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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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swansea where exactly are you from as thats my part of the world pm me if you rather ..... the reason i ask is cos only last week i was down the track and met up with some very well known terrier men and we were discussing the fact the nobody keeps bedlingtons for earth work around s, wales anymore .............

There are one or two of us that actually 'work' bedlingtons my two young uns, that i'm getting fit for the winter at the moment are comin on fine, pushed out 9 foxes Sunday morning, whilst 'exercising' that's the term u got to use now as hunting is illegal and it's summer anyway. Meant to go out for an hour, ended up 4 1/2 hrs 6.00-10:30, hard cover lots of it and reed beds, they're like teabags today. Couldn't work out why Jack was so quiet this morning (Mon) must have been bolloxed. Wait til the winter....... long time comin....



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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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8-picture1.gifTango Rusty Glas Bron, this was taken at WBT show during mid 90's.

Tango is out of first litter from Bron, Rusty Glas out of second litter same breeding. Tango we bred back to Rusty which produced Yogi.8-picture2.gif Bron entering large rock set, watched by Hoist Lurcher cross Bedlington out of Bron. bolted one fox dug the other.8-picture3.gif Bron after the dig.

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i could me wrong swanseajack, but i have a funny feeling you may have bred this bitch ?



newcombes blue x gypo ( taffy x climber), i think she was born in 1990/91.

Nice bitch, I believe she's from Williams and not myself. Looking at her breeding she's litter sister to Cochyn owned by Williams, who is the sire of Tango, Rusty.

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On a sour note

Lost both my pups this week due to parvo or some other viral infection, both had been jabbed on the 25 July at 6 weeks old.

Had a Lurcher bitch pup 11 month old given to me, guy told me she had been jabbed, I asked specifically because I had pups, anyway she caught a fox, only to succumb to a viral infection probably parvo 7 days later and died in the vets.


Thought I had got lucky as the pups had managed to be O'k since, one went down rapidly on Sat/Sun died in Kennel, just had a phone call from the vet, other one has to be put to sleep as she's not going to make it.

Just a little bit pissed....... and out of pocket for a couple hundred quid.


Not the lurcher's fault, just the dickhead lying b*****d that give me the dog.


Do foxes carry Parvo, is my next question....

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What became of Clough? he looked a well put together dog...incidently a bitch out of Nailor & Penny which went to N. Yorks died a couple of months back, she must have been 12/13 years old, a cracking little dog.



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i could me wrong swanseajack, but i have a funny feeling you may have bred this bitch ?



newcombes blue x gypo ( taffy x climber), i think she was born in 1990/91.

Nice bitch, I believe she's from Williams and not myself. Looking at her breeding she's litter sister to Cochyn owned by Williams, who is the sire of Tango, Rusty.



how do you rate J.W's stuff, you probably know a mate of mine J.M from Pontypridd.............Carreg


I know J.M. but haven't spoken to him for years, what's he up to these days has he still got bedlingtons?



As for rating William's stuff, that's an open ended question where do you start, where does it end.....


Border cross, show cross, non worker cross breeding for the sake of breeding with no actual goal set in place or just experimenting, make your own mind up.....


as has been stated earlier in this thread there are knockers, praisers and my dog's better than yours, I wont be drawn into this.... each to their own...


JW made a rod for his own back upset a lot of 'true working bedlington owners' and made some enemies.....


I liked his dog Cochyn and used him twice over my 1/2 bred bitch Bron, that's where my involvement with JW ended.



GN told me stick with what I believe in and I won't go far wrong, his exact words were 'sort the wheat from the chaff - and there's a lot of chaff out there'

so that's what I've done over the years, breed from workers get workers.... stick to type or line that I'm happy with so with the help of some genuine friends I have.... I like them, they work,


pics are posted for all to see like em or hate 'em it's a matter of taste for the individual..

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What became of Clough? he looked a well put together dog...incidently a bitch out of Nailor & Penny which went to N. Yorks died a couple of months back, she must have been 12/13 years old, a cracking little dog.




Clough never made the grade, although he worked well on top, he (dare i say it openly on a forum) JIBBED on an easy dig. Found him a new home away from working.


Pic of Clough actually doing some work.


Who had the bitch from Nailor & Penny, was she bred from?


GN had one think he called her Fern anyone know if this was bred from or where she ended up ?

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GN had the bitch...called her Merlin & she was bred from (accidently) she was with him until he passed away...she's the bitch who died a couple of months ago, she was a different type to your dogs though.





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GN had the bitch...called her Merlin & she was bred from (accidently) she was with him until he  passed away...she's the bitch who died a couple of months ago, she was a different type to your dogs though.






that's the name of the bitch, sorry my memories a bit lacking. She was litter sister to Bron and if I remember correctly she was thicker set...


GN was amazed with her ability on rats spent most of her time possessed trying to find them around his sheds.


What did the pups turn out like? any about are they working?

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Merlin was thicker set, shorter on leg, although still long in the back....pups turned out a mixture of types (can't remember the sire, it was one of two dogs & I would be guessing)...I have heard some are still around, but who has them and do they work them I don't know.





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Merlin was thicker set, shorter on leg, although still long in the back....pups turned out a mixture of types (can't remember the sire, it was one of two dogs & I would be guessing)...I have heard some are still around, but who has them and do they work them I don't know.





Let's hope someone out there does know, be interesting to find out what they turned out like and if they are in working homes..


Hopefully they might post some pics ?


What dogs do you have Printer?

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Just have to say a brilliant thread, really educational. And good piccies of how Bedlingtons should look. I live right next to Bedlington, and now only get to see the show stuff round here :no:


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