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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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Viper wasn't one of my dogs (wish he was) he was one of GN border crosses, one point noticable about him was his skin, it was thick and tough like hide. I posted just in case the people who knew the dog might be interested in what had happend to him. JW down your way had a litter sister and brother to him, could be Sandy & ? (memory loss again) and actually Viper did spend some time down in Wales so its possible he may have sired a litter near to you.


And I'll say it again I do like that bitch!





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Viper wasn't one of my dogs (wish he was) he was one of GN border crosses, one point noticable about him was his skin, it was thick and tough like hide. I posted just in case the people who knew the dog might be interested in what had happend to him. JW down your way had a litter sister and brother to him, could be Sandy & ? (memory loss again) and actually Viper did spend some time down in Wales so its possible he may have sired a litter near to you.


And I'll say it again I do like that bitch!





I remember now, are they the border crosses that JW had? I might go down soon and pay him a visit, haven't been there for years.

I'll take my camera see if I can get some pics of what he's got at present.


Here's one of Milly from last Sunday, found a new hole on a spot I walk past most weeks. She tried it, all excited and wound up 'n all, came out and the fox was layed up in cover close by (about 12' away). Gave em a good hunt through thick brambles, good cover and a nursing home.. :haha:

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great pics here, please send some on my mail, matulkoh@yahoo.co.uk, i ve my on galery, in my pc, just workin terriers. thanks

matulkoh can you tell me the breeding behind your bedlington and does he work fox to ground


be sure he work and he work hard, his mother Aylin z Vochovny, father Dustin z Rubaniska he came from komtessa kennel

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Bedlington them Beddies look big.

Were did they originate from.Did you breed them.


Has anybody out there had or ever seen a Bedlington from were I got mine from Steve in Haydock.

I have always been curious was my dog at a shade over 19 inches a freak monster of the litter or did they all turn out so big ,mine looked no bigger than the others in the litter at eight weeks old.

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Guest bedlington
Bedlington them Beddies look big.

Were did they originate from.Did you breed them.


Has anybody out there had or ever seen a Bedlington from were I got mine from Steve in Haydock.

I have always been curious was my dog at a shade over 19 inches a freak monster of the litter or did they all turn out so big ,mine looked no bigger than the others in the litter at eight weeks old.

They both have similar lines Eakring, Granitor and maverick of minkstone . Tyke the black one has Granitor Rocket man in his line. Both are KC reg and both have huge nashers. Tyke is slighty longer than ziggy. Both have a good nose but Tyke has a better one on feather ie pheasants. Tyke will do water ziggy wont and both hate Patterdales,due to brother in laws dog keeps trying to rattle em. They both from a line called Seldommarsh. Were ratting a lot at the moment were plagued out with them in the nearby fields



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thank you for takeing the time to put the pics up i have mannaged to get my self a digi cam so hopefully there be a few more in the future. what do you think about the dog fudge? he is about 14/15" and has a brilliant coat when i saw him 12mounths after he left me i was gutted why do we allways get rid of the best 1s? i contacted his owner 2 day and he told me he was very pleased with him. he also has 2 bitches which he plans to breed from useing him! i wonder will they retain that coat and height?

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