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Working Bedlingtons 2005

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One of mates beddy types ?

Pic of dig to a beddy type 

Tango mid 90's Dam of Yogi

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13 minutes ago, coco said:

I send 2 Lurcher bitches up to Nicky years ago Tess and Maggie there names before the Airedale x

Did you breed ‘ Rusty ‘ mate ?


13 minutes ago, coco said:

I send 2 Lurcher bitches up to Nicky years ago Tess and Maggie there names before the Airedale x


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On 01/01/2020 at 21:32, justdigit said:

No Morton she is definitely out of the same litter as your the lad that has her gave you a Lurcher pup that died in your kennels. I was also there the first time your bitch was dug she didn’t put a foot wrong to be honest was an ideal easy place to start a pup 

Im with you now,i own 3 sisters to the bitch you mentioned,the one you have seen,the ghost,is coming on very well,she saw her first fox,below at 12 months of age with me,this season my lad has had a couple of fox,s with her,one you witnessed,she was not what id class a pup then as she was 2 years old and according to my lad did a tad better than well?,the folks that have hunted with my lad know he is no nugget.Another sister to the same is progressing not as well,she false marks,is hard in and gets over excitable and confused,another season may prove her salvation and the 3rd sister does not get enough graft in all honesty,she is basically a spare in my kennel,which is a shame as she is keen and bred well enough,id lend her to the right sort to put a litter through as she is the right type to breed from.The ghost was dug to last week and never moved off her mark.The difference between two of mine and the bitch you did not rate is the fact that 2 see enough opportunity to prove their credentials and one spends to much time in a kennel,even that one bolted a fox recently?.

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On 01/01/2020 at 21:22, ziggy said:

Morton thought your beddys stay till being dug..not having a go but you have stated the ones you have seem better than the average beddy when really yours seem to be the same as the average bedlington ..have all ways fancied a beddy but a propper worker is hard to find... not as in bushing as most dogs will bush .. I mean one that will stay to be dug... or work piles ..I once saw a old bloke 15 years ago up baycup with 3 beddys all slate Gray.. they were the best stamp I've seen for bedlington terrier not the barrel cobbyones you see now .and if you put them all together you wouldn't have got a full one as they were well worked..spent over a hour nattering to the old fella he new his stuff on them.. I still work the same ground but never saw him again ..

Do your homework,you are from Bradford,ask Nicky or a few of the Dewsbury and Huddersfield lads that are wanting pups and a line from my lads stock.Id not own a terrier that was not a proficient busher,it boils my piss when bushing is seen as 3rd rate terrier work as a proper busher will account for far more fox work than a terrier that is on a leash checking earths.My lad owns 3 Beddy bushers that stay if the fox won,t bolt and you dig with a rapid shovel or dig to a dead fox.I worked piles with the parents of my lads dogs,with a little success,after a couple of fairly exciting rescues my lad won,t work piles any more with his,i will.Read through my posts on here and you may see that i rate the majority of Bedlingtons with utter disdain,its all about honesty which is sadly lacking in most working terriers now,even Bedlingtons.

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Morton Nickys beddys and few of the Dewsbury lads don't work the beddys single handed as you will well no if you no them... and yes most of mine are chain dogs as were we go ther is more than foxes about and don't want any accidents...as I like my terrier work under control.. as you bush with yours you must be lucky as the ground you hunt has some nasty places on ther to.. and as your beddys stay till dug ..I would of thought you to would walk round with them on the leads to .as to have all your terriers of at once could lead to a disaster how many times you have more than one dog in ..

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13 hours ago, ziggy said:

Morton Nickys beddys and few of the Dewsbury lads don't work the beddys single handed as you will well no if you no them... and yes most of mine are chain dogs as were we go ther is more than foxes about and don't want any accidents...as I like my terrier work under control.. as you bush with yours you must be lucky as the ground you hunt has some nasty places on ther to.. and as your beddys stay till dug ..I would of thought you to would walk round with them on the leads to .as to have all your terriers of at once could lead to a disaster how many times you have more than one dog in ..

Nicky always doubled up but he bred loads and sold loads the best 2 he ever had was from South Wales he will tell you that himself

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20 hours ago, ziggy said:

Morton Nickys beddys and few of the Dewsbury lads don't work the beddys single handed as you will well no if you no them... and yes most of mine are chain dogs as were we go ther is more than foxes about and don't want any accidents...as I like my terrier work under control.. as you bush with yours you must be lucky as the ground you hunt has some nasty places on ther to.. and as your beddys stay till dug ..I would of thought you to would walk round with them on the leads to .as to have all your terriers of at once could lead to a disaster how many times you have more than one dog in ..

The lads my lad hunts with don,t own Bedlingtons,Lakey,s,Black terriers and hounds,large and small.When a terrier or two,often three,are running free ratching about then its a fact that at times in the season more than one will drop in on an hunt,to date that as never,ever caused any sort of significant problem.Me and my lad will not run our terriers at liberty with other peoples terriers,the small hounds that regularly enter have yet to cause grief.A few of the lads with other terrier types are sitting up and taking notice about what a decent team of Bedlingtons have to offer,a couple of the same lads that had their views set in stone about terrier work are asking for a Beddy if a pup comes available,times and attitudes are a changing,possibly because they have witnessed at first hand the versatility and effectiveness of an honest team of Working Beddys and a decent Deerhoundy Lurcher.

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On 09/02/2020 at 19:24, morton said:

The lads my lad hunts with don,t own Bedlingtons,Lakey,s,Black terriers and hounds,large and small.When a terrier or two,often three,are running free ratching about then its a fact that at times in the season more than one will drop in on an hunt,to date that as never,ever caused any sort of significant problem.Me and my lad will not run our terriers at liberty with other peoples terriers,the small hounds that regularly enter have yet to cause grief.A few of the lads with other terrier types are sitting up and taking notice about what a decent team of Bedlingtons have to offer,a couple of the same lads that had their views set in stone about terrier work are asking for a Beddy if a pup comes available,times and attitudes are a changing,possibly because they have witnessed at first hand the versatility and effectiveness of an honest team of Working Beddys and a decent Deerhoundy Lurcher.

Morton you highly rate your beddys buddy fair play  ..as I have said i have always fancied one but never seen one that was up to the job.. so I am gonna suggest a day out for you if you want and I would like to see one of yours work in the flesh ...

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Id like to see more working bred bedlington greyhounds about bred out the right stuff it’s becoming a Very sad old doo for people that like bedlington Greyhound Lurchers finding a decent bedlington stud that produces decent hard bedlington greyhounds an produces what the cross is meant to be not just rabbiter hunting dogs I’ve nothing against rabbit dogs but it’s just handy to know there not limited ? 

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6 hours ago, poxon said:

Id like to see more working bred bedlington greyhounds about bred out the right stuff it’s becoming a Very sad old doo for people that like bedlington Greyhound Lurchers finding a decent bedlington stud that produces decent hard bedlington greyhounds an produces what the cross is meant to be not just rabbiter hunting dogs I’ve nothing against rabbit dogs but it’s just handy to know there not limited ? 

Yes mate I agree I ended up putting a bit of bull in my lurchers and it don’t the trick for generations if you have an f1 bitch seek a good 3/4 grey 1/4 bull cracking types and look like a Beddys f1

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