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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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Guest Fell & Moorland WTC SW area
well now you'll get it !!!!!  Granitor dogs work



below a pic ive put up before one of my bitche's doing her bit 2002_0412_113903AA.jpg




will get some pics of the dogs some time



One of your Bitc*es doing her bit.........what, jibbing?.....lmao. Only pulling your Leg mate.

I spoke to GN once about the Bedlington, and he said to me that he would never work them to Badger, as in his opinion they were too hard. He said they were designed to go to ground and kill their Foxes, intentionally putting them on Badger he considered cruel. The discussion was obvuiously about 'back in the Day'.

Where did the Bedlington go so wrong, where it is necessary to add a cross and it being acceptable to have a cross still calling them Bedlingtons?

Going by some of the Posts, anything that looks like a Bedlington is considered a Bedlington by guys who work them, regardless of what cross is in them? When would these guys stop referring to them as Bedlingtons, when it is a 1/2 cross or less? No digs just interested.

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One of your Bitc*es doing her bit.........what, jibbing?.....lmao. Only pulling your Leg mate.

I spoke to GN once about the Bedlington, and he said to me that he would never work them to Badger, as in his opinion they were too hard. He said they were designed to go to ground and kill their Foxes, intentionally putting them on Badger he considered cruel. The discussion was obvuiously about 'back in the Day'.

Where did the Bedlington go so wrong, where it is necessary to add a cross and it being acceptable to have a cross still calling them Bedlingtons?

Going by some of the Posts, anything that looks like a Bedlington is considered a Bedlington by guys who work them, regardless of what cross is in them? When would these guys stop referring to them as Bedlingtons, when it is a 1/2 cross or less? No digs just interested.


You've obviously got some bee in your bonnet about Bedlingtons and when they should be called Bedlingtons. I've clearly stated in all my posts on this thread what they are be it 1/2 cross or 3/4 cross.


Forgive me if I'm wrong wasn't it George who brought in the outcross in the first place and still called them Bedlingtons, or is it that we have to listen to you and call them something else?


I'll ask the same question again, seeing as you choose to ignore the other thread which is directed at you, What's your involvement with Bedlingtons??

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I have seen and heard this argument many times before but it seems to always be aimed at beddys.

all breeds show or work got to where they are by outcrossing anyone who believes different lives in cuckoo land most if not all working breeds are outcrossed on a regular basis usualy behind closed doors.

what you call a dog is down to personal choice i have seen dogs thats pedigrees are unknown being called fells russels borders etc because that is the breed that the dog most resembles and is probably the main make up of the dog.

I have known KC dogs of show only breeds having none pedigree sires although a kc dog was entered on the pedigree as being the sire all for the good of the breed wink wink.

I do not breed dogs as i chose to leave it to those who know better but even with my limited knowledge on the subject i would assume that if out crossing was not done now and again regardless of what breed we are talking about the gene pool would get some what stale to the detriment of the breed.

Myself i think if one of my dogs is mainly beddy and looks like one as far as i am concerned it is a beddy and i would not give a toss what anyone else said.



Reload My beddy lurchers sire was granitor the owner was pleased with the way it worked and it looked a good dog although a touch on the light side other than that i cannot say i have seen another granitor in these parts.

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usual end up as my dog is better tham your's  or hybrids against pure stuff and it gets boreing after a while



Guessed it might, I had a look at the posting on bedlington.co.uk seems to be some animosity in the bedlington world going back some years.

I've met a lot of the bedlington scene and get on with all, keep my opinions to myself.

I'm no history expert and don't even try to be there is or has been plenty of self representing 'experts' that can yarn of tales of Bedlingtons, some good some bad.

Not a breeding expert either, breed from workers get workers (if your lucky) outcross when you want, try and keep to a 'type' call them what you like but the essence of 'Working Bedlington' is still there.

