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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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I,ve just had my 13 week Beddy pup down the local park, I was strolling along minding my own business (alright I was hoping to bump into some hot women walking their dogs) when this couple came towards me with 4 show type "Bedlingtons"??? - anyway they asked me what lines my dog had in him - so I told them Rillington & Gutchcommon. They looked at me as if I was friggin mad and said never heard of them. Then the woman starts running her hands through my pups coat and procceds to tell me that he's "too wiry". and

"a bit too dark" - OH YEAH I says of course they should be nearly white like yours eh??

I tried to explain about working types etc but they just didnt get it.

Its twats like that who nearly killed this breed but theres no point in trying to explain that to them as they just dont get it. :no:



i had some body come up to me the other day and say "ive never seen a black beddy before" and to tell you the truth until about 2 years ago when i started hunting with dogs.

had the beddy because it was somthing different you dont see many about especially the working lines 90% of the ones ive seen have been white,wooly and skinny.

why change a breed so much. i can see no point :hmm:

Cheers mick ;)

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f :censored: f :censored: f :censored: f :censored:


I just wrote war and peace on what I've been up too, then the fecking thing crashed.... :icon_eek:


feck it here's some pics...

Barney, bed/lurcher



Milly checking an earth




Eva, watching the above 2 ploughing through cover after a lil red un




Milly on her way back after pushin the fox out on t'other side..







Spot the fox.... It was running down the road in full view, but I'm a bit slow with me camera :icon_eek:

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:D Nice one Bondy... has he done much, looks like a youngster correct me if I'm wrong...


David, spot on mate, up the bank on the right side, you can see his tail :icon_eek:


I was studying foxes today and not hunting them, taking photos purely for research.. :whistle: :whistle: as this is legal I'm sure...


Trouble was I couldn't get a snap in quick enough... to slow chicken merango :icon_eek:


So took some pics of my dogs instead...


I have a soft spot for this old boy, Barney he can find anywhere... if it's there and got the remorest scent on it he'll find.... whoop whoop.... :D:D


bit of an ugly fecker... :hmm:




Oh and here's Milly





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God I'm such a sad b*****d - I saved that pic of the fox then enlarged it - just to satisfy my curiosity. :11:


Would I b right in thinking that Milly is your favourite dog Jack?


She's my only dog that I have at the moment workwise, (terrier work) I have Eva the lurcher and Tag the pup... Barney is my Brothers I just pick him up when I go out...


Milly gets lots of photo's taken coz she's alway with me, the lurcher doesn't come out with hounds...


And aye she's not a bad little bitch :clapper:

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Just been out for a stroll with the pup - round the outskirts of the local landfill.

The little fella was taking in the sights (and the smells ) with great interest.

To be honest I didnt want to flush any rats out for him as he's way too young yet but he marked a piece of corrugated iron in the grass next to the track - tail going, and getting very excited - so I flipped it over and about half a dozen mice scattered in all directions. T o cut a long story short, the pup shot after the only one which tried to run across the track and I thought he'd lost it in the grass on the other side until I heard a squeeeeek! So there you go - first kill at 16 weeks old. I know its only a mouse but you've got to start somewhere.


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Just been out for a stroll with the pup - round the outskirts of the local landfill.

The little fella was taking in the sights (and the smells ) with great interest.

To be honest I didnt want to flush any rats out for him as he's way too young yet but he marked a piece of corrugated iron in the grass next to the track - tail going, and getting very excited - so I flipped it over and about half a dozen mice scattered in all directions. T o cut a long story short, the pup shot after the only one which tried to run across the track and I thought he'd lost it in the grass on the other side until I heard a squeeeeek! So there you go - first kill at 16 weeks old. I know its only a mouse but you've got to start somewhere.



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