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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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Oxfordshire mate.So can anyone give us a brief overview of the different lines strengths and weaknesses as there is so little literiture about working Beddys.Or are there certain breeders we should be looking out for who have good reputations.If you don't ask questions you don't learn :)

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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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From what I read the Dandie Dinmont is its close cousin.And the local terrier at the time was the Rothbury terrier which was the starting point of the breed.There is a good history of the breed in Ken Boundens book. :D

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That was pointed at Newcombe.A chap called Fred Gent experimented with poodles,but they never worked out.This was all above board and known to all during the 1950's.I suppose mud sticks.Even though Boundens known as a show person he has always defended the working Beddy in countrymans weekly and the show paper Dog World.Thats going off the track. :)

Can anyone tell me how the rillington lines or newer lines from rambo etc are continuing.Even better telling me about who the best breeders to look out for?I'm trying to get a better picture of the modern working Beddy,so I know what to look for in pedigrees when I hopefully get one. :)

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Ken Bounden omits to mention the Poodle and Bichon Frise in the modern show "pseudo" Bedlington. :laugh:



dave.i prefer a dog with a shorter muzzle

what do you think???


whats the tally of rats up to now?


my working beddy's

are granitor bojen going back to rathsrigg foggyfurze on the sire side,and on the dam side kenvee todlea woodhouse

off the top of my head,and i am happy with them

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Never owned a Beddy,just doing research before I get one.More I know the less chance of buying a dud.Just because mum and dad work is one thing.But if the grandparents etc don't(show stuff)the parents maybe one off's,the pedigrees tell a tale.If theres too much cross-breeding in the pup in questions back ground then it may end up growing more like the outcrosses.If it does'nt look like a Beddy then I have'nt got one,I've got a lakeland or something.If I wanted a Lakie I'd go and buy one.Do you see what I'm getting at,in a round about way.From 1998 the written word on working Beddys drys up! :(

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