I won't take sides on KC or Working lines as each to their own ( breeding lines, type, quarry, colour & coat inc) just wondering if anyone got any pics or good yarns of 'Working Bedlingtons'


the above is the 4th post on this thread,


I didn't start the thread to bring up the same old argument:


should it be registered, are KC bedlingtons the only 'true' bedlingtons, were Poodles or anything else used,

should it have been borders or lakelands,

where did they originate, Rothbury terriers, should outcrosses have been used,


some are to big, some are to small, some haven't got what it takes, some just won't work, some are afraid of their own shadows, some won't work cover but can catch rabbits in the open?, some make good gun dogs?, some believe it or not work to ground?,


There's good and bad in all dog breeding whether outcross or pure


put a f*****g handkerchief around it's neck and take some Lovely photo's, if you're happy with that then show it........


IF you've got a good un, or had a good un, let us know.




The world has moved on, owners can do whatever they want with their working terriers call them whatever they want to call them if I called them JACK RUSSELLS then I'd look a bit ficking stupid,


This nonsense has been going on for some years now, just go and read some of the posts on bedlingtons.co.uk, if anyone really want's to go over old ground and bring all this up again start a new thread,


If anyone has any good bedlingtons and I'm sure there are lots of them out there be it pure or crossbred post the information on here, show us....




I have no opinions, my experience is nil, I cannot comment on others dogs as I have not seen them, I don't make enemies over whose dog or breeding is 'correct' I really don't care, the world is full of antagonistic people who want to do this, not for me sorry........


If I want to call them WORKING BEDLINGTON TYPE on a WORKING DOG site then I will.




Here's a pic of my young dog Jack, he's keen, he hunt's, he will work....

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Guest Fell & Moorland WTC SW area
One of your Bitc*es doing her bit.........what, jibbing?.....lmao. Only pulling your Leg mate.

I spoke to GN once about the Bedlington, and he said to me that he would never work them to Badger, as in his opinion they were too hard. He said they were designed to go to ground and kill their Foxes, intentionally putting them on Badger he considered cruel. The discussion was obvuiously about 'back in the Day'.

Where did the Bedlington go so wrong, where it is necessary to add a cross and it being acceptable to have a cross still calling them Bedlingtons?

Going by some of the Posts, anything that looks like a Bedlington is considered a Bedlington by guys who work them, regardless of what cross is in them? When would these guys stop referring to them as Bedlingtons, when it is a 1/2 cross or less? No digs just interested.


You've obviously got some bee in your bonnet about Bedlingtons and when they should be called Bedlingtons. I've clearly stated in all my posts on this thread what they are be it 1/2 cross or 3/4 cross.


Forgive me if I'm wrong wasn't it George who brought in the outcross in the first place and still called them Bedlingtons, or is it that we have to listen to you and call them something else?


I'll ask the same question again, seeing as you choose to ignore the other thread which is directed at you, What's your involvement with Bedlingtons??

I haven't got a Bee in my Bonnet about Bedlingtons, couldn't care less. The Breed is a minority Breed, and discussion about them can bring a little interest. I know what you have said about the Breed Jack, but perhaps you are not the only one here with Bedlingtons??!!


Yes GN did add Lakie, but others have carried it on since him. I don't agree with his opinions and the way he tried to 'maintain' the working ability anyway. I personally think if they are crossed they should be refered to as just that, a Bedlington cross. After all, a Border with Patterdale in it is not a Border, it is a Border/Patterdale cross.


My involvement with Bedlingtons is NIL, only a curiosity I have with all so called working dogs. Getting back to basics Jack and trying to find out more. We have all read what Jack thinks, does anyone else care to take part in the discussion?



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One of your Bitc*es doing her bit.........what, jibbing?.....lmao. Only pulling your Leg mate.

I spoke to GN once about the Bedlington, and he said to me that he would never work them to Badger, as in his opinion they were too hard. He said they were designed to go to ground and kill their Foxes, intentionally putting them on Badger he considered cruel. The discussion was obvuiously about 'back in the Day'.

Where did the Bedlington go so wrong, where it is necessary to add a cross and it being acceptable to have a cross still calling them Bedlingtons?

