it was a rabbit, when we came upon a patch of long grass/reeds rolled totally flat. Just as I was wondering what had rolled the grass flat he dived into a bush and down a hole uder the roots of an old tree stump. Straight away the whole place was shaking and I could hear him roaring (not baying, roaring lol) almost straight away 4 or 5 red/brown blurs flew out the other side of the bush.

Decent sized cubs, with the dog away after them. I got him back 40 mins later , just a little nick on the side of his muzzle.

A few pics I took.

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how spannable are beddies, ive got one here whos 5 months old and i can just touch my fingers together, i understand i have short stubby fingers (a family curse) but surely at that young spanning souldnt be a problem

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Same with my bloke. He's 6 months old and I can only just span him. I've got small hands though, 6.5 inches from wrist to tip of finger. I expect him to end up 16 inches high and about 10 kg.

I never blame the fox, but the chicken owner. If you want chickens, have a secure pen. Nothing difficult about it. The poor old chooks, then the foxes, pay for the owner's incompetence.

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