Going by some of the Posts, anything that looks like a Bedlington is considered a Bedlington by guys who work them, regardless of what cross is in them? When would these guys stop referring to them as Bedlingtons, when it is a 1/2 cross or less? No digs just interested.


You've obviously got some bee in your bonnet about Bedlingtons and when they should be called Bedlingtons. I've clearly stated in all my posts on this thread what they are be it 1/2 cross or 3/4 cross.


Forgive me if I'm wrong wasn't it George who brought in the outcross in the first place and still called them Bedlingtons, or is it that we have to listen to you and call them something else?


I'll ask the same question again, seeing as you choose to ignore the other thread which is directed at you, What's your involvement with Bedlingtons??

I haven't got a Bee in my Bonnet about Bedlingtons, couldn't care less. The Breed is a minority Breed, and discussion about them can bring a little interest. I know what you have said about the Breed Jack, but perhaps you are not the only one here with Bedlingtons??!!


Yes GN did add Lakie, but others have carried it on since him. I don't agree with his opinions and the way he tried to 'maintain' the working ability anyway. I personally think if they are crossed they should be refered to as just that, a Bedlington cross. After all, a Border with Patterdale in it is not a Border, it is a Border/Patterdale cross.


My involvement with Bedlingtons is NIL, only a curiosity I have with all so called working dogs. Getting back to basics Jack and trying to find out more. We have all read what Jack thinks, does anyone else care to take part in the discussion?




haven't got a Bee in my Bonnet about Bedlingtons, couldn't care less. The Breed is a minority Breed, and discussion about them can bring a little interest. I know what you have said about the Breed Jack, but perhaps you are not the only one here with Bedlingtons??!!




Yes GN did add Lakie, but others have carried it on since him. I don't agree with his opinions and the way he tried to 'maintain' the working ability anyway. I personally think if they are crossed they should be refered to as just that, a Bedlington cross. After all, a Border with Patterdale in it is not a Border, it is a Border/Patterdale cross.




My involvement with Bedlingtons is NIL, only a curiosity I have with all so called working dogs. Getting back to basics Jack and trying to find out more. We have all read what Jack thinks, does anyone else care to take part in the discussion?



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Beddy's do create intrest just look at the amount of times people read this, as long as workers are mated to workers then we might have a chance , but to many dogs are bred for the money and the owners claim the world of there dogs, mine might be kc reg but that does'nt bother me i used to work hybrids , i found in both cases you got litter wastage and you can't garentee that all the pups will work as there is'nt enough working homes for them all.


But work what is it !! the boy down the road that can only get a bit of ratting and rabbiting his dog works for him and as long as he's happy thats all that maters.

but to some people that's not work so the dogs no use !!!


mine will work fox rat and some of them are trained to track wounded deer thay have the bottle to put them at bay , or i can tack them into a building /house to catch a rat so is this not work they earn there keep.

The way i look at a bedlington is they are proberly the only one suitable as an all rounder


now the s*** will hit the fan



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The way i look at a bedlington is they are proberly the only one suitable as an all rounder



Here here


Jack what are you trying to say are you saying no one should make comments on this thread unless its what you want to hear. Just asking

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Some beddy pups...







Quite the opposite, everyone is entitled to their opinions be it good or bad.


I just wanted some information on 'todays' dogs, what's out there and what's working, as Hybred said 'going over what's already been said, here and on other forums gets a lil bit boring'.

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Guest vanstub
Ive got a question for you Bedlington keepers, a few years ago there was a film showing a few beddies at work, some of you must have seen it, maybe you was in it, my question is, how would you rate the standard of terriers [workwise] in that video..............Carreg

have u got any more details than that so we can source it :good:

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Ive got a question for you Bedlington keepers, a few years ago there was a film showing a few beddies at work, some of you must have seen it, maybe you was in it, my question is, how would you rate the standard of terriers [workwise] in that video..............Carreg

have u got any more details than that so we can source it :good:


Who was in the Video, what dogs, have you seen it Carreg how do you rate it?


P.S. ANYONE GOT ANY WORKING BEDLINGTONS (K.C. Reg or outcrossed) that they'd like to put a post on here about??